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11x08 Rm9sbg93zxjz Nothing Lasts Forever The X-FilesSeason 11


Benjamin Van Allen


Holly Dale


March 7, 2018


44 minutes


David Duchovny David Duchovny Fox Mulder
Gillian Anderson Gillian Anderson Dana Scully




2024-09-20 12:05:44


Version 4






Mulder and Scully are called to a small Connecticut town to investigate the mysterious and gruesome death of a young boy, which appears to be linked to witchcraft and local folklore. As the agents delve into the case, they uncover a history of dark secrets, occult practices, and a community quick to assign blame. The investigation takes a sinister turn when another child goes missing, leading Mulder to suspect a malevolent force tied to a witch's familiar. Scully, meanwhile, looks for a more scientific explanation amidst the rising hysteria. The episode explores themes of fear, superstition, and the dangers of mob mentality, blending classic horror elements with the series' trademark supernatural intrigue.


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Fox Mulder avatar Episode directed by Holly Dale
By Fox Mulder on 2017-11-21 15:11:00 ET
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2507 days ago


Pike avatar

A true excellent classic loner

Written by Pike on 2018-03-08
★ ★ ★ ★

There are themes that rarely work and that offer an extremely low quality ratio. For example, episodes and movies based on technology often age very poorly and are rarely realistic in their treatment. Rm9 is the most recent and calamitous example.
Conversely, there are themes like Familiar, which often work. Because it's enough to scare you. Because, if I remind you, if X-Files was a movie, it would be a horror movie. Back a quarter of a century back, our revered, adored, venerable and adorable Chris Carter was inspired by Kolchak and wanted to scare spectators every week.
Before talking about black oil or even extraterrestrial colonization, the first and best season of X-Files remains that of Squeeze, Ice, Beyond the Sea, Darkness Falls and Tooms. Mutants, serial killers, killer insects.

X-Files is a series of horror. Familiar proposes us a precisely familiar theme and returns us right in the second season. Because this episode would easily have had its place between Die Hand Die Verletzt and Irresistible.
From the pregeneric, we are sent back to our first love. As Darin Morgan and James Wong did a few weeks ago, the screenwriter Benjamin Van Allen and the director Holly Dale make us redo a tour of Aux Frontières Du Réel, see our first televised love, who made us an appointment on the M6 ​​channel and let yourself be watched in a loop. We would not want to go backwards, but yet we would pay dearly to relive for one moment the time of happiness and that's what happened last night.

Yes, I loved this episode of X-Files. Nothing but the sentence itself seemed impossible after last week's rant. Mulder and Scully had literally disappeared in favor of an immeasurable and definitive void.
As I'm just repeating since the beginning of this revival, we need an investigation, a forest, rain, mist, Mulder and Scully seriously (and not David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson kidding), a slow realization and asked, a dark subject. These are elements that we as purist fans know by heart. Because yes, even if the art at this part beautiful magic, it remains no less than we all know the recipe for a good episode of X-Files, to have seen precisely 215. And if the we count the views in loop, we have probably seen several thousand episodes.
And as Jacques Weber quoted, it takes time not to be stupid. We have collectively grown through the series. Some of us learned English through the series, some got into science, some even became FBI agents. Many women on social networks mention that the character of Dana Scully is a force for them. Because X-Files is all that at once. An art, but also a strength and a source of culture.
And the television and art culture that is ours makes us say that to make a good episode of X-Files, it's better to deal with a story of murdering little children in a Vancouver forest than filming Mulder and Scully smiling. silly broad shot without dialogue and without history.
A good episode of X-Files is:
- A tablespoon of investigation.
- A ladle of Mulder and Scully exchanging divergent theories.
- A forest.
- A rotten weather (rain, wind and steam coming out of the mouth, failing to find a term for this effect).
- A hint of mystery (we do not discover the plot until the end of the episode).
- A terrifying character (the character in the mask).
- Real second credible characters.

The character with the smiling mask is sublime. Perfect. Iconic. I love it. The pregeneric immediately sent me back to the first seasons of the series and is simply perfect. I found myself fully and for the first time since this revival in the series. Because it's very ironic, but in this revival, it's the only classic episode. By that I mean that Founder's Mutation happens in full sun, Home Again is happening in town and Ghouli is mythological. Familiar is therefore the one and only classic loner in my opinion. And it's a huge waste, when you think of the brevity of this revival (18 episodes only).

