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Katherinexx1 banner
Katherinexx1 avatar


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 Joined August 15, 2018


The X-Files 2018


 Set after the press conference in LA in January 2018. Focus on Gillian's feelings.
The X-Files Be Here Now

Be Here Now

 After Gillian's instastory she is surprised with a visitor.
The X-Files First kiss

First kiss

 After a cold day of filming, Gillian relaxes in a hot shower in her trailer, only to be interrupted by David, who tells her Chris needs them; in Chris's trailer, Chris reveals an important scene where Mulder and Scully must share a deeply meaningful kiss, leaving David and Gillian feeling uneasy but understanding its significance; the next morning, both David and Gillian, anxious about the kiss scene, meet for lunch to discuss it, recognizing its importance to their characters' relationship.
The X-Files Help


 David receives a phone call from someone who needs his help.
The X-Files I owe you everything

I owe you everything

 What really happened during the deleted kiss scene in the movie.
The X-Files London


 David asks her to join him in London. Her mind drifts off to painful memories.
The X-Files Old habits and new ones

Old habits and new ones

 What happened in Portofino... Gillian searches her safe haven.
The X-Files One phonecall away

One phonecall away

 Can I come over? he asked her in the middle of the night. She couldn't refuse... he was already on his way.
The X-Files What if...

What if...

 Mulder keeps overthinking his relationship to Scully. Kersh and Skinner keep splitting them up, which makes them miss each other. Then one night Scully stops by his place unannounced, in the mood for his company, pizza, and a movie.


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