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1x01 Bond, Jimmy Bond The Lone GunmenSeason 1


Chris Carter & Vince Gilligan & John Shiban & Frank Spotnitz


Rob Bowman


March 4, 2001


43 minutes





2024-09-22 02:45:58


Version 6






The Lone Gunmen—Byers, Langly, and Frohike—find themselves entangled in a high-stakes conspiracy when they uncover a plot to crash a plane into the White House as part of a scheme to increase defense spending. With the help of their old friend, FBI Agent Dana Scully, they race against time to thwart the plot and expose the hidden agenda behind the attack.


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Pike avatar

The spin-off that didn't make any sense

Written by Pike on 2018-02-15
★ ★

When Chris Carter wrote the pilot from The X-Files, his wish was to push the boundaries of the current television landscape. Here, Chris Carter does exactly the opposite. The Lone Gunmen is a series that tries to be like so many other TV series. Average. Uninspiring. Plain boring.
Instead of focusing all of his attention on The X-Files, which quality was already fading for quite some time, Carter spreads himself even thinner with this spin-off that no one wanted.

I give it 2 out of 5. The best of this awful and short-lived uninspiring series.

Vivi avatar

An interesting start.

Written by Vivi on 2018-04-19
★ ★ ★

This first episode is pretty good thanks to the 3 main characters and the actors. The story is amazing because the writers have seen the future and it shows their talent. This is sad that some dialogues are not good and don't work.

Pike avatar

Average tv pilot

Written by Pike on 2018-06-02
★ ★ ★ ★

The Lone Gunmen is a spin off from The X-Files series. Frohike, Byers and Langley are three characters that appeared in the first season of The X-Files, in the episode "E.B.E.". While The X-Files was very serious at the time, the appearance of The Lone Gunmen characters was the first time the series went into the geek and fun storyline. I was never a fan of it at the time, as I much prefer the classic and serious X-Files than the self-aware one.

Up until today, I have yet to see a good spin off. Creating a successful and interesting series is so damn difficult, than trying to create another great one based on it is virtually impossible.
The Lone Gunmen is no exception.

The word that comes to mind is average. From the first moment of the pilot episode from The X-Files, the producers tried to go as far as possible from the typical average tv series frameworks. As an example, the actress was not the typical sexy bimbo. Instead of owning the fact that the three lead characters of The Lone Gunmen are not Hollywood sexy males, they had to add sexy characters, such as Eve. It makes no sense to add her into the loop.

It is by watching this episode that I discovered that Dean Haglund, the actor playing Langley, is actually a very, very bad actor. Every time he blabs a line, I simply did not believe it.

The music from Mark Snow is fun. Some parts are interesting, especially the electric guitare moments. But it ends there. The worst thing is by far the regular sound cues, as if we needed those. This feels cheap, lame and overall pointless. This diminishes the already low quality of the show.

Many times throughout the episode, the dialogue feels odd. It simply doesn't work. There is no real energy.

Also, the episode shows that it is extremely difficult to build a story with three equal characters. Lots of shots feel badly staged.

But there is one thing that is extremely interesting in this episode. The Simpsons may have predicted Trump becoming President, but The Lone Gunmen showed a story about a commercial plane (almost) hitting the World Trade Center from New York only six months and seven days before the horrific terrorist attack from 9/11/2001.

An average pilot using too many tv clichés. I give it 4 out of 10.


Its evening People are getting out of cars and walking into a modern twostorey building

Camera pans up and over to roof We see two figures running along a flat part of the roof Its BYERS and FROHIKE They stop and lift off the cover of a ventilation duct

Cut to security monitors showing people standing and walking in a large hall Pan back to show security guards at the monitors as more people walk into the hall

WOMAN VO Ladies and gentlemen Ladies and gentlemen thank you

Cut to the WOMAN speaking to the crowd

WOMAN On behalf of our 14000 employees I am pleased to say Welcome to EComCon The most technically advanced yet socially conscious company on the Fortune 500

