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The New Addition to the Scully Family

12x7: "Y" First Impressions
The New Addition to the Scully Family






2024-08-13 10:59:34


Version 3






Rated G


February 17, 2019




8 minutes


Agent Scully welcomes her baby William into the world with the help of friends, colleagues and family… Take place between Season eight Existence and Season nine NIHT. Disclaimer: I do not own the tv show The X Files, nor do I own the characters Agents Doggett, Scully, Reyes, Fox Mulder, Margaret, Bill Scully or William Scully. The characters and the show all belong to Chris Carter and 20th Century Fox.


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The New Addition to the Scully Family
By Spookygirl1

Chapter One Hospital
En route to local hospital

Agent Reyes drove Agents Mulder, Scully and the new baby William to the nearest hospital from Democrat Hot Springs.
Once they reached the hospital the hospital ambulance service crew rushed out and placed Scully and William on a stretcher. Mulder had phoned ahead and told the hospital what their situation was about.
Mulder and Reyes started to follow Scully who was on a stretcher when a doctor told them to wait in the waiting room as it will be some time while they checked the baby over and make sure Scully is okay.
With baited breath Mulder waited reluctantly in the waiting room with Agent Reyes. "Sit down please Mulder, they'll be okay I'm sure," Reyes told him as he paced around the room. "I can't relax Agent Reyes," he told her. "I need to know they're okay," he said. Reyes nodded sympathetically before they both looked up to see Agent Doggett rush into the hospital and saw them.
"Agent Mulder, Agent Reyes. How are they?" Doggett asked them breathlessly. Mulder explained to him the situation and Doggett patted him on the shoulder. "They'll be okay, Agent Mulder. They'd in good hands now," Doggett told them. Then a doctor walked up to them. "Hello I'm Agent Scully's GP. She and the baby are looking well. Oh have a healthy baby boy and Ms Scully will be on the mend after a good night's' sleep," the doctor said. Mulder sighed In relief. "Can I see them?" he asked eagerly. "Well, not right now. As I said we need to keep them here overnight and they are both asleep now.
But once they are ready to go we'll let you know sometime tomorrow," the GP told them. "You look exhausted Mulder. Why don’t you let Agent Reyes drive you home tonight and I'll stay and bring Scully and William back to Georgetown when they're ready," Doggett suggested, keeping in mind his warning to himself not to trust Agent Reyes.
"Besides Mrs Scully is coming in shortly. I just got off the phone with her before I came in here," Doggett added. "You sure you're okay to bring Scully and William back Agent Doggett?" Mulder asked. Doggett nodded. "Yes, completely sure. Now go home Mulder and rest up. I'll keep you updated on Scully and William," Doggett told him as he patted his shoulder in assurance.
Mulder nodded reluctantly and followed Agent Reyes out of the hospital.

Chapter two the Scully family reunion

About an hour after they left Ms Scully arrived and rushed up to Agent Doggett who was still sitting in the waiting room.
"Agent Doggett where is she? Where's my daughter and grandson?" Ms Scully asked him breathlessly as soon as they met. Doggett got her to sit down before telling her that the doctors are monitoring them for now and that they can leave the next day after a good night's' rest.
"So are they monitoring him now? Why did Dana have to give birth a long way from home Agent Doggett?" Margaret Scully wanted to know. Doggett but his lip, wondering how to answer the question.
He had phoned Mrs Scully too on the way home and briefly told her what was going on.
Finally he decided to say "we were being chased. Believe me Mrs Scully, we all did what was best for your daughter and grandson," he told her. Margaret nodded before sitting down. "I'll wait here with you," she told him.
Doggett sat next to her. "Thankyou for looking out for Dana," Margaret said. "I appreciate it," she added. Doggett gave her a tired smile. "No problem Mrs Scully," he told her before they started the long wait.


