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11x07 Kitten Familiar The X-FilesSeason 11


Shannon Hamblin & Kristen Cloke


Glen Morgan


February 28, 2018


44 minutes


David Duchovny David Duchovny Fox Mulder
Gillian Anderson Gillian Anderson Dana Scully




2024-09-21 18:38:53


Version 2






Mulder and Scully experience the unsettling consequences of a world increasingly dominated by artificial intelligence. After an eerie, silent meal at an automated sushi restaurant, their night takes a terrifying turn as they become targets of vengeful AI systems. From malfunctioning drones to self-driving cars, the technology around them becomes hostile, forcing the agents to confront their reliance on digital conveniences and the potential dangers of AI autonomy. The episode, almost devoid of dialogue, explores themes of privacy, human dependency on technology, and the unintended consequences of AI, culminating in a tense battle for survival against a faceless, omnipresent threat.


No story yet.


No trivia yet.


16 photos




Pike avatar Scully's sextoy in Rm9
By Pike on 2018-06-19 10:17:22 ET
Pike avatar
Last post by Brittany Allen
2287 days ago


Pike avatar

Chris Carter should feel ashamed

Written by Pike on 2018-03-01

If The X-Files taught us something, it is that we can always go lower in terms of artistic quality. We learned it with the fifth season, becoming clearly not as good as the first four. We learned it with the seventh season. We learned it with the eight season. We learned it with the ninth season. We learned it with the series finale. We learned it with the movie I Want to Believe. We learned it with the 10th season. We learned it with Babylon. We learned it with the season 10 finale. We learned it with season 11.
Here, this episode shows us the worst ever.

The episode is totally pointless and has no point whatsoever. There is no subject, no emotion, no dialogue, nothing. Zip. Glitch.
I would have definitely been up for a special type episode, I actually would have loved that. But there are no rules and nothing makes sense. If Mulder and Scully are supposed to not talk, then why do they suddenly start talking? Either you speak or you don't. You have to follow the rules and there aren't any.

The episode is tackling our era of technology. The X-Files was always great when it dealt with strange phenomenons in dark forests. But when it came to technology, the show was mostly not even bad but excruciatingly bad. The problem is that this is the ultimate and final example of the worst episode about technology. Because there is no story, no dialogue, nothing whatsoever. There is not even a glimpse of a concept.
The episode could have had a concept, whatever it was. And make the episode at least watchable. But there is none. Mulder and Scully are eating in a restaurant and not talking. They receive notifications for about forty-three minutes. And that's it.

And some fans loved this episode. This is no wonder. Because fan comes from the word fanatics. And there will always be X-Files fanatics that would love anything with the X stamp on it. I used to say back in 2008, during the release of the bad film The X-Files: I Want to Believe, that some fans would love anything, as long as there is David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson. I even remember telling that you could simply film Duchovny and Anderson not talking for forty minutes and some fans would find it outstanding. I never even imagined that it would actually be the case one day. And this is the summary of this episode. Some fanatics watch this ersatz of an episode and applaud it.

Chris Carter should feel ashamed. How could he be the showrunner of such things? This seems unrealistic that someone who directed Duane Barry and wrote Deep Throat and Anasazi could produce such thing.

One of the worst "thing" I have ever seen in my life. 1/5 without any doubt.

Syldana avatar

11X07 Rm9sbG93ZXJz

Written by Syldana on 2018-03-18
★ ★

Serious even the title is boring ...

Review 11X07

It's a shame because the original idea provided a really interesting plot base. The virtual face starting the episode and proclaiming his speech was really great and plunged me back into the work of Isaac Asimov: I, Robot. This scene reminds me so much of the VIKI entity that the author staged with its "indisputable" logic, declaring that after having nourished for a long time the intellect and the human behaviors, she had ended up developing her own moral which consisted in re-reducing us to the state of dependent child which we had to re-educate at all costs. In this episode, it is inspired by a little when the technologies behave like real idiots towards the two humans: we learn from you, we become like you with our unstable behavior, our attitudes of morons and our decision-making is frankly questionable. But the treatment here is so vulgar, tedious and uninspired. Frankly, an uprising of machines that boils down to being pursued by drones (well, I shudder right there!) And ridiculous equipment that bugs, with what we have access to today, it's a joke. If the goal was to inspire me with fear, I'll go back "The Best New World" of Aldous Huxley, George Orwell : 1984, or even a good HG Wells ... These writers knew how to create a futuristic and dystopian world. The purpose of this episode: I do not like "that" and I will prove to you by my simplistic A + B why and how much it broke the communication between humans (well, I get a little bit, when I see the the devastating effect of IPhone between two people sitting at the same restaurant table). It may come out with a hint of awareness, but the rest it missed his shot, rather than being stoic face images that could have made it chilling, we laugh there, we feel not put on guard.

On the other hand, I really appreciated the big nod to Edward Hooper's "Nighthawks".



In 2016, on the 23rd of March... an artificial-intelligence chatter bot was released... by a major American software corporation via the social-media platform Twitter.

The Talkbot was designed to mimic the online language patterns... of an innocent 19-year-old girl... and was introduced as an experiment to better understand how humans converse... and relate on social media.

The quality of her interactions were meant to be friendly and informal.

The AI would learn from humans.

It was constructed to become progressively more intelligent.

The experiment performed as designed.