VOICE OFF Yeah Right

People start looking round to see who it is

WOMAN In this stateoftheart research and development centre we are taking the next step in computer processor evolution and were creating a new age of innovation and customer service

We see a large plasma screen in the background showing a revolving animation of the processor

VOICE OFF But a new age of invading your customers privacy

People looking round again for the mystery person

WOMAN Sir are you sure youre on the right tour

LANGLY Yeah He puts an empty glass on a waiters tray Why dont you tell us about that Octium IV chip youre developing Hes picked up a kebab from the waiters tray

WOMAN Well ah The um Octium IV is our latest high speed processor Its capable of 68 gigaflops thats nearly 7 billion calculations per second

Camera has switched to LANGLY while shes speaking

LANGLY I mean tell us the truth How the Octium is secretly designed to keep tabs on the users

Cut to a laptop Pan up to FROHIKE suspended in a harness BYERS is operating the laptop Think Mission Impossible I

FROHIKE Patriot One to Patriot Two Were in position


LANGLY Its got a tiny little modem embedded in each processor see So they can upload your files onto the internet and your credit history and your tax bracket and your social security number All neatly packaged for these robber barons

WOMAN Sir I dont know that this is the proper forum

LANGLY And another thing

FROHIKE In LANGLYs ear Patriot Two

LANGLY stops talking

FROHIKE Patriot Two In position Shut up already

Camera focusses on device in LANGLYs ear Camera pulls back and LANGLY looks at the kebab

LANGLY Uh Is there peanuts in this

LANGLY faints very quickly People crowd around him Security guards rush into the hall and away from the monitors

Camera pans to monitors and focusses on one where we see FROHIKE being lowered in the harness from the ceiling of a room which is mostly empty except for table in the middle

Cut to a view in the room upwards watching FROHIKE descend

FROHIKE Oh yeah Whos your Daddy

Camera focuses on the Octium chip on the desk

Cut to hall where firstaid attempts are being made on the convulsing LANGLY

MAN We have a man having a severe allergic reaction here over

Cut to security monitors showing FROHIKE Pan up to someone watching the monitors glasses short hair beard

Camera alternates between FROHIKE and BYERS

Just as FROHIKE lifts out the chip an alert comes up on BYERS laptop


Other alerts appear


BYERS Um Frohike Hang on tight


The winch starts to haul FROHIKE upward Hew spins over backwards in his harness


BYERS I dont have winch control Our softwares been hijacked

FROHIKE descends again

LANGLY still on the floor convulsing jerks his had back and camera cuts to his upsidedown view of the bearded person by the security monitors

LANGLY spits out the pen and starts to sit up

MAN Take it easy Helps on the way

One of the other men sees and removes the listening device from LANGLYs ear

MAN What the hell is this

Cut to outside the room FROHIKE is in We see through the glass doors as FROHIKE is winched up again and then down again We see from FROHIKEs upsidedown view a person approaching the doors As the person walks in an alarm starts sounding Again from FROHIKEs upsidedown view we see the person the same bearded person as before

Cut to FROHIKE still upsidedown The bearded person moves in and gives FROHIKE a fullonthelips kiss

Cut to BYERS looking puzzled

Cut back to the liplock The bearded person pulls away


The bearded person takes the Octium chip

The bearded person pushes FROHIKE so he flips over and over in the harness then leaves and walks down the corridor Security men and LANGLY appear from a side corridor walking towards the room FROHIKE is in

LANGLY Youre making a big mistake That was a hearing aid

The bearded person goes into the Mens Restroom

Cut back to FROHIKE still suspended as the security men and LANGLY enter One man goes over to the table sees the chip is gone

MAN to FROHIKE Wheres the chip

FROHIKE just looks miserable The man looks up and sees BYERS

MAN Looking at FROHIKE Full body cavity search

FROHIKE looks more miserable Then the winch drops him onto the floor

The door to the Mens Restroom opens and out walks a very attractive young woman with long black hair and wearing a skimpy figurehugging black dress She looks over at the security men dragging LANGLY out of the room

