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7x04 Hungry Rush The X-FilesSeason 7


Vince Gilligan & Frank Spotnitz


Thomas J. Wright


November 28, 1999


44 minutes





2024-08-13 08:30:06


Version 4






Mulder and Scully team up with Frank Black, the former FBI profiler and protagonist of the series Millennium, to investigate a series of gruesome murders that seem to be linked to the impending turn of the millennium. As the new year approaches, the killings follow a disturbing pattern, suggesting a cult or apocalyptic group may be behind them. The agents, along with Black, uncover a plot involving a doomsday cult that believes in purifying the world through violence as the millennium draws near. The episode delves into themes of prophecy, the clash between different worldviews, and the psychological impact of a society on the brink of a new era.


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Guy Lombardo: "Auld Lang Syne"


Fox Mulder: "The world didn't end."
Dana Scully: "No, it didn't."



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Pike avatar

Very bad crossover with MillenniuM

Written by Pike on 2007-11-23

MillenniuM was a great show, especially the first dark crime episodes. But the show was canceled and Frank Black never saw the second millennium coming. Well, that would have been better that way, because this crossover is simply bad.
So, this episode is a crossover between two great TV series from Chris Carter, which are The X-Files and MillenniuM. Mulder and Scully are asking Frank Black to help them on a case, a few days before January 1st, 2000.
Of course, a lot of X-Files and MillenniuM fans were waiting for this episode for a long time. Like myself, they were fantasising about this episode, as they would fantasise about The X-Files series finale. Both result would be bad and boring and that is really a shame.

Already faced with a very bad series ending, Frank Black came out of the woodwork to take it down one last time, this time through an episode of X-Files. Frank Spotnitz will do the job: “When we shot the last episode of Millennium, nobody really knew that it was the end of the series.It hadn't been officially shut down.So it wasn't a real conclusion.That's why I really wanted to bring Frank Black and Lance Henriksen back for a farewell.Everyone was excited about the idea, and I was faced with the very great difficulty of finding a good way of doing it, of finding a good story.

I wanted Frank Black to return for the new millennium, which hadn't been possible because of the hiatus before the new year.And that proved extremely difficult because not only was Millennium's mythology completely different from that of the X-Files, but it had to showcase three heroes and on top of that it had to be an X-Files episode, because that was the show we were writing for, and its viewers we were addressing.”
The episode is a complete failure, never managing to handle the characters, but above all, offering us a most preposterous story.
The new millennium arrives, and we're faced with a team of half a dozen zombies.And that's it.Curtain.Thank you, good evening and happy new millennium.
Ah, and let's finish off the myth by ending the episode with a kiss between Mulder and Scully, to misrepresent once and for all what Millennium was all about.
But I'll leave the final word to Lance Henriksen: “I could have shot another season to see what happened next. But I think I had to... (he reflects) I had ideas for the rest of the series. But it's like talking about a relationship you had five years ago, and thinking about what you could have done to make it work. You've learned from it, but it's too late. I have no regrets. I'm very proud to have shot this series.”

Yeah, Millennium (the episode) is bad since the very first frame. The teaser is so bad that it is funny. This guy getting naked in front of a coffin and putting a cellphone in the hand of a dead body... Then the scene where the dead body resuscitate and use the cellphone... Really not dark at all, simply painful to watch.
Then, when Mulder and Scully meet Frank Black, there is no magic at all, it's boring and all we want is Mulder and Scully to get away in order to stay with Frank Black, which is still so charismatic and dark.
And there is the last scene, where Mulder is (I cannot believe I'm writing this) shooting some zombies in a cave... and when Frank Black comes to help him, they don't get away, they stay inside the cave in order to shoot more zombies.
And the worst thing at all, is that the very last scene of this episode is a kiss between Mulder and Scully. How could they make them kissing each other just after a bad zombie scene?! They were so much passionate moments during the show, where the writers could have make Mulder and Scully kiss each other, but no, it was in the end of that very bad episode. Okay, the new millennium thing was a legitimate reason, and is a good idea itself. Because, once more, they kiss without really kissing each other, the new millennium is their new bee if you know what I mean.
So I'm now hesitating of giving Millennium (still talking about the episode and not the tv series) a 1 or a 2. I will put a 2, just because of the kiss and the way Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny look at each other after it.
But in the end, this episode is really bad.

RMuldrake avatar

Above average

Written by RMuldrake on 2008-02-08
★ ★ ★ ★

Decent episode of the X-files but an unfulfilling conclusion to Millennium.
"Millennium" is an awkward episode on a couple of levels but it does fit nicely at this point in season 7. We have Scully confront a real (un)live zombie. All of the zombie stuff was just over the top and on the verge of unintentionally comical. The incorporation of Frank Black and the Millennium Group failed miserably as an episode, much less a conclusion, to the series Millennium.