Those who find me peremptory (translate: dumbbell (translate: a big bastard (translate: strongly in two weeks that he closes his mouth))) will appreciate these next words. This episode proves to me by A + B that it is quite possible to produce an excellent episode of X-Files with Mulder and Scully. Magic can still operate. Thismagic seems almost elusive and the more time passes, the more it becomes impossible to grasp it. But when she's here, it's a feast for the eyes and the soul. I discover the episode in my hotel room and suddenly I feel sent back in my childhood, during the second season. It's a total happiness.
Note once again that we already knew how to do that. Have you seen Mulder's and Scully's clothes? The difference is glaring with the clothes they wear in some previous episodes. Here, the tones are dark and the clothes do not take over the rest. It sounds basic, but it was a big mistake in some other episodes. The devil is in the details. Does Colombo wear Armani suits? No. I extrapolate, but you understand me.
Mulder and Scully are serious. It's so rare in this revival that it's a deep relief. They do not look at each other with the mischievous look. They are two FBI agents (do I have to remind you?) Who are doing an investigation. Point.
Also, Mulder finally has a utility. Ditto for Scully. They complement each other perfectly. She proceeds to an autoposy, he questions a child. The duo works perfectly.

I will go even further. I think Chris Carter was not wrong at all. I tended to openly mock him when he said that X-Files can go on endlessly. Seeing this episode, I think that indeed, the very concept of the series is larger than Mulder and Scully and can, indeed, continue.
On the other hand, it will obviously require to cut the cord, that it is with the main actors, the mythology and, yes, its creator and all his team.

And I really have to write a whole paragraph about Holly Dale's perfect realization. I had the chance to exchange some characters with her on Twitter and I will go immediately thank her for this great job.
After the horrors of Chris Carter and Glen Morgan, it's a real pleasure to have a real director. It's really a total relief. God it feels good to see a good "movie". I think that as fans of the series, we all have a soft spot for horror episodes. Well, she does it wonderfully. And we see that nothing is due to chance. It is clear that she did her job.

Certainly, the episode to his faults, let's be frank. Mulder sometimes has an awkward bodylanguage. The dialogues on McCarthyism work badly. And the conclusion is a bit B series.
But no matter, because the episode works and is fun to see. And at the point where we are, that's all we ask for the series.
Oh, and Scully's cup is really awful. To say that Gillian Anderson has beautiful hair and is disfigured in this way overwhelms me, but I do not want to spend time talking about each other's cuts.

To summarize, Familiar is an excellent episode, a loner in its most classic form. And even if it has some flaws, it is nonetheless very appreciable. I give it a nice 7 out of 10.

Gruic avatar

A classic X-Files, feels good

Written by Gruic on 2018-03-09
★ ★ ★ ★

Familiar is a great title for this solid loner episode.

Too bad we had to wait so long in this revival to have an episode like that.

Feels X-Files, feels good.

DuaneB avatar

Familiar is familiar to us

Written by DuaneB on 2018-03-10
★ ★ ★ ★

I thought that the clown would be the main hook. Nothing at all. Like what too much to watch the spoilers I let myself have.
In this episode we find a real classic of the genre. For a bit, we would feel parachuted in season 2, in our beautiful years 1994-95. For more than allusions, they are true quotes from old episodes.

Die hand die vertletzt, Our town or Syzygy for the appearance of a city under evil influences. Fresh bones is perhaps (for my greatest pleasure) the most obvious for the final scene with candles ... In terms of shorter shots like the scene of the ceremony at church we think of Irresistible (for our greatest pleasure yet!). As for the pursuit of cop cars, I immediately thought of The Erlenmyers flask and its pre-generic scene.
But the palm of the quotes is the superb Chinga! The song, close-ups on the pale faces of children.
Suffice to say that it's a sweet memories of this episode. The story is well done. The cruelty and the collective barbarity being the relay of the justice ... All these elements confer a health of the series which slices radically with the previous episode, which told us with a great new novelty the dangers of the technologies and our world modern (Wow we did not know!); that and Scully's strawberry vibrator and Mulder's nose hairs ... How can we go from such a thing to this episode?

The other actors:
Another positive element of this episode is the game of secondary actors. We believe in. We are on board for a moment. Expressions in emotional nuances really echo the violence of the plot. Because let's not forget that the whole of a good episode is about details. We remember the magnificent performance of Heather McComb in Die hand die verletzt. The kids are very convincing to tell the truth.