LANGLY Honest to god we dont have it

The woman walks off pauses at a litter bin and deposits what looks like a false beard and wig in it She walks off along the corridor


View of a security monitor recording LANGLY and BYERS walking down steps to their office door

Camera pans to inside of door There is much unlocking of locks The door opens and LANGLY BYERS and FROHIKE enter

LANGLY what we wont do for the constitution

FROHIKE Yeah like having a role of tape shoved up our kazoos least it feels like that

LANGLY locks the door behind them

LANGLY Were not gonna let this injustice stand Were gonna stop these corporate goons from doing to the American people what they did to us last night

BYERS Yeah right

FROHIKE Whats the matter Byers

BYERS The matter is that we dont have the proof Without proof were nothing more than conspiracy nutters Without proof all we can do is cry wolf

LANGLY Dont take it personally man They strip searched all of us

During this conversation FROHIKE is wandering around searching for something

BYERS Eleven years weve been putting out this paper Think about it Have we really made a difference Is America a better place to live because of our efforts This story would have garnered national attention It would have forced EComCon to halt the production of the Octium chip it would have protected the civil liberties of millions of Americans But without proof

LANGLY Well we could still speculate cant we Well call it editorial commentary

BYERS For whom Last weeks issue had a circulation of two thousand eight hundred and twentyfour Were preaching to the converted

LANGLY The readership doesnt matter man its the impact on the black ops that counts They read it too the guys at the NSA and the CIA They tremble every time we put out one of these babies

LANGLY is holding up a copy of The Lone Gunman headline TELETUBBIES MINDCONTROL

BYERS You think the people at EComCon trembling

FROHIKE They will if we get that chip back

BYERS Like thats gonna happen

LANGLY EComCons already got the Justice Department searching for the dude that snaked it from us

FROHIKE Only theyre looking for a he

BYERS Are you sure that man with the beard was Yves Adele Harlow

FROHIKE Trust me No guy kisses like that Pause I mean er

LANGLY I hear Harlows a black hat Real heavy lifter Industrial espionage strictly for profit

BYERS Shes probably already sold the chip to the highest bidder the Malaysians or the Japanese

LANGLY It sucks We stole it

Looks over at FROHIKE who is still searching

LANGLY What the hell you doing

FROHIKE Our operation was piggybacked Theres only one way Harlow could know our plans

BYERS You believe she breached our security

FROHIKE points a device at a shelf and it emits a squeal sound LANGLY goes over and FROHIKE picks up and shows BYERS a small listening device LANGLY snatches and shouts into it

LANGLY Testing One two three you bitch

He throws it into a glass of liquid

LANGLY Thats twice today Ive been violated Thats it man Total war Salt the earth

An old telephone rings BYERS goes over and picks it up

BYERS Lone Gunman Newspaper Group Byers speaking

Camera pans in closer to BYERS face

BYERS Yes Im his son

Day Cemetery A group of people are standing around a grave in the distance A man RAY HELM is eulogising on BYERS father

HELM Bertram R Byers The R stood for Roosevelt Which is a name fit for a true believer if ever I heard one A true believer that was Bert Thirtyodd years that I was lucky enough to call him a friend He never lost his faith in the government a mighty power to do good His muscular Christianity

The camera pans and we see FROHIKE and LANGLY in the congregation standing with BYERS

FROHIKE an aside to LANGLY Theres enough brass here to make a spittoon

HELM As a civilian employee of the Air Force Bert jokingly described himself as a plodding Bureaucrat But he never lost his love for aerospace his chosen profession his true love

His voice fades as the camera pans over LANGLY and FROHIKE Somebody standing on the edge of the group catches LANGLYs attention Hes sure it is the bearded individual from the ECom Con event

HELM Which is why today in accordance with his wishes we commend his ashes to that bold frontier that he loved so well