The fact that I did not like season 3 of Millennium might have something to do with this. I enjoyed Frank's "profiling" but missed his "flashes." Since the episode was more from Mulder and Scully's point of view, I guess this is acceptable. I was glad to have the religious overtone present but it seemed downplayed by the fact that the case involved only 4 members of the group who spurred off onto their own mission. This is necessary, though, because the group was not just a weird shamanistic cult about zombies. That is as far as I go with the Millennium aspect.

This episode was an X-file and it presented all of the challenges of a typical X-file and really forced Scully to confront some hair-raising stuff for the second time this season (see "Sixth Extinction"). It also forced her, again, to consider her faith but this aspect could have been given much more attention. We only get a brief theological discussion between her and Frank, which never really scratched the surface. There was so much potential in that discussion alone. The scene in the basement was kind of retro-horror scary but as I previously mentioned, it was also a bit over the top. Mulder and Scully kiss for the first time and it is spawned not by deep longing and affection as it nearly was in "Amor Fati" but by New Year's Eve. Still, their facial expressions afterwards spoke volumes more than much of the episode managed to accomplish.

This was pretty standard as far as an X-file goes with no major flaws (although Frank's profile was so good it was almost a plot device) but the fact that it fits so nicely thematically with where the show is going is what gives it style. Scully is not quick to dismiss anything and although it is still her rational and methodical detective skills that save Mulder and Frank, she still embraces her faith.
Note, as a Millennium episode:
Entertainment 0/2 Writing 0/2 Directing 1/2 Acting 2/2 Character 1/2: 4/10.
As an X-file:
Entertainment 2/2 Writing 0/2 Directing 1/2 Acting 2/2 Character 2/2: 7/10



DECEMBER 21 1999
Funeral parlor After a service A few mourners have stayed to talk to the grieving WIDOW

WOMAN Were so sorry Mrs Crouch If theres anything we can do for you anything you just let us know

WIDOW Thank you so much It would have meant a lot to him Im sorry Thank you embracing the woman Thank you for coming

The mourners leave A MAN clean cut about 50 comes over to the WIDOW

MAN Mrs Crouch Im sorry for your loss

WIDOW Thank you Mr

MAN Johnson I worked briefly with your husband I was impressed by him Very much so

WIDOW Thank you

MAN Im sorry

The MAN leaves The WIDOW looks at the coffin The FUNERAL DIRECTOR locks the door and comes to stand next to the WIDOW

WIDOW to the coffin sadly Hell of a Christmas Raymond

FUNERAL DIRECTOR Hes at peace now Thats one small comfort to be drawn

WIDOW Didnt even leave a note

The WIDOW leaves The FUNERAL DIRECTOR turns out the lights closes the doors and leaves also The MAN steps out from where hes been hiding behind another door He goes to the coffin and opens it Very dead guy inside the coffin He removes his own jacket and shirt and drops them to the floor all while praying softly

MAN I am the resurrection and the life He that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die I am the resurrection and the life He that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die I am the resurrection and the life

He begins undressing the body in the coffin having to struggle to get the sleeves off the mans stiff arms He removes the mans FBI tie tack and holds it in his teeth as he removes the dead mans shirt

MAN He that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live and whosoever liveth and believeth in meshall never die I am the resurrection and the life He that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live

He now has the body down to an undershirt He places a lighted cell phone in the dead mans hand

MAN whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die He that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live

He closes the lid of the coffin and leaves


DECEMBER 29 1999

Graveyard at night Sound of thunder rumbling rain falling The MAN from the funeral parlor now wearing the clothing he removed from the dead man including the FBI tie tack is sitting in his car watching one of the graves He has a cell phone sitting on the seat beside him It rings Instead of answering it he gets a shovel from the trunk and goes over to the grave Sound of the ringing cell phone continues


DECEMBER 30 1999
Graveyard Area around the gravesite is a crime scene SCULLY pulls up alone gets out and shows her badge

YOUNG COP Thank you maam

SCULLY pulls the police tape up ducks under it and starts to walk towards a grave She is stopped by the FUNERAL DIRECTOR He is slightly upset

FUNERAL DIRECTOR Are you with the FBI too

SCULLY Yes sir

FUNERAL DIRECTOR Look I know my job The man was deceased

SCULLY Im sorry

FUNERAL DIRECTOR I understand that he was one of your own but these rumours Im hearing that I put a living human being into the ground You people better get your facts straight real fast