The duo:
Regarding M and S, I do not hide my pleasure to find a little seriousness and lightened confrontation in their approach. Their unity is solid, but some nuances of inquiry apprehend us with their deep, intrinsic nature. He, invoking evil magical forces, she invoking the law and the rationality of the facts. For a bit, I almost saw Dogget in Scully. I find Scully still a little jaded, especially when the dead girl happens to be named Emily. We all know that Scully has hard leather, but what a big gap the weather has made between that and the whining of season 9 ...

The story:
The story itself is not of a crazy originality, it must be agreed. This is his main fault; not as to its construction or impeccable realization, but just to its nature, its purpose. I have neither seen nor read That, but it seems to me that the allusion is more than pregnant ... The scenery and the climate are more than all the main vector of reconciliation with the old seasons.

This horrifying episode revives the good old, well-thought-out and simmering loners of our decidedly inspiring old seasons. This is a double statement that says a lot about our time, which praises the heritage on the one hand, but brandishes it as a reactionary totem on the other. However, the least fan will see there a work that revisits its own origins. This episode is in the wake of his predecessors. So there is a desire to inherit. I note in this regard that apart from the cop who seeks the profile of the suspect on his computer (and the scene lasts a minute), apart from also the wall screen on which the kid looks at his stuff, current technologies are for so say absent. This observation is all the stronger because it facilitates this return to the foundations; it facilitates this trip in the 90's offered by the episode.
A mixed impression emerges from me. A season sawtooth that keeps trying to reconnect with a past by definition, and at the same time surfing on the triviality of our time, even on the laziness of our society assisted. The example of Ghouli.net to give substance to an episode that has not taken enough time to do so is evocative (episode super elsewhere).
More simply, let's say that when an episode revives his classics, he walks, he seduces the fans. The proof with the previous comments and this one. In other words: no need to go looking for things convoluted and ultra-modern, to sleep with Black mirror to please. Rm9 is the emptiness that is taken for full, while here it is the good old old-fashioned dictation. The rectifier-wrong implacable. The consciousness of the original juice found, the rusticity in close-up. The febrile nerve of the pissing and gobbling little people ... Sort of a small town without fiber optics, but reconnecting with the primary instincts of man: revenge, deception, sick solidarity, compact madness, brutal deviance ...

Syldana avatar

Familiar 11X08

Written by Syldana on 2018-03-11
★ ★ ★ ★

Review 11X08

Familiar a title consciously or unconsciously chosen for the fan of the beginnings when I see the emotions that I crossed during my viewing.

From the first scene, I felt familiar ground. It was crazy, I found an atmosphere so clean at first, we start with a playground that does not inspire tenderness in front of innocence and its games since from this minute the staging leads us to something and it is felt that the danger step by step approaches. The silence, only broken by the song of the child, the mist, the icy texture of the image, this huge arched known forest which one wonders if it will engulf the little boy and if the terror will come from her. I love it when this forest becomes the playground of horror because its always so threatening appearance is so adapted to that. First introduced entity: Mr. Chuckle Teeth.

For a long time, I had the impression that this forest functioned a little like a factory which created and let on the Men its own bestiary: the Pilot, The Jersey Devil, Fallen angel, Darkness Falls, Die Hand Die Verletzt, Quagmire. ..

This forest is sheltered, or creates its own monsters and awaits the right moment to throw them on us. Here sad report, the forest also becomes the tomb of children. Mr Chuckle Teeth, without being the only center of intrigue, did not inspire me since the Trailer. No doubt because it brings me back to a very famous clown character in the world of Stephen King. Thinking back to "It", Mr. Chuckle Teeth and the four "Teletubbies" with the black ink of the episode, I find myself wondering about the reasons that make a child feel so spellbound by a televised or literary incarnation and which displays a look as unhealthy. The authors will have understood how to play and create incredible intrigues in the world of horror, Mr Chuckle Teeth and "It" have in common this totally psychopathic smile and their crazy eyes, but I admit that it is especially the four Teletubbies and especially the appearance of one of them in front of the glass door of little Emily who sent me back to my childhood terrors. My heart literally came up during this scene. I want to say how one can quietly follow a show where the characters (supposed to be totally stupid in order to be adapted to the young audience) have a look like this: black and demonic, almost an abyss alone. Honestly, I congratulate to the writers for having made this tour de force, although ...