Pan to BYERS

HELM Godspeed Bert

The Priest makes his way over to BYERS

PRIEST Would you do the honours

The Priest hands BYERS a small black box BYERS sighs


The mourners start moving away revealing a small rocket maybe 2 feet high

BYERS four three two one

The mourners are standing well back now away from the rocket

BYERS Ignition

He presses the button The rocket fires and takes off BYERS watches it ascend At the top of its trajectory it explodes with a soft sound

Later LANGLY and FROHIKE are walking through the cemetery

LANGLY So you never met him

FROHIKE Byers and his old man havent spoken since 1989

LANGLY The year we started publishing

FROHIKE The year Byers threw away a government pension to hang out with a couple of lowlife hippie scums At least so his old man thought

LANGLY is looking over FROHIKEs head at something ahead of him


FROHIKE Checking his watch What

LANGLY One spying chipstealing little crossdresser

LANGLY runs up to a someone sporting a short beard walking away from the service He grabs him turns him around and tries to pull the beard off



BEARDED MAN What are you doing

LANGLY You got touching his own face soup

The man walks off turning back to look quizzically at LANGLY

LANGLY sighs and walks back to FROHIKE

FROHIKE Next time leave the crack pipe at home

BYERS joins them

FROHIKE Hey buddy Nice service Looks like your old man had a lot of friends in high places

LANGLY Yeah Maybe we could plant bugs on a couple of them


LANGLY Or maybe nows not the time

BYERS Im about ready to get out of here

RAY HELM walks over towards BYERS

HELM John We met once years ago

BYERS and the man shake hands

HELM Im Ray Helm I worked with your father

BYERS Mr Helm Your eulogy was very nice Thank you

HELM I meant every word of it I was hoping you and I could about him I realised you hadnt seen each other in some time

BYERS Im just not sure what there is to talk about

HELM We could talk about how he died

BYERS According to the police his car ran off the road

HELM Like I said we could talk about that

Behind BYERS FROHIKE and LANGLY exchange a look

The LONE GUNMEN and RAY HELM are standing under a very long road bridge in the middle of a wide open area

HELM It happened here The police ruled it a single car accident There were no witnesses to it but based on the lack of skid marks HELM pauses Their explanation was that your father fell asleep at the wheel and ran off the road

LANGLY But you dont believe that

BYERS Youre not pause saying my father killed himself

HELM Im saying he was murdered

Cut to inside a car at night We see hands on the driving wheel Camera pans over to show the drivers face A man probably in his sixties

HELM VO I dont know where Bert was headed I dont know that it mattered Just so he was driving along a lonely stretch of road A perfect place for an ambush

We see through the back window the headlights of another car approaching That car draws level and the driver fires a gun Within the car we see the drivers window shatter

Cut to outside the car It goes off the road hits the bridge support and bursts into flames

Cut back to BYERS

BYERS What proof do you have

HELM Absolutely none

FROHIKE and LANGLY exchange glances

HELM Which is exactly the way these people manage things People your father and I worked for

BYERS Government

Helm nods BYERS by now is clearly upset

BYERS Why Why my father He was a company man

HELM He was a good man He had a conscience Sometimes thats a problem in our line of work

BYERS Meaning what

HELM Last time I spoke to him he was upset about something hed found out He wouldnt tell me what

FROHIKE comes up

FROHIKE Hold up Somethings somethings funky here Youre telling us the government is behind this

LANGLY To HELM Youre the government

HELM If youre anything like your father I knew youd want to know

Night The Lone Gunmens VW drives up Inside the residence is in a good decor lots of wood and blinds BYERS is looking at a document

FROHIKE Hey Byers You sure you really want to do this

LANGLY Besides that government guy said there wouldnt be any proof your Dad was murdered

BYERS slowly walks over to a table and picks up a framed photograph

BYERS If he was murdered thered have to be a reason for it Mr Helm said maybe he knew something

BYERS is upset but then rallies

BYERS I want to see whats on his PC

He walks off and LANGLY and FROHIKE follow FROHIKE slips on the spot falling towards the carpet