SCULLY with a resigned look on her face goes over to the open grave MULDER wearing rubbersoled shoes is inside the grave looking at the now empty coffin Conversation is friendly bantering

SCULLY Mulder have you been spreading rumours

MULDER Why You hear any good ones lately

SCULLY Not particularly So what do you have here

MULDER Merry Christmas by the way Scully

SCULLY Thank you Merry Christmas to you too

MULDER Grave robbery with a twist Check out the headliner Scully

He lifts the lid and shows that the headliner in the coffin has been torn as if by fingernails

SCULLY It looks like someone on the inside was trying to get out

MULDER Indeed it does To answer your question no I havent been spreading any rumours The local PDs been doing a pretty good job of that ever since they matched the fingerprints of the dead man to these And to those up there on that headstone Theres a big juicy handprint on the back SCULLY looks Head stone for Raymond Crouch Indeed there is a hand print MULDER climbs out of the grave

SCULLY What about the person or persons who did the digging

MULDER Well got one pile of dirt Im guessing one man with a shovel Other than that last nights rain hasnt left us much to go on Well go ahead Scully naysay me The body of an FBI agent gets disinterred only to climb out on its own and disappear into the Yuletide night

SCULLY slight smile See you had me up until there


SCULLY I think its what you said before I think its a grave robbery with a twist Youve got the fingerprints and the torn casket liner Most likely its rigged evidence thats been faked by whoever exhumed the body

MULDER Faked for what effect

SCULLY Publicity fear rumours I mean I dont know what specific effect but nonetheless its notices MULDER looking down at the ground What

There is a faint red ring around the gravesite

MULDER Looks like blood

The MAN from the funeral parlor is driving a pickup truck on a rural highway He is alone in the cab

MAN And whosoever believeth and liveth in me shall never die I am the resurrection and the life He that believeth in me though He be dead yet shall he live and whosoever believeth and Liveth in me shall never die

There is a thumping sound In the rear view mirror he sees a hand reaching up from the bed of the truck He continues praying a little more intensely now

MAN I am the resurrection and the life He that believeth in me though He be dead yet shall he live and whosoever believeth and Liveth in me shall never die I am the resurrection and the life

He passes a Georgia road sign highway 121

SKINNERs office SKINNER SCULLY MULDER and three other team members are sitting at SKINNERs conference table looking at files and photos SCULLY opens a file with a picture of the man from the coffin

SCULLY Special Agent Raymond Crouch Age 56 married no children After a sterling 21year career with the Bureau he retired in 1993 And then earlier this month he was found in the garage of his Tallahassee home service weapon in hand

She holds up a photo of the man slumped against the wall gunshot to the chest

SKINNER Definitely selfinflicted

SCULLY I read over the report and theres no indication otherwise

SKINNER How about a motive for the grave robberies

MALE AGENT Weve gone through all the cases Crouch had a hand in He doesnt seem to have made any enemies

FEMALE AGENT Same thing with his personal life No large debts no feuds with neighbors never a bad word against him

SKINNER Nothing stands out

MULDER Should something stand out

SKINNER Agent Mulder whats your take on this

MULDER Well only that I dont think it was grave robbery per se Pause He and SCULLY both look down Here it comes It was necromancy

The other agents are uncomfortable

MULDER The summoning of the dead Its a form of magic dating back to primitive Shamanism with a long tradition in the Christian church Through it the dead are brought back to life for the purposes of divulging arcane knowledge or performing ritual tasks

MALE AGENT So thats what this wacko thought he was doing Raising the dead

MULDER No thats what he was doing shows picture This is a uh thats a magic circle drawn in goats blood The rain washed most of it away The blood attracts the spirits of the undead while the circle focuses the necromancers power while protecting him from the spirits that hes conjuring

MALE AGENT not believing Okay

MULDER He may also desire to wear the clothes of the dead man to create a bond between them You would not want to be this mans dry cleaner

SCULLY Obviously there are clear ritualistic elements to this crime But the question is why were they directed at Raymond Crouch

MULDER That is the question

SKINNER Well lets come up with an answer

The AGENTS get up and gather files and photos

SKINNER Mulder Scully a word please

The other three AGENTS leave the room

SKINNER Necromancy aside this magic circle you mentioned what if it looked something like this

SKINNER hands them a picture of a snake eating its own tail Same symbol tattooed on SCULLYs back in Never Again season 4

MULDER Its an ouroboros Possibly Definitely a mystical symbol The alchemists favored it They believe that it represented all of existence

SKINNER Im thinking more the Millennium Group It was their symbol as well Are you familiar with them

SCULLY Yes somewhat They were former FBI agents who offered consulting services to law enforcement Somehow they fell into disrepute