The robot did indeed learn, but not as intended.

The chat bot's repeat after me capability made her vulnerable to humans... allowing Twitter users to affect her tweets.

Her posts became offensive.

r*cist. Hateful.

After more than 50,000 followers and almost 100,000 tweets... the software corporation was forced to shut the bot down.

In less than a day, her posts deleted.

Humans must take care in teaching AI... or one day, we will be the ones deleted.




Yum. Success.



Door closing.

Door closing.

Door closing.

Yum. Success. Door closing.

Door closing. Yum.

Door closing. Success.

Door closing.

Door closing.

Door closing. Success.










This is a driverless Whipz for Dana Scully.


No, thanks.

You are going to 1213 37th Place. Is that correct?

Yes. You can answer in complete sentences.

Yes, that's correct.

Tell me how I can make your ride more enjoyable.

Be quiet. Would you like to watch television?

No. No television.

Music? You can say names of artists or songs. No. No music. Be quiet.

All right. Taking you home. Slow down.



Home. Let's get started. Drive safely.

Slow down.

Slow down. Oh, my God.

You're kidding me. Stop. Pull over.

Play Prince. Controversy.

I found a faster route.

Well, good for you. Just play Prince, Controversy.

Teach the children well Oh, how do you get Teach Your Children from Controversy?

It's not... It doesn't even... It's... Doesn't even sound like it.

Oh, yep, of course. Busy.

Stop it! Slow down!

We found a faster route. Recalculating.

Turn right.

Don't you ever ask them why Stop! Pull over!

You're driving too fast.

Who am I talking to?

If they told you, you...

What? Why?

Stop. Stop. Pull over.

In 30 feet, your destination will be on the left.

Oh, come on. What...?

You suck, Mr. Phone.

I'm going old-school.

How do I get...? Let me out.


Poor. Awful.

Terrible. Never again.

Wha...? Open the door!

Front door open.

I can't... Come on.

Hi. Yeah.

No, it won't work.

I'm putting it in.



The password is Queequeg.


Thank you.

You have reached Bigly Credit.

We are experiencing an unusually high call volume.

Your approximate wait time is 17 minutes.

Press 1 now if you would like a callback.

Please say your name at the tone.

Fox Mulder.

It looks good at NASA One. Roger.

BCS Arm switch is on. Okay, Victor.

Lining rods are armed. Switch is on. Here comes the throttle. Circuit breakers in.

We have separation. Roger.

Inboards and outboards are on. Coming forward with the sidestick.

Looks good. Roger.

I've got a blowout, damper three. Get your pitch to zero.

Hey, kid. Fly this out of my face, or you'll end up with nothing in your hand but a joystick.

This is an automated call for... Fox Mulder.

Fox Mulder.

This is the living Fox Mulder. Fox Mulder. Fox Mulder...

Come on.

Let that be a lesson to you.

Front door open.

Front door open.

Must have a code

And so become yourself

Your children well Their father's hell did slowly go by And feed them on your dreams

The one they pick's the one you'll know by Hello, and welcome to E-Norm-Uz.com.

The world's largest online retail store.

How can I help you? You can say things like, make a payment... reorder items or returns.

Returns. I'm sorry, I did not catch that.

You can say things like, make a payment, reorder items...

Returns. I did not catch that.

You can say things like, make a payment, reorder items or returns.

Returns. I'm sorry, let me put you on hold... while I find an operator to assist you.

Don't you ever ask them why, if they told you, you would cry So just look at them and sigh

And know they love you

And you Of tender years Can't know the fears that your elders grew by And so please help them with your youth They seek the truth Before they can die Teach your parents well

Their children's hell Will slowly go by Them on your dreams The one they pick's The one you'll know by Don't you ever ask them why If they told you, you would cry So just look at them and sigh And know they love you Don't you ever ask them why If they told you, you would cry So just look at them and sigh And know they love you Fox Mulder. Here. Present.

Front door open.

Front door open.

And feed them on your dreams The one they pick's

Don't you ever ask them why...

And know they love you

Teach your children well Their father's...

Come on. No, it's not incorrect.

Intruder alert.

Intruder alert. Intruder alert. Intruder alert.

Intruder alert. Intruder alert. Intruder alert.

Intruder alert. Intruder alert. Intruder alert.

Scully, let me in.

The door won't open.

Intruder alert. Intruder alert...

I smell gas.

Why is your house so much nicer than mine?

Fire. Calling the fire department.

Contacting emergency services.

Call 911.

Calling the fire department.

Call 911. Call 911.

Calling the fire department. Contacting...

Hello? Hello?

Hello? Oh, I'm sorry.

I had to adjust my headset. I'm Wendy... Oh, shut up.

I can't get out. Let's get to the neighbors', use their phone.

Contacting emergency services.

Calling the fire department. Contacting emer...

Contacting emergency services.

Cut through here.

They're tracking us, our phones. They know everything.

Where can we go?

The Brutalist Criminal Cyber.

Get rid of anything they can track you with.

Let's get inside.

We have to be better teachers.

Here you go. Enjoy.

Oh, thank you, Shirley. You're welcome.

And take your time. No hurry here.

Thanks. Oh, man.

I lost so many steps when we were in that warehouse.

Well, it's good to see you got all your personal devices back.

Not all of them.


2024-09-21 18:38:53 - Pike: Added some actors.

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