Agent Doggett woke Mrs Scully up who had fallen asleep on his shoulder. "Mrs Scully?" He asked. Margaret woke with a jolt. "Yes Agent Doggett?" she asked straight away. Doggett gestured to a doctor that was standing next to them.
"Mrs Scully? I'm Dr Hastling and I have news about your daughter Dana Scully and grandson William," he told them with a smile. "Can we see them? How are they?" Margaret asked eagerly. "Both are doing well. William weighs in at 8 pounds 1 ounce. We've had to put him in the ICU for most of the night but he's fine and as of half an hour ago we placed him In the general ward next to his mother who recovered well and with no problems," Dr Hastling told them.
Doggett and Margaret smiled in relief. "I know you're both anxious to see them. Follow me and I'll take you to them," the doctor said. "How long do they need to stay in hospital for before we can bring them home doctor?" Agent Doggett wanted to know.
"Well we will let transfer them to Washington DC hospital today where they will stay for another two nights, then you'll be able to take them home," the doctor said. Your daughter's a strong patient Mrs Scully," the doctor told her.
Margaret smiled. "That’s my daughter," she told him. They continued to make their way to Scully's room, and once there the doctor went In first followed by Margaret and Doggett. To their relief they saw Scully was sitting up in bed with a big smile on her face and holding her baby in her arms.
"Mom, Agent Doggett," Scully greeted them warmly. The doctor smiled and tucked something on his chart as Scully added, "meet William Scully," before Margaret and Doggett sat in the chairs next to her bed. "Oh Dana," Margaret sighed in relief and gave her daughter a huge hug. She then smiled at baby William. "Hello young man," she greeted him softly. "He's beautiful Dana," Margaret told her daughter. "He has your eyes," she added.
"He's certainly going to be a fine young man," Doggett added. "May I?" Margaret asked. Scully nodded and handed William to Margaret who held him lovingly in her arms.
"How are you both? Where's Mulder?" Scully wants to know. Doggett explained the situation to her and told her they will all meet when Scully gets back home. Then the doctor explained to Scully she would be transferred back to a Washington DC hospital before going home after a couple of days with William.
Scully nodded. "Sounds right. Thankyou doctor," she told him. "Right well I'll leave you all to it. If you need anything just ask the nurses," the doctor added before leaving the room.
Doggett and Scully smiled at each other as Margaret cooed over the baby. "I'm so pleased it worked out for you Agent Scully," Doggett told her genuinely. "Thanks Agent Doggett," Scully replied with a smile.

Chapter 3 Back in Washington

Washington Memorial Hospital
Washington DC

"He looks so beautiful," Bill Scully said on the phone later that day as Margaret called him to tell him the good news. She had taken a picture of William and texted It to Bill before calling him. "My love to Dana," Bill told his mom. "Dana says hi and so does William. Do come back soon my love and then we can all be one big family," Margaret told her son happily.
"I will Mom as soon as I can. Gotta go now but love you and take care. See you soon mom," Bill replied. "I love you too son," Margaret replied, "see you soon and look after yourself Bill," she told him before hanging up.
She then made her way back to Scully's hospital room. They had transferred her and William back to the Washington hospital earlier that day and Doggett was still looking out for her daughter.
Margaret watched them talk through the door and studied them for a moment before entering the room. She wondered how close they were and if they wed in a relationship or not. They certainly seemed close as Doggett appeared to be telling a joke and Scully laughed as she held her new baby.
Margaret liked Doggett and appreciated him for staying with Scully while Mulder was dealing with paperwork in the X Files office.
With a smile Margaret opened the door and entered the room again giving Doggett a cup of coffee. "So how was Bill?" Scully asked. Margaret told her Bill was well and that he'd come back as soon as he could to see William.
Scully nodded as she cradled William who was asleep. "He's such a good baby. Sleeping most of the time," Scully commented as she studied her baby's beautiful and innocent face. "He truly is a gift," Margaret agreed as they both gazed at William.

Chapter four going home again

Georgetown Virginia,
Agent Scully's apartment

Scully held William tightly as she stepped out of Agent Doggett's car. She then smiled at him before making her way back to her apartment after spending two days in the hospital. Margaret passed her a bottle of milk so Scully fed William as they settled back In Scully's apartment.
Scully sighed happily as Doggett made Margaret and Scully some coffee. "It's so good to be home you know mom. Thank you guys for looking after me and William," Scully said. Margaret smiled. "Anytime my darling," she said before they hugged quickly again.
"You can always count on me too Agent Scully. Don’t be afraid to ask," Doggett added as he hands Scully and Margaret a cup of coffee. Scully smiled and let Doggett hold William while she drank her coffee.
"How's Mulder?" Scully asked. "He phoned me earlier. Said he was still writing up a report on the last two days' events and he'll come to see you and William later on today," Doggett told her.
Scully smiled and nodded. "Well, I guess I better leave you guys to It," Margaret said as she stood up and put on her coat again. "Thanks again Mom," Scully said as she too stood up and gave her Mom a hug. "Anytime love," Margaret told her daughter. She then said goodbye to William before Doggett offered her a ride home. Margaret accepted and the two left Scully and William relaxing In the apartment.

The End


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