SKINNER They operated in extreme secrecy Rumours abounded that they had their own agenda which was less than altruistic if not improper or illegal

MULDER And that it was in fact a cult based upon JudeoChristian Endtime prophecies concerning the coming millennium Was Raymond Crouch a member

SKINNER I cant seem to find out Apparently the group dissolved several months ago They left no paper trail nothing However I do have three other grave desecrations all within the last six months Long Island Northern California Arizona All three graves contained the bodies of former FBI agents All three were recent suicides

SKINNER hands them three more pictures of open graves with red circles drawn in the dirt around them

MULDER How long were you going to sit on this

SKINNER Owing to the Millennium Groups former ties with the Bureau this matter is sensitive to say the least Investigate them Keep a low profile

MULDER I think I know where to start

Entrance to a locked area of the hospital MULDER and SCULLY are getting visitor passes from a guard

SCULLY How well do you know this man

MULDER Only by reputation He left um ViCap before I got there But hes been called the greatest criminal profiler that Quantico ever produced

SCULLY Whats he doing here

As they enter the hallway they pass an older smiling not sane man

MULDER to the man Good morning smiles as the actor playing the OLD MAN says something Then turns back to SCULLY as they walk down the hall Apparently he checked himself in for a 30 day observation I gather the last few years havent been very kind to him If theres anybody that can tell us about the Millennium Group its him He used to consult for them Later he fought to bring them down at the expense of his own career and reputation

SCULLY Singleminded


SCULLY Sounds like someone I know

They enter a room A man FRANK BLACK is watching a football game

TV ANNOUNCER 12 yard line and they are threatening pounding on the door of Boston College

MULDER Frank Black

FRANK BLACK turns and looks up at them MULDER shows his badge

MULDER Hi my name is uh Fox Mulder This is my partner Dana Scully Its a pleasure to meet you Do you mind if we sit down

TV ANNOUNCER Higgins tries the middle and he gets nowhere Running into the grey wall of Boston

FRANK BLACK looks back to the TV Not waiting for response MULDER and SCULLY sit FRANK BLACK closes his eyes briefly and sighs

MULDER Whos playing

FRANK BLACK Uh its Notre Dame and Boston College

MULDER Ah the Fighting Irish and the Golden Eagles huh

FRANK BLACK What can I do for you agents


MULDER Well were working on a case that uh we feel that you might have some particular insight into the deaths of four FBI agents Do you recognize these men

MULDER shows him photos of the four men FRANK BLACK glances at them then back to the TV



SCULLY All four committed suicide in the last six months All were exhumed from their graves in a ritual desecration They were members of the Millennium Group Is that correct


SCULLY Sir weve been having a really difficult time gleaning any information whatsoever about the group about its membership its practices I believe you can help us

FRANK BLACK No thank you Im retired I think you can tell by the circumstances that Im trying to put my life back together I cant get involved in this

MULDER Were not asking you to get involved Im just asking you to take a look at the case file

FRANK BLACK No thank you

MULDER Mr Black the day after tomorrow is January 1 2000 Thats the significant date for these people That doesnt leave us much time Dont you want to see them stopped

FRANK BLACK uncomfortable ignores him stares at the TV Disappointed MULDER gathers the pictures

MULDER Well Mr Black you are not what I was expecting

FRANK BLACK Agent Mulder


FRANK BLACK Its first and 18 Just let me watch this game in peace

MULDER looks up at the football game The score is 7 to 7 3rd and 10

MULDER not happy Its third and ten Its third and ten Notre Dame

FRANK BLACK Happy New Year

MULDER really not happy Same to you


1121 PM
The MAN from the funeral parlor and the graveyard is fixing a flat tire on his truck A DEPUTY stops and walks over with a flashlight

DEPUTY Evening


DEPUTY Could I uh give you a hand

MAN Oh no Im about done but thanks Guess I ran over a nail or something

DEPUTY aiming the flashlight Well I can help you see at least

MAN Yeah Ive been driving all night Be good to get home

DEPUTY I hear you

The DEPUTY sniffs the air

DEPUTY Man Whew What is that

MAN looking around Oh yeah I think a deer maybe mustve died out there in the woods

The DEPUTY hears flies buzzing He looks suspiciously at the bed of the truck

DEPUTY Sir Whats in the truck

MAN Nothing

DEPUTY Mind if I take a look

MAN still holding the tire iron Theres nothing in there so

DEPUTY Drop that and take two steps back Drop it

The MAN drops the tire iron The DEPUTY walks toward the truck Sound of flies buzzing gets louder The MAN sprinkles a ring of white stuff around himself on the ground

