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Hiding from MIB...

Looking for Jeremiah... 12x5: Clown Car
Hiding from MIB...






2024-08-13 10:59:34


Version 2






Rated G


January 28, 2019




8 minutes


Takes place in season eight. Some aliens are on the run from the MIB… will Mulder let them stay with him? Disclaimer: I do not own the show X Files, nor do I own the characters Agent Scully or Agent Mulder. The show and its characters belong to Chris Carter and 20th Century Fox. No copyright infringement intended.


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Hiding from MIB...
By Spookygirl1

Chapter One Visitors

Alexandria, Virginia
Apartment 42
Wednesday 7am

Agent Mulder yawned as he tried to get some sleep on his couch that January night. He had a busy day in the X Files office the previous day so he really needed to sleep. But the cold weather made it a challenge.
Just as he was debating whether or not to give up on sleep and get up, he heard a knock on his door.
His first thought was Scully. He hurriedly got off the couch and pulled on a pair of jeans and a white tshirt. The person knocked again. "Just a minute," Mulder called as he finished getting changed. He heard another knock, this time it was faster. Scully must be in a hurry, Mulder thought as he made his way to the door.
Then Mulder got a surprise as he looked through the peephole, only to find it wasn’t Scully who was knocking at his door, but two men in brown suits and hats, and wearing scarves that cover up their mouths.
Mulder raised an eyebrow as he opened the door. "Can I help you gentlemen?" he asked the strangers. "Agent Mulder? Agent Fox Mulder?" the tallest man asked. Mulder nodded. "That’s me. What's going on fellas? It's 6:30am," Mulder said as he yawned. "Yes please forgive the hour my friend. I hear you are the agent who runs the X Files Unit at the FBI?" the man asked.
Mulder nodded again. "That’s me. What appears to be the problem?" he asked. "Can we talk inside please? We're being chased," the second man told him. "Chased? By whom?" Mulder asked.
The two men both looked left and right before the first man leaned in to speak confidentially to Mulder. "The Men in Black," the man said in a low voice.
Mulder looked surprised. "The MIB? Why?" he asked. "Again can we speak inside please Agent Mulder? We don’t have much time," the first man said. Mulder nodded and let them him, his hand on his gun the whole time, just in case.
"Do you have any ID?" Mulder asked them. The two men looked at each other before removing their scarves. Mulder looked In shock at what he saw. Instead of normal mouths, the two men had suckers and a very small mouth.
Mulder stepped towards them as he closed the door behind him. "How do I know you won't hurt me?" Mulder asked in a trembling voice. "Please Agent Mulder, all we need Is somewhere to stay for a day until we find somewhere permanent. We're not here to kill you. You have our word," the first alien said in a husky voice. Mulder sighed as he gestured towards the couch. "Okay. So what's your story?" He asked them as they sat on the couch and began to tell Mulder their story.