So far, the episodes are constantly sending us back to others. The sources of inspiration for these last two seasons are clearly at the stage of exhaustion if each time I say to myself: it reminds me of this other Loner. This is the problem in these episodes, we do not concretely create the original new.

And this episode, although great in its realization, finally brings us back to what? At the classical, we are delighted to finally return to what we have seen a thousand times, back to the origins, the first, the Vancouver before, the first series ... even the characters are affected with the return of the usual debate Mulder unpacking all his incredible culture on the paranormal and Scully opposing with its rationality.
Besides, I would point out that here these two stand in the place of analysts and witnesses throughout the episode, but in the end they act in no way. At no time do they succeed in preventing anything, including injustice: the death of children, the witch hunt, the death of the man accused of pedophilia (accusation that proves questionable it seems to me elsewhere), they do not finish the episode by killing the monster, the investigation ends itself by the death by the fire of an improvised witch and they finalize by fleeing a city always under the yoke of the demon ( the device that turns alone at the end). They illuminate more than they act and their absence would have given rise to an identical episode in all the sequences of events. You said very well skinner, the jewel of this episode is the climate and scenery, propitious grounds for an effective and horrifying episode as we like it.

Beyond that I really liked the idea, the terror plays two effective cards and touches us in the heart: the victims are chosen from the most innocent and the baits that lead to this horror are the characters of the childhood and who are here metamorphosed and made unhealthy as possible even if their basic pace was already in my eyes distressing. These are the famous classics of the genre: "It" was a clown, Chucky a simple doll, and Chinga, Michael Myers kills at the age of six years ... The banal and harmless are assigned to the image of the of the series "Goosebumps" where all the sets and objects of everyday life fell, fell under the devil or became a carnivorous plant. I recognize that this style speaks to me, I am a fan of horror movies, I agree for more than one reason only the fact that we come back to the real X Files.


Mr. Chuckleteeth, happy as can be Mr. Chuckleteeth, won't you play with me?

When I'm feeling lonely, lonely as can be Oh, Mr. Chuckleteeth, won't you play with me?

Mr. Chuckleteeth, we all love you so Stay with us forever and never let us go When I'm feeling lonely, lonely as can be Oh, Mr. Chuckleteeth...

You can't call me. But, Diane...

Mr. Chuckleteeth...

I can't do this. I'm at the park with Andrew.

We need to talk.

Mommy! Mommy! Mr. Chuckleteeth!

Mommy's on the phone, Andrew. But, Mommy, look! Look!

I can't do this. Mommy! Mommy!

Stop calling me.

Stop calling. Don't hang up, Diane. Di...



Andrew! Andrew!

Mr. Chuckleteeth!

Mr. Chuckleteeth?

Where are you?

Mr. Chuckleteeth!

Mr. Chuckleteeth!

Mr. Chuckleteeth!

Mr. Chuckleteeth, happy as can be

Mr. Chuckleteeth!

There you are.

Mr. Chuckleteeth, wait!

Where did you go?

Mr. Chuckleteeth!

Come back!



Andrew! It's Daddy!


Andrew! Andrew!

Andrew, can you hear us? Andrew!


Andrew! Andrew!

Andrew Eggers!


Oh, God.

Heads up! Somebody got him? Got something?

Oh, God, help us. Is that him?

Rick. Is that my son?

Don't. Don't. No. No. Andrew!

Hey. Andrew. Oh, God.

Let me go. Let me go!

Let me go! Andrew!


Oh, please.

Please! Andrew!


I think you can see by the photographs in our case file there... the boy was viciously att*cked.

And the body was found right here.

The coroner has asphyxiation as cause of death from a crushed windpipe... and fracture dislocation of the cervical vertebrae.

Yeah, the town was really shaken up about it.

But you think this was an animal attack? Those photos speak for themselves, yes.

What kind of animal, Chief Strong? We get coyotes. Both here and in town.

It's rare that a coyote will attack a human being.

They say there's a new predator they're calling a coywolf.

It's a mix of Canis latrans and Canis lupus. It's a hybrid coyote-wolf.

Is this the first such attack? And hopefully the last.

But let me ask you.

What's the FBI doing here? The FBI has jurisdiction... over the k*lling of the immediate family of a law enforcement officer.

Wait, you think that this was a m*rder?

I don't rule it out. What makes you say that?