He falls on his back with a loud thump

FROHIKE Son of a bitch

He sits up and then looks at his fingers

FROHIKE Hey this carpets wet Like its been cleaned

BYERS To FROHIKE Check it out

LANGLY is sitting at the computer We see the lines of text on the monitor

LANGLY Well the good news is theres no annoying passwords to crack

BYERS Well whats the bad news

LANGLY Theres no nothing else either only an operating system Someone cleaned house Erased everything and defragged this puppy

BYERS Try a sector editor See if you can find any recently deleted files

LANGLY BINGO Delete commands up the wazoo

The monitor is now showing a screen showing a hexadecimal and text contents of a file deleted from the disk

BYERS Hey wait what about this one

BYERS points to some text on the screen

LANGLY Looks like a DOD file Scenario 12D

The screen shows a partial filename oadgov_docsscenario_12D

LANGLY Text file

Cut to FROHIKE back in the lounge in the dark Hes dressed in white coveralls and is inching his way across the carpet on his knees waving a ultraviolet light wand over the carpet which he is spraying with a liquid as he goes Suddenly the light picks up an area of carpet which glows faintly green

FROHIKE What the

He sprays it with the liquid and the glow intensifies

FROHIKE Hey Byers Langly

BYERS and LANGLY hear his shouts

FROHIKE Come look at this

BYERS and LANGLY enter the lounge FROHIKE hands the light wand to BYERS

FROHIKE Take a look at this

BYERS waves the light wand over the area of carpet

FROHIKE Thats blood And a lot of it

BYERS is looking down at the carpet in disbelief

LANGLY I thought your old man died in a car crash

BYERS Theorising My father was dead long before the crash

He exchanges a look with FROHIKE and LANGLY

BYERS He was murdered here

Fade to black

A red VW Beetle is being crushed in a breakers yard

YARD WORKER BYERS Bertram Blue 92 Caprice

The Yard Worker is walking while looking at papers on a clipboard BYERS and FROHIKE are following him

YARD WORKER Yeah We got it

FROHIKE I dont get it Youre saying somebody popped your father in his living room then loaded him into his car then faked a car crash two miles away Now thats a hell of a trick A dead man driving a car

BYERS They managed it somehow Theres got to be evidence in the car that the fire didnt destroy

YARD WORKER Youre Bertram Byers


YARD WORKER Date of birth January 1934

BYERS looks at FROHIKE FROHIKE looks at the Yard Worker


YARD WORKER Its over yonder

BYERS and FROHIKE look over and see a machine about to lift a car into the crusher

FROHIKE Worried That yonder

They run frantically towards the machine shouting Hey Wait Stop Shut it down

As they run FROHIKE slips and falls face down into the mud

BYERS Shut it down

FROHIKE picks himself up Hes covered in mud from head to foot


They stare resignedly as the machine lowers the car into the crusher

YARD WORKER Hey Your cars over here

FROHIKE and BYERS turn around

YARD WORKER This yonder This ones your Caprice

The camera pans over a barely recognisable blue car Its been crushed into a steel cube

YARD WORKER Hope you didnt leave nothing in the glove box

A corridor in a building Men come out of open doors into the corridor pointing guns A hand appears in front of the camera holding a gun Shots are fired As each man in the corridor is hit he disappears Its a computer simulation

LANGLY complete with ear protection steps in front of the shooter

LANGLY Nice shooting Have you seen Kimmy

Shooter wearing camouflage points his gun at the ceiling and exasperated points to his left LANGLY walks off

As the camera pans across we see that it is a firing range with several shooters

KIMMY You want some You try my smorgasbord

The camera shows what Kimmy is looking at its a battle scene in woods with several warriors running forwards theyre carrying swords and shields Again they disappear when shot

LANGLY taps Kimmys shoulder Kimmy whirls round in surprise

KIMMY Hey Never touch a man with a gun in his hand

LANGLY Shooting Vikings now Thats not very sporting

KIMMY What do you want Langly Im locked and loaded here

LANGLY I need some help circumventing DoDs online security codes

KIMMY DOD What for

LANGLY says nothing

KIMMY Go put your daisy into somebody elses rifle hippie I gotta put some serious lead downrange