MAN quietly He who believeth in me though he be dead yet shall he live and whosoever believeth and liveth in me shall never die I am the resurrection and the life

The DEPUTY looks in the bed of the truck sees the dead man from the teaser then turns back to the MAN who is still praying

DEPUTY Oh Lord Stand up there Stand up Let me see your hands

MAN I am the resurrection


MAN He who believeth in me though

DEPUTY Speak up

The body rises out of the bed of the truck and attacks the DEPUTY The DEPUTY screams The MAN continues praying inside the circle

DECEMBER 31 1999
732 AM
Next morning on the rural Maryland highway Crime scene The Rice County Sheriff DEPUTYs car is still parked on the scene Lots of law enforcement SCULLY walks over to where MULDER is looking at the ring of white stuff that the MAN sprinkled

SCULLY Hey MULDER doesnt look up Ive got the men concentrating on the woods

MULDER Our necromancer was definitely here he rubs the white stuff between his gloved fingers stands up and licks it Its salt Heavy magic

SCULLY Well if youre going to tell me that he uh stopped by the side of the road to raise the dead which I hope youre not Ive got two things to say to you One is that his previous circles were made of blood not salt and two

MULDER And they were large enough to contain a body This is just a protective circle Its just big enough for one man to stand inside

SCULLY Protecting himself against what

They look down at a patch of bloody ground

MULDER Whatever it was that did that

SHERIFF Agents Over here

MULDER and SCULLY run over to where the SHERIFF has found something

SHERIFF I saw a lump in the ground

It is the body of the DEPUTY


MULDER Bite marks They look human

SCULLY More salt

The DEPUTYs mouth is sealed with two huge staples and is packed with salt MULDER pulls a piece of paper out of the DEPUTYs mouth and unrolls and reads it It is hand written in red

MULDER reading I am he that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive for evermore amen And have the keys of hell and of death

YOUNG COP WHO KNOWS THE BIBLE Book of Revelation chapter one verse 18

MULDER Go Fighting Irish

SCULLY looks at him

In the psychiatric hospital MULDER drops the paper from the DEPUTYs mouth on a table in front of FRANK BLACK

MULDER First and 18 Its not football its Revelations You wanted to tell us something Frank Why dont you just come out and say it

FRANK BLACK I dont know what youre talking about I told you I cannot get involved in this

MULDER Right so youll occasionally drop the little arcane hint A police officer was murdered Frank Why do you want to play around Your denials a sign that you obviously know something about that You knew that wed find this What are you afraid of

SCULLY has entered

SCULLY Losing your daughter Youre in a custody battle with the parents of your late wife I just spoke with your doctor Thats why youre here

FRANK BLACK They claimed I was an unfit father that I was obsessed with conspiracy the end of the world that my work meant more to me than my daughter Jordan The thing is they were right

SCULLY And so you retired

FRANK BLACK I will sell insurance Ill do whatever it takes Ill get well and Ill jump through whatever hoops they want but I will not mention the Millennium Group again

MULDER But you obviously want to help You dropped that clue on us Look Frank nobody needs to know about this Were just three people sitting around talking

Later the three are sitting at the table looking at a file X120898 Agent Raymond Crouchs picture is taken out of the file and added to a pile on the table

FRANK BLACK The Book of Revelation describes the end of the physical world in a battle between heaven and hell Good against Evil The Millennium Group believed that that time was upon us These four represent a schism in the group FRANK indicates the pictures of the four dead men laid out on the table They believe that for the end time to come as it must that man must take an active hand in bringing that about

SCULLY And to that end they committed suicide


MULDER With the express purpose of being brought back to life The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse These four men bring with them war pestilence famine and death

FRANK BLACK So that all the dead of the earth will arise Armageddon It must begin with the dawn of the millennium or not at all Thats what they believe The man youre looking for your necromancer he exhumed these men in accordance with their wishes

MULDER So is he a member of the Millennium Group as well

FRANK BLACK No they sought him out He believes hes doing Gods work but hes mistaken

SCULLY Could you tell us a little bit more about this man

FRANK BLACK Hes a white male 45 to 50 Hes a religious man no police record no fulfilling relationship You would pass him without giving him a glance

MULDER So this is the one event thatll give his life meaning

FRANK BLACK Yeah He needs privacy for this Hell live alone possibly in the house he grew up in Most likely its a large rural property away from prying eyes Hell own a truck or a van He needs it to transport the bodies Therell be high fences No Trespassing signs Its a solitary existence Hes worked around death all his life in some capacity a funeral parlor or a cemetery Death comforts him