I know this is a small town and probably very close-knit... and I'm sure that you don't wanna hear this, but if a man did this... and it would typically be a man, he would be emboldened by escaping detection...

And would likely k*ll again. Evidence doesn't support that.

Well, the broken neck supports that. And the bite marks that you see... might be postmortem animal predation.

You can't just walk in here making assumptions... we've dismissed. These aren't just careless assumptions.

Agent Scully's also a medical doctor, and damn good at her job.

You'd be looking at a male, aged 19 to 42, with a criminal record... and probably lives near and frequents the park... would know the boy's play schedule.

And most disturbingly, these types of K*llers get aroused at the suffering of their victims.

We were hoping we could see the body.

Thanks for backing me up out there. Yeah. You're my homey.

But coywolves?

Really, Mulder? Sometimes mixed with wild dogs.

Bet a wolf hasn't been seen in Connecticut for 100 years.

Just last year, to be accurate.

All that I took from the report is that a child was snatched right from that playground.

Does that sound like a wolf to you? I wasn't thinking wolf.

I was thinking more like a hell hound.

What's a hell hound now?

It's a large black dog that guards the gates of the underworld. That's neither here nor there.

The point is stranger things have happened around here.

In 1658, a Puritan midwife named Goody Bishop... was accused of witchcraft and lying with the devil.

Legend has it she spontaneously combusted in front of the assembled townsfolk.

Right over there. As we've discussed before... people don't just spontaneously combust. That woman was undoubtedly an innocent... a tragic victim of religious persecution and hysteria.

And anybody would know that if they read beyond the tourist literature.

Because there were bogus witch hunts doesn't mean that there were no witches.

While I do sadly concede there are probably no coywolves in Eastwood, Connecticut...

I suspect there are still practitioners of the black arts.

Practice all they want, it doesn't mean witchcraft has any basis in reality.

Yeah, well, and yet a young boy is dead.

The only devil here probably parks right here in front of the playground... stirring something other than his caldron.

I just wanna find the k*ller.

No matter how many times we do this, Mulder, a child is always the hardest.

Never gets easier. It's an innocent life cut short.

It's hard not to take it personally.

Irregular lacerations and abrasions on the neck, throat and torso.

A significant amount of the lower abdomen... is completely torn out and missing.

That would appear to agree with their findings.

Well, evisceration fits animal predation... but the condition of the body makes it almost impossible to determine when it happened.

Cervical fracturing fits with the picture that he was most probably shaken to death.

By a man?

Well, that's something I didn't wanna broach out there, Mulder.

You think it's one of the parents.

You were in Violent Crime, Mulder, before you came to the X-Files.

You know the profile. Eyewitnesses exculpate the mother.

But the father...

He's a police officer.

Being protected by fellow officers?

What's that?

What does that look like to you? Is that fine white sand?

Looks like salt to me.

Is that in the report?

What would be the significance of that? I'm not sure.

Tell you what else isn't in the report. An eyewitness who wasn't interviewed.

And her father is the chief of police.

She's 5 years old. Doesn't that seem odd?

And her mother was right there with her. Seems very odd to me.

But you're wasting your time, Mulder.

Andrew blessed the lives of all of us here in Eastwood.

Today, we all grieve with Diane and Rick... for the unimaginable loss of one of Eastwood's dearest sons.

This isn't right. We don't even have his body.

My baby.

It is in the most difficult times... that the love and compassion of our community is so vitally important.

For where two or three are gathered in my name... there am I among them.


Andrew is with the Lord now.

Free from the evils of this world.

Free from our iniquities.

And free from our sins. Amen.

Amen. Amen.

So both of you, just please understand that.

If you ever, ever need to talk... let me know, I...

Yes. Thank you. Excuse me.


Please, I can't talk now.

Okay. I'm just...

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Hey, man. I'm so sorry.

Hey, let me ask you something.

Why won't the FBI release Andrew's body?

Look, he's my son.

What are they saying?

What are you keeping from me, man?

They're pushing another story. They're saying it wasn't an animal attack.

What are they saying it was?

The female agent?

She laid out a profile.

Male, 19 to 42, past convictions.

She even said he probably gets off on it.

Oh, God.

And he probably lives here in Eastwood.

I'm sorry, man.

Okay, we'll see you.

Why...? Why does the FBI need to speak to Emily?

She's just a little girl. We need to cooperate with them.