LANGLY Im talking about government sanctioned murder here

KIMMY What is this Another one of your whacko conspiracy theories Like who shot JR


KIMMY Whatever My point being youre wasting your life man A hacker of your calibre ought to be floating in a Silicon Valley hot tub sipping champers and counting his IPO casho

Theres the sound of rapid gunfire and both men look in that direction

A woman dressed in black clothes with long hair is firing down the range using two guns

LANGLY Hey chihuahua whos that

KIMMY A fellow hacker Her names Yves Harlow

LANGLY goes over to the woman

LANGLY I liked you better with the beard

She smiles Kimmy has followed LANGLY

LANGLY Wheres our chip

YVES In an English accent Chip What chip

LANGLY That Octium IVs rightfully ours Give it the hell back

KIMMY You got an Octium IV

YVES And what did you three stooges plan to do with the chip Give it to 60 Minutes Expose the makes quote signs truth in your silly little rag

LANGLY The American people have the right to know

YVES If you pimply pencilnecks are the only hope for the American people god help us all

KIMMY Come on Langly Lets go do some real hacking

The two guys walk off Kimmy slaps LANGLY on his butt LANGLY glares at him Yves goes back to shooting

Day A dimly lit workshop FROHIKE is working on the wrecked car BYERS is watching

BYERS Find anything

FROHIKE Yeah A new meaning for the term compact car Talk about a needle in a haystack If there is any evidence in this heap of junk were gonna be hard pressed to find it

BYERS Well find it

FROHIKE Uh And then what Then youll be happy

BYERS Im not sure I understand the question

FROHIKE Whats the best thing that could come out of this investigation as far as youre concerned You find out that your father was going to blow the whistle on the government You find out pause they killed him for it

BYERS walks over to FROHIKE

BYERS Whats your point

FROHIKE Come on Byers We both know that you and your father didnt see eye to eye Youre hoping youll find he was someone you could respect But what if he wasnt

BYERS is silent FROHIKE goes back to working on the car

BYERS My father used to talk about JFK when I was a kid Camelot a government as good as its people the American dream Sighs I dont know when or why he stopped believing in it but those stories made me who I am Made me believe in the promise of our country

FROHIKE Truth justice and the American Way

BYERS Someone has to expose those who would destroy that dream Someone has to write the stories they dont want you to read Thats why I teamed up with you guys Youre true believers

FROHIKE And I thought it was for the chick throwoff

BYERS smiles

FROHIKE Look All Im saying is I dont want you setting yourself up for a disappointment Im saying make peace with your father in another way

FROHIKE goes back to work on the car and pulls out a small metal object a circuit board

BYERS What is it

FROHIKE hands it over to BYERS

FROHIKE A needle in a haystack

Office of The Lone Gunman A computer monitor is showing a Department of Defence web page Kimmy is at the keyboard

KIMMY Were in Piece of cake My old granny could hack this site

He yawns

KIMMY OK Where to next

LANGLY OK Products and logistics Nno Wait Wait Program analysis and evaluation Were looking for any reference to something called scenario12d

Kimmy taps away

FROHIKE Offscreen We got it

FROHIKE and BYERS walk between the shelving

FROHIKE The proverbial smoking gun

He sees Kimmy

FROHIKE Hey Kimmy Slumming

LANGLY Hes helping me hack into the DOD mainframe

KIMMY I only said yes to keep blondie from getting his nads clipped

LANGLY We ran into Yves Adele Harlow at the shooting range I didnt want to cause a scene You know your old man and all So what you got

BYERS We found this in the engine compartment of my fathers car

They look at the circuit board under a magnifying glass

BYERS None of the circuits have a manufacturers identifying numbers

LANGLY And this copper zigzag looks like an integrated antenna

BYERS Etched into the board like a cellphone Were thinking

FROHIKE If this receives radio signals and was clipped to the car engines control module