As FRANK BLACK speaks we see the camera panning across exactly what he is describing the MANs house A large chainlink fence surrounds the property He is apparently a taxidermist working on a foxlike animals eye He is watching a news report on the missing DEPUTY

TV NEWS ANNOUNCER A Rice County sheriffs deputy

FRANK BLACK He took great care in burying the deputy and preparing the body despite the fact that he feared being caught He stapled the lips sealed the mouth shut It was to prevent the man from coming back to life He believes that if disturbed the deputy will rise from the dead Its too soon for that which is why when he realizes that the deputy has been discovered hell feel a need to take action Hell return to the body the first chance he gets

SCULLY Rice County morgue

FRANK BLACK I think youll catch him there

MULDER These four members of the Millennium Group the ones that truly liveth who were dead These are the ones we have to catch

SCULLY gives a look

NURSE Mr Black


NURSE Youve got a phone call I think it might be your daughter

FRANK BLACK Thank you he smiles warmly My daughter Excuse me

FRANK BLACK leaves the room SCULLY looks down for a moment then she and MULDER share a look and go back to the hospital entrance

SCULLY Mulder youre telling me its more important to track down four dead bodies than one live murderer

MULDER Hes not our murderer and those four dead bodies arent dead and the millennium is looks at his watch 14 hours away

The door buzzes for them as they exit the hall

SCULLY Mulder those people even when they were alive mangled biblical prophecy to the extent that its unrecognizable The year 2000 is just their artificial deadline and besides 2001 is actually the start of the new millennium

MULDER slight smile Nobody likes a math geek Scully

SCULLY Anyway I think that Franks profile is sound

MULDER I do too

SCULLY And I think with it we have our best chance of finding this necromancer as you call him So I am going down to the county morgue

MULDER I absolutely think you should

SCULLY And what are you going to do

MULDER Follow the profile The deputy was killed on a road that connects from the north with no major highway Im thinking our necromancer lives nearby Im going to do a rundown on all single landowners in the area see where the bodies are buried since we all Oh Scully will you do me a favor Dont let anybody remove the staples from the deputys mouth okay Please Just humor me Thanks

1032 AM
Morgue The CORONER is removing the staples from the DEPUTYs mouth and speaking into a recorder

CORONER Proceeding with the visual examination of the mouth

She pulls the DEPUTYs mouth open and salt slowly spills out The phone rings She is irritated at being interrupted


The answering machine clicks on The CORONER continues with her examination

CORONER What appears to be salt is packed into the victims mouth

Faintly we hear SCULLYs voice leaving a message

CORONER God only knows why Im removing it

She removes several spoonfuls of salt from the DEPUTYs mouth The phone rings again She goes into the office and listens to the answering machine

ANSWERING MACHINE This is the Rice County morgue No one can come to the phone

SCULLYS VOICE This is Agent Dana Scully with the FBI Please do not autopsy the murder victim that was brought in earlier the sheriffs deputy If youve already started stop now Ill be there shortly and Ill explain when I arrive

During the message we see movement through the window behind the CORONER The machine beeps as the message ends The CORONER turns and screams as the DEPUTY now risen from the dead attacks her The phone is knocked off the hook

Short time later SCULLY enters the morgue cautiously Three dead people waiting on tables Busy morgue


She unholsters her gun and enters the office The phone is dangling off the hook making that loud tone that phones make when you leave them off the hook for a couple of minutes Blood and the CORONERs broken goggles are on the floor SCULLY follows a trail of blood into an adjoining room The CORONER is lying against the wall covered in blood and bite marks She is hurt badly gasping and choking SCULLY goes to check her pulse but then turns to see the MAN standing in the doorway SCULLY aims her gun at him but then turns to see the shouldbedead DEPUTY attacking her She fires three shots into the DEPUTYs chest The shots have no effect and he comes closer Then her gun is knocked out of her hands and lands at the feet of the MAN who is still standing in the doorway He looks down at the gun

Morgue Later EMTs and police are swarming around the place They are loading the wounded CORONER onto an ambulance as SKINNER enters

SKINNER Where is she

SHERIFF pointing inside On the right

SKINNER enters the morgue and lifts up the corner of a sheet covering a dead body on the floor It is the DEPUTY really dead now SCULLY comes up behind him


SKINNER looks at the bite marks on SCULLYs neck She doesnt appear to be hurt badly but is very tired

SKINNER How are you feeling

SCULLY All things considered

SKINNER What the hell happened here Who is that man

SCULLY The Sheriffs Deputy The man we found this morning He was dead and then somehow he wasnt He attacked me