We've got nothing to hide. They just wanna ask questions.

Anna, just play nice. I was there. We didn't see anything.

I'm getting it from all sides.

They're trying to turn a tragedy into a m*rder investigation.

But what does that have to do with Emily? Just let them talk to her. Okay?

The man asked you a question, Em.

Emily, did you see who took Andrew?

But if you saw, you'd tell Mommy, right?

Did you see anyone at all? I saw Andrew going into the forest.


Go watch your show.

Well, I...

I guess I'm not as interesting as...

Bibbletiggles. Bibbletiggles.

She's obsessed.

Well, who wouldn't be? I just... I can't...

I can't stop thinking about how easily it could've been us.

I mean, you look away for just one moment...

Do you have kids, Agent Mulder?

Well, I have a son who's... He's grown though.

When I was little, you could hardly keep me in the house.

Now you can't drag your kid away from a screen.


Are you from around here? Yeah, right down the street.

Yeah, Nutmegger through and through. Husband too.

I met him when I was 5 years old.

He must be under a lot of pressure. With the case.

There's the guilt. That it happened on his watch.

He's very protective of this little town. Obsessively.

Runs in the family, I guess.


I want juice, please.

Excuse me. Sure.

My husband's a local history nut.

The witch trials and all that.

Anything else, Agent Mulder? No.

Thank you for your time. Mr. Chuckleteeth Mommy! Happy as can be Mr. Chuckleteeth, won't you play with me? He was in the forest.

When I'm feeling lonely, lonely as can be Oh, Mr. Chuckleteeth, won't you play with me?

Son of a bitch.

Seeing the body change your mind?

I maintain that the boy was m*rder*d.

But there's something that you should know, as hard as it is to contemplate.

Don't go there. When the child is under the age of 5... the majority of assailants are in fact...

Rick Eggers did not k*ll his son. Most of the time, friends and family... can't contemplate that the suspect is capable of these crimes.

Because they carry out their fantasies in private.

I've heard about enough. I want to rule him out as a suspect.

Officer Eggers loved Andrew. He's a decent, honorable man.

A good cop. But I need your help.

When suspects are confronted, they have a tendency... to become violent towards themselves. I'd confront him myself, but I don't have to.

He was working his shift when Andrew was att*cked.

With you or out on his own? Why don't you ask him yourself?

Hey. Where's Eggers?

He just ran out of here, chief. Almost knocked me over.


Let's go!

Rick, I need you to pull over. That's an order.

Pull over right now.

Where the hell is he going?

Hold on.

You think he's going home? He's going the wrong way.

Melvin Peter!

Where are you, you son of a bitch?

Put that away.




He's not here. He's not here. Eggers, what are you doing?

He's not here!

Hey. Hey! Put the g*n down.


Put the g*n down.

It's okay. Come on.

I got it.

I got it.

What the hell is going on?

I found the piece of garbage that she was talking about.

He's my boy. Okay. Okay.

Mulder. Where are you? Back where they found the body.

There's been a development. What kind of development?

I'm not quite sure yet. But the dead boy's father has had a breakdown.


Mulder, are you there?

Just tell me where you are.

114 Bentley Avenue.

Who let the dogs out?

Waiting on a search warrant.

Whose house are we searching? Convicted sex offender, Melvin Peter.

Failed to register with the local police when he moved in last year.

Two blocks away from Ash Hill Park.

Who figured that out? Father of the deceased. Right over there.

Based on the profile I provided.

I'm not convinced.

You sure about that, Mulder? I'm not sure about anything.

I got the warrant. Let's go.

Oh! Come on.

What is it, Mulder?

They put out an APB on Melvin Peter and called his parole officer.

I still don't like him for it.

What's not to like? I mean, you couldn't dream up a more perfect suspect.

He's potentially John Wayne Gacy with a monkey.

That's it, it's too perfect. I don't like perfect like that. Makes me uncomfortable.

Well, sometimes the simplest of competing theories is actually the right one.

Most of these people would agree. That's what scares me.

They've been living next to a pedophile and didn't know it.

Yeah. This guy has no chance.

Why are you defending him? I'm not defending him.

But you said it yourself, it's this rush to judgment.

Mass hysteria, Salem, McCarthyism.

What happened to the presumption of innocence?

Which is rooted in a very democratic ideal... that it's better to let 10 guilty men go free... than to imprison one innocent man. I am all for benefit of the doubt.