Chapter two the chase

"My friend here and I crash landed into what you call Area 51 a couple of days ago. That’s when we saw them- our most hated enemy the MIB. We knew they were going to hurt us, and take our ship. So we fled the scene and stayed in dark alleyways. That’s when we read an article about you," the first man said as the second man took out the newspaper and passed it to Mulder.
Mulder raised an eyebrow as he saw it was The Lone Gunmen paper with the article on their boss, AD Skinner and a brief mention of him at the bottom of the article.
"We figured you would be the one person that would believe and help us," the first man said.
"Please don’t tell anyone about us. Not your partner, your family, nobody, in case they report us to the MIB," the second man said. Mulder sighed. "So you're aliens. What galaxy are you from?" he asked.
"Andromeda," the first man told him. "How are you going to get back?" Mulder wanted to know.
"We just need some scrap metal from the nearby junk yard. We still have technology with us in this bag that can build a small craft to use instead of the one the MIB took from us," the second man explained.
"We'll work on it when you go to work today," the first man said. "Where will you build it? We don’t want people to see you Building it," Mulder pointed out. "We'll build It on here Agent Mulder if it's not too much trouble," the first man replied.
Mulder nodded. Then he looked at his watch. 7am. He was due to start work soon. "Okay, just don’t make a mess, and don’t touch anything," Mulder told them before going into his bedroom to get changed.
Then as soon as Mulder was ready for work, there was anotherr knock on his door. This time Mulder felt it really was Scully. He walked past the aliens as he made his way to the door.
"Remember, not a word," the alien hissed and Mulder nodded before opening the door. "Scully," he said with a grin. Agent Scully stood in front of the door. She was wearing a blue turtle neck sweater under a blue blazer and a blue skirt.
"Mulder," she grinned back. "I thought I'd stop by and give you a ride to work as I've just been to the café to get breakfast. I got you some too," Scully said as she handed him a brown paper bag.
Mulder smiled. "Thanks Scully. Breakfast burrito. You know me so well," he told her. Scully nodded. Then the two figures In Mulder's apartment caught her attention.
"Mulder? Who are they? Sorry if I'm Interrupting anything," she said. Mulder shook his head. "You're not interrupting. They are uh, my friends from Oxford," Mulder fibbed.
The first man waved awkwardly at Scully. "Hey," he greeted her in an English accent. The other man smiled at her even though they both had their scarves over their mouths again.
Scully raised an eyebrow. "Came to visit have they?" she asked her partner. "Yeah. Just for a day or so, it's a flying visit," Mulder said lamely and the first man groaned silently at the pun.
"Well I hope they’ll settle in while you're at work. Shall we?" Scully asked. Mulder nodded. "See you later boys. Behave yourselves," Mulder told them. "We will Mulder," the first man said as Mulder followed his partner out the door and closed the door behind him.

Chapter 3 MIB
Alexandra, Virginia,
Apartment 42,

Later that day the aliens began building their small craft. They had retrieved some metal work from the junk yard earlier that morning and was busy putting It together when the door knocked.
The aliens froze, scared that it might be the MIB. Their fears were confirmed when a deep voice called out, "Agent Mulder this is Agent Mardar from the MIB. I order you to open this door now," he said. When they got no answer, the aliens heard him counting before he kicked the door open.
He looked around the apartment but he couldn’t see the aliens who were hiding in a corner behind Mulder's fish tank.
The aliens hid in fear as Agent Mardar and his two agents started searching the apartment. They came very close to finding the aliens who held their breath.
Finally, Agent Mardar gestured to his men back to the door. "We know you're in here. This apartment is under surveillance," Agent Mardar said before he and his men left the apartment, closing the door behind them.
Both aliens breathed a sigh of relief as they got out from their hiding places. "That was close," the first alien said. "Yes, a little too close," the second alien replied in their alien language. They soon got back to building their craft.

Chapter four Mulder helps

Later that day Agent Mulder returned from work only to find his apartment door was unlocked. He stepped Inside the apartment and saw the aliens had nearly finished their craft. As they had said it was small craft, the size of a two seater dodgem car.
Mulder sighed as he saw the mess the apartment was in. "Guys. What happened here and to my door?" Mulder wanted to know. The aliens explained what happened and Mulder sat on the couch wearily.
"Did they take anything?" he asked. "No. They were just looking for us," the first alien told him.
"So what happens now? You need me to transport your craft somewhere?" Mulder asked. "No it's okay, thank you Agent Mulder. You’ve done enough for us by letting us stay. We will be forever in your debt," the aliens said as they got in their craft. "How are you going to take off?" Mulder wanted to know. "Watch. Farewell gentle human. We thank you," the second alien said before he closed the door to the craft. Mulder watched In astonishment as the craft disappeared before his very eyes.
Once more he was left alone in his apartment with only his fish for company.
Mulder sighed in disbelief. What had just happened? he wondered, not believing the alien situation had just occurred.
Had he finally lost his mind? he wondered. Should he type this all down even though without evidence Scully would think he was crazy? Well nothing new there. What the hell, I'll type it up in an X File, Mulder decided before going to his computer and began writing the account.


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