SKINNER You shot him

SCULLY Three rounds centerofmass into his chest No effect

SKINNER Theres a gunshot wound to his head as well

SCULLY Yeah this man uh Mulder calls a necromancer our suspect he was here too He fired that shot with my gun He saved me I have no idea why He got away but I was in no shape to follow Look sir I cant even begin to offer an explanation for what happened but I have to say it is exactly what Mulder feared

SKINNER Yeah which is why I would like to talk to him Why isnt he answering his phone

SCULLY looks concerned

Rural area MULDER arrives at the MANs fenced in house He crosses the name Mark Johnson off of a list on a sheet of paper It was number 10 on the list all the others above it crossed off leaving the names Fred Keenan and Lee Montana as numbers 11 and 12 The other names we can see are Erik Haas Shane Hammond and Gary Hashimoto MULDER tries to make a call but his cell phone registers No Service

MULDER Welcome to the boondocks

MULDER gets out of the car and goes to the fence He looks over at the trash cans one marked with the name Johnson He opens the can and finds a large empty bag that once contained 50 pounds of Kosher Salt He takes a handful of salt from the bottom of the bag and puts it into his pocket He looks at the lock on the fence then climbs over the fence


The MAN is driving and singing to himself He checks his watch

MAN singing In the sweet by and by we will meet on that beautiful shore


MULDER picks the lock on the front door and enters the house He looks around at all the stuffed wild animals then goes to the basement door It is heavily barricaded with boards

Outside the MAN pulls up behind MULDERs car

Inside MULDER removes boards from the door opens it and turns on his flashlight He goes down into the basement which has a dirt floor Very creepy Suddenly a hand reaches up out of the dirt then another and another until four zombielike men have risen from the dirt MULDER spins in a circle flashing his light on the men in shock He turns and sees the MAN standing in the doorway at the top of the stairs One of the dead men attack MULDER sending him crashing against the bottom of the stairs The MAN closes and blocks the door as MULDER runs upstairs

MULDER yelling Open the door Open the door Open it Let me out Let me out

The MAN winces as he hears five gunshots fired in the basement

917 PM

At the psychiatric hospital SCULLY very worried is talking to FRANK BLACK

FRANK BLACK I havent heard from him He didnt go to the morgue with you

SCULLY No he went looking for our suspects home No ones been able to contact him since Ive got task force agents canvassing the northwestern Maryland area but its a large territory to cover and were running out of time Sir Im just afraid that Mulder may have found what hes looking for I need your help in finding him

FRANK BLACK Now you respected my reasons in the past Agent Scully Please respect them now

SCULLY Im not sure that I really understand your reasons sir and Im starting to wonder what this is all about and how much you know about it Mulder mentioned the four Millennium members who liveth and were dead Now this morning in the morgue I saw what he was talking about


SCULLY One of them attacked me


SCULLY Now as crazy as this sounds I have to ask Do you believe that the Millennium Group is actually capable of bringing about the Endtime Armageddon

FRANK BLACK I understand their beliefs Ive spent years trying to unravel them make sense of them Doesnt mean I believe them myself

SCULLY But what if it were true Good and evil which would prevail


Dejected SCULLY leaves FRANK BLACK looks up at the NURSE

FRANK BLACK Octavia Im going to check myself out

NURSE Youd like a day pass

FRANK BLACK I wont be coming back

Basement of the MANs house MULDER has his panic face on He is standing inside a small circle of salt His right arm is badly wounded Sounds of growling are coming from all sides of the room

Outside the MAN is sitting against the side of he house He hears footsteps and goes to see who it is

MAN Whos there


MAN amazed and delighted You came

FRANK BLACK I almost didnt

MAN Wed given up on you Thank God Thank God Theres someone in the basement policeman He killed one of the members Shot him in the head But youre here Now well have four


FRANK BLACK and the MAN enter the house

MAN I cant tell you how happy I am You were meant to be the fourth I always knew that Id so hoped youd come around

FRANK BLACK I didnt want to The man in the basement I told him how to find this place

MAN You why

FRANK BLACK I was trying to walk the straight and narrow Leave the Millennium Group behind But I know I cant do that anymore Now that I know youve succeeded

MAN You didnt believe the dead would arise


MAN You see what the future holds Frank You know you cant run from it

FRANK BLACK No I cant run

MAN Youve paid so dearly Theyve taken your daughter from you Murdered your wife theres no justice in this world

The MAN removes a gun from a drawer and places it on the desk

MAN But there will be in the next

The clock reads 1013

MAN The hours near Are you ready Frank

FRANK BLACK picking up the gun Im ready

FRANK checks the gun its full with 6 bullets

MAN I am the resurrection and the life He that believeth in me though he were dead

FRANK BLACK yet shall he live Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die