But he's a convicted felon. We have to start somewhere.

And you and this mob are reconvicting him right here and now for the sins of his past.

With a fervor that we see too often in this American experience of ours.

If you're not gonna do something, we will!

Em, it's time for lunch.

Emily. TV off now.







Similar signs of predation, but not beyond forensic analysis.

You okay, Mulder?

I talked to her just this morning.

Just this morning she was alive.

Is this the k*lling field?

Is it true? Emily!

No, no, no. No, Anna. No. Don't go there. Em.

Don't. No, no, no. Emily!

Let me go! Emily! No. Stop, stop. Stop.


You can't be here. Okay, you can't be here, honey.

You did this!

You did this to her.

This is all your fault!

She can't be here. Get her out of here. I'll take her out, chief.

It's okay.

What is it, Mulder?

It's salt.

Well, there's some here too.

You seeing this, Scully? Mulder, it's a crime scene.

No, you know what this is?

This is a magic circle. Mulder...

In witchcraft, magic circles are used to summon spirits and demons.

Mulder, stop... When casting spells or curses.

The salt protects the caster from the demons unleashed.

Mulder, this is protecting no one, and you can't do this.

In the 16th and 17th century... witches were said to conjure spirits called familiars... which usually took the form of animals.

But sometimes could take human shape... What are you doing? in the guise of their victims' ardent desires or a woman luring a man to his death or...

Hey, I asked you a question.

A TV character.

What do you mean, a TV character? Mind telling me what you're doing?

Scully... this is a Puritan graveyard.

This is ground where spirits and demons have been unleashed.

I think there's someone who's not telling us everything they know.

What the hell? That's him. That's him right there.

What did I do wrong? You k*lled my boy!

You closed the case because you didn't want it looked into further.

You knew there was salt on that boy's body, but you hid that fact.

A fact you know would reveal someone was practicing witchcraft.

Mulder. No, it's...

It's okay. He's right. You ought to take a beat, chief... before you say anything else.

Did you k*ll those children?

I have let the devil into my soul and I have sinned against God.

Broken a sacred commandment. But I did not k*ll anyone.

Especially not Emily. Then what's your part in all of this?

I am a... lustful man.

An adulterer. She wanted to end the relationship... but I wouldn't let her. I kept pushing and pushing.

I was on the phone with her when Andrew went missing.

And now... my own daughter.


What have I done?

See, I'm being punished.

I've opened the gates of hell.

Oh, God. Let's all give him some room.

How did you know, Mulder? I did not see that coming.

But you knew something.

Yeah. In his library, there are all these books on the town's history.

Folklore, witchcraft.

Well, that's circumstantial at best. I'm sure lots of libraries in this town have those books.

Yes, but he would have known about magic salt circles, familiars and hell hounds.

So you think Chief Strong unleashed something?

I think someone has put a curse on this town, Scully... and maybe unwittingly opened the gates of hell.

Hey, we got a situation here.

Officer involved. Copy.

It's Officer Eggers.

Get him! Get him!

Hit him again! Hit him!

Hit him again! k*ll him! Go on! Get in there!

Hold it. Eggers, stop! Stop! Hey! Back off! Don't do this!

He k*lled my son.

I never k*lled anyone.

You're a convicted predator. You can't do this!

Let me go! Hey! Relax, all right?

I'm serious, Eggers! Back off! Hey!

Who are you protecting? Just let me go! You. I'm protecting you.

We were kids. It was statutory. I never hurt anybody!

Oh, no! Don't you talk to me about kids! All right. Relax. Everyone, back up!

All of you!

Hey, all of you! Back up!

Hey! Back up! Hey! Get off! Stand back! Get off him!

Get off him. Hey! Please!

Get off him!

Guys, get off him.

Get off him.



Any further v*olence will be viewed as attempted m*rder!

I never hurt anybody.

Call an ambulance.


All rise for Judge Theo Brown.

You may be seated.

I fear emotions are running high today.

So I'd like to ask everyone to respect the seriousness of our jobs at this arraignment.

I'll ask respective counsels to approach.

There will be two injustices here.

The death of an innocent man and the release of a guilty officer.

What makes you so sure, Mulder?

It's small town justice. They have their scapegoat, their predator.

We've witnessed mass hysteria and mob v*olence at its worst... but I'm not so sure about an innocent man.

