Pike on
Sunday July 28, 2024 11:32 am
Let's list the comments from Chris Carter about TXF reboot.
This is from February 2024:
Will you be part of ?The X-Files? reboot?
Chris Carter: I wouldn?t. Only as a cheerleader. They don?t need my blessing. 20th Century Fox and Disney owns the show. They are free to do with it what they believe. I?m honored that they came to me and asked me, not for my permission, but my blessing.
You?ve spoken to Coogler about it?
I?m not supposed to be talking about it, according to Disney. But I?ll tell you, yes. I?ve had a conversation with him. Yes, he likes to go with a diverse cast. And he?s got some good ideas.
Do you plan to watch the new version?
Sure. Yeah. I?m curious. It?s not the easiest show to write because of the subject matter. It?s not like ?Law & Order,? where you have the crime of the week. You have to imagine ?what if? and that ?what if? is oftentimes hard to tackle.
But you?re not interested in doing another revival of ?The X-Files? yourself?
Oh, if David [Duchovny] and Gillian [Anderson] wanted to do it again. Yeah, probably, then I would be inspired.