FRANK BLACK surprises the MAN by shoving the gun against the MANs chest


SCULLY driving It is dark and raining Her phone rings

SCULLY on phone Scully

SKINNER on phone This is Skinner We backchecked Frank Black as you asked

SCULLY on phone And

SKINNER on phone He took no calls at Hartwell Psychiatric other than from his daughter but the staff took messages including one from a Rice County number

SCULLY Rice County Thats where I am right now

SKINNER on phone We ran the phone records for Agent Crouch and the other desecration victims All four received calls from this same number in weeks before their deaths

SCULLY Im going to need an address


Back at the MANs house FRANK BLACK is tying the MAN to the chair with duct tape

MAN desperate Dont do this Im begging you please You know what the world is Evil goes unpunished The good suffer Theres no future here but uncertainty and pain Let the judgment come Youre damning yourself Frank

FRANK BLACK pulls the board away from the basement door and cautiously enters the basement

FRANK BLACK Agent Mulder Can you hear me Agent Mulder

MULDER scared Yeah Im down here Theyre all around

FRANK BLACK lights a flare and throws it down showing MULDER still standing in his little circle and DEAD GUY 1 really dead now shot in the head on the ground in front of him He lights another flare and tosses it down

MULDER You armed

FRANK BLACK taking out the gun Oh yeah

MULDER Shoot for the head That seems to stop em Theres three more of em


MULDER I dont know Theyre hiding

FRANK BLACK comes down the stairs He turns and sees DEAD GUY 2 running at him He shoots it three times in the head and it falls really dead Another one hisses


SCULLY driving She glances down at a map


Basement MULDER is sitting on the ground

FRANK BLACK Mulder can you get up

MULDER Yeah I think so

MULDER starts to get up MULDER sees another one attacking them

MULDER Look out

Growling the DEAD GUY 3 attacks FRANK BLACK pushing him to the floor and trying to bite him

Outside SCULLY has arrived She gets out of her car and starts to pick the lock on the gate

In the basement MULDER shoots DEAD GUY 3 twice in the head It falls off of FRANK BLACK really dead

Outside SCULLY opens the gate

In the basement MULDER is helping FRANK BLACK sit up when the final dead guy breaks the wall and enters the room MULDER fires at him but the clip is empty DEAD GUY 4 hisses and comes toward them but SCULLY who has come down the stairs shoots him three times in the head and he also falls really dead

Hospital waiting room Dick Clarks Rocking New Years Eve is on the television FRANK BLACK is watching it

DICK CLARK Theres another shot of that millennium crystal ball all lit up Theyre getting ready to bring in the New Year Boy are they packed in tonight The body heat alone is keeping them warm And look at them all the way up past 52nd street That is that Xshaped thing I was talking about before This is Times Square the crossroads of the world



SCULLY Mike Johnsons been taken for psychiatric evaluation Hell be put under suicide watch just as you asked


SCULLY smiles And um


SCULLY Theres someone here to see you

A little girl JORDAN FRANK BLACKs daughter runs in


FRANK BLACK embracing her Hi little one Oh I missed you Sweetheart

JORDAN I missed you too Daddy

SCULLY watches them hug then looks up as MULDER enters smiling His right arm is in a sling

FRANK BLACK Lets get out of here

FRANK BLACK and MULDER shake left hands

MULDER Frank good luck with everything

FRANK BLACK Agent Mulder Agent Scully I guess this is it huh

Clock on the TV reads 115923

DICK CLARK on TV The ball is on its way

SCULLY Youre not going to stay and watch

FRANK BLACK No we just want to go home

FRANK BLACK and his daughter leave the room MULDER and SCULLY are alone watching the TV

DICK CLARK on TV What a millennium

FRANK BLACK Take care of yourselves

DICK CLARK on TV 30 seconds now 30 Get ready for the loudest cheering youll ever hear in your life Hug your friends and loved ones tight What the heck whoever that person is next to you No time like the present Are you ready Here we go Ten nine eight seven six five four three two one Happy New Year 2000

Auld Lang Syne is playing Couples are kissing on the TV screen

TV MUSIC Should auld acquaintance be forgot and days of auld lang syne

MULDER looks at the kissing couples then at SCULLY who is watching the TV He looks at her lips MULDER leans down toward her She turns to him They kiss For about 7 seconds Very sweet They pull apart and look at each other and smile Perfect

MULDER The world didnt end

SCULLY No it didnt

SCULLY gets a wistful faraway expression

MULDER Happy New Year Scully

SCULLY Happy New Year Mulder

MULDER puts his arm around SCULLYs shoulders and they walk out of the waiting room together



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