This is a witch hunt. The person or persons responsible for the deaths of those children... is in this courtroom today.

What happened to hounds of hell? Oh, I saw one.

I did.

Whatever you think you may have seen, Mulder, you still haven't explained... how a wolf can take a young child from under its mother's nose.

He was just guarding the entrance to the underworld in this case.

Return to your tables.

You still haven't answered my question. Mr. Eggers.

Due to your exemplary record as an officer of the Eastwood Police Department... the testimony of your peers, and in determining you are not a flight risk... bail will be set at $5000.

Next court date is 30 days from today. Court is adjourned.

Looks like somebody wants to talk to us.

Agent Scully, Agent Mulder. Officer Wentworth.

You missed the proceedings.

I'm sickened how things turned out.

I didn't become a cop to watch a man get gunned down without due process.

So I went out and did some digging.

The day Andrew disappeared...

Melvin was performing at a birthday party 40 miles from here.

I checked with his client. They have him on video.

The encoded time stamp places him there at 2:15 p.m.

Right when Andrew disappeared.

There's no way he could have been in that park.

Have you told anybody else about this?

I told Chief Strong, but he didn't wanna hear it.

He told me to let sleeping dogs lie.

I don't think the chief's head's been right since he lost little Emily.

No, you did the right thing. The town won't see it that way.

Time has a way of shedding light on injustices.

Especially in this part of the country.

And we're not done here yet.

I sure would like to find that k*ller.

See him get what's coming to him.

We'll talk to Chief Strong.

You think I didn't know?

It's over, Rick. I called it off.

Well, it's a little late for that now.

I was stupid.

People make mistakes.

I'm asking you to forgive me.

For sleeping with my boss or for the death of our son?

No, I will not forgive you.

What, you're gonna k*ll me too?

I'm leaving you, you witch.

You can't leave me, Rick.

I'm leaving you.

Stay away from me!


Come on out here, you son of a bitch!

Anna, you stay down. It's between me and your cheating husband!


Mr. Chuckleteeth, happy as can be Mr. Chuckleteeth, won't you play with me?

When I'm feeling lonely Lonely as can be Oh, Mr. Chuckleteeth, won't you play with me?

Mr. Chuckleteeth, we love you so Stay with us forever And never let us go

What the hell is this?

Mr. Chuckleteeth, we all love you so Stay with us forever And never let us go Mr. Chuckleteeth, it's time to say farewell If you try to run away We'll send you straight to hell


Man down in the doorway.

It's Officer Eggers. Shot dead. I'll call it in.

Mulder, there's salt.

Chief Strong!


Mr. Chuckleteeth, happy as can be Mr. Chuckleteeth, won't you play with me?

When I'm feeling lonely Mrs. Strong!

Lonely as can be You in here?

Mr. Chuckleteeth, won't you play with me?

Mr. Chuckleteeth, we all love you so Stay with us forever and never let us go Mr. Chuckleteeth, happy as can be Follow me and prance with me and come be friends with me

There's a patrol car on the corner. There's no one inside.

There's something missing. A grimoire.

It has instructions for summoning spirits and demons.

Mulder, a man's been shot, and it wasn't a spirit.

Chief Strong was having an affair with Eggers' wife.

And it was probably a crime of passion. Yeah, and the gates of hell.

Where are we going? Back to the scene of the crime.

Come on, Diane. Pick up the phone.

Oh, my Lord.


No, no, no.









Anna, what are you doing?

Don't! I have to end what I started.

What you started?

I only meant to curse Diane for what you were doing behind my back.


You did this?

Our baby girl? I was only trying to curse you.

You've unleashed something you can't control!

No. I can end this.

Oh, my God, Mulder.


Put the book down.

Anna, drop the book.

No. No, I can end this. Please. No, no. You may have tapped into something... you can't control.


Somehow this didn't burn.

What'd you tell him?

To consider that book as evidence.

Evidence of what exactly?

Of a town in the grip of madness.

Of the most human faults and frailty.

Or in the grip of a curse, unleashed by a modern-day witch.

Well, leave that to the tourist literature, Mulder.

I just hope that it's over.

I only hope that it is too.

That woman went up in flames.

Maybe it was the candles.

Maybe it was the gates of Hell.

Let's get out of this town, Mulder.

There is no getting out of this town, Scully. Not these days.


2024-09-20 12:05:44 - Pike: Added some actors.

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