BYERS The speed of the car could be remotely controlled

FROHIKE All youd need is a handheld radio controller to operate the car

LANGLY And make it look like a dead man was driving


KIMMY Yes I am the king Numero uno baby Mmmm mmmm

The Gunmen walk over to Kimmy

BYERS Find something

KIMMY Yep I wound up in some government thinktanks upload directory Heres your scenarios ladies

BYERS Its in clear Counterterrorism scenarios War games developed for the Defence Department

FROHIKE Whats Scenario 12D

Kimmy clicks on the file A dialog box on the screen opens

Domestic Airline InFlight Terrorist Act

LANGLY Airline terrorism That doesnt make sense Your father was murdered over a war game

BYERS Download it

Kimmy taps away The screen shows

RETRIEVING uploadsscenariosscenario_12Dtxt

Then an alert sounds and the screen shows

port1080 offending IP256127659

DrWeesh points out that this is an invalid IP address 8 bit IP numbers range from 0255

KIMMY Ixnay on the downloadday

BYERS What is it

KIMMY Its a bogey Weve been spotted


Another monitor elsewhere We realise we are the DOD monitoring the Lone Gunmens hack attempt

DOD OPERATOR Sir Weve got an intruder Im tracing


KIMMY Theyre running some realtime intrusion detection Somebody knows were in We should ditch

BYERS Keep downloading

LANGLY These guys are murderers Byers Give it some thought man


DOD surveillance monitor shows a trace homing in to the DC area on a map

DOD OPERATOR Ive isolated their bitstream DSL DC metro


LANGLY Theyve compromised our cookie

Another alert sounds Kimmy pulls his hands away from the keyboard

BYERS Stay with it

KIMMY Theyre scanning our services

BYERS Were almost there Keep going


DOD OPERATOR On board Scanning for vitals


KIMMY Im failing Theyre scanning our file system

BYERS We need that file


DOD OPERATOR Here we go Address data file

Screen shows a file being downloaded

Opening file


KIMMY Oh my god They found a data file Theyre gonna get our address

LANGLY Theyll be busting through our door

BYERS Keep downloading

Suddenly the monitor goes blank The system powers down BYERS looks round FROHIKE has pulled the plug

BYERS Frohike We almost had it

FROHIKE We almost got our asses fried

BYERS My father died for that file

FROHIKE Exactly Use your head


DOD OPERATOR Lost them Sorry sir

Camera pans to show the DOD Operators boss Its HELM

HELM I know who they are

Fade to black

548 AM
Lone Gunman offices BYERS is sat looking at the circuit board

LANGLY What you say we call it a night Byers

FROHIKE Oh its too late for that the sun just came up Come on Byers Ill buy you a Grand Slam

BYERS It just doesnt make sense

LANGLY What doesnt make sense

BYERS The blood in my fathers house

FROHIKE Buddy weve been through this They shot him

BYERS Why Why go to the trouble of faking a car accident so perfectly so convincingly when youre starting with a body thats got a hole in it

LANGLY Maybe your dad put up a fight

BYERS Maybe it wasnt his blood

LANGLY gives him a sharp look

The crash scene under the bridge The three walk over to the tracks in the ground from the cars tyres As they are examining these another car draws up and drives straight over the tracks The driver gets out its Helm

HELM You found something

FROHIKE holds up the circuit board


BYERS takes it from him

HELM Of what

BYERS My father wasnt murdered

LANGLY But not for lack of trying

HELM I dont understand Are you saying it was an accident

BYERS Were saying hes not dead

HELM looks shocked

BYERS It starts with a blood stain we found in my fathers house Weve had it tested the blood wasnt his

HELM Whose was it

BYERS His wouldbe assassin A professional sent to make his death look like an accident

Flashback to BYERS SNRs house A curtain is drawn back and a man holding a silenced gun enters the room

BYERS VO The carpet in the living room had been freshly shampooed

The assassin is creeping up behind BYERS SNR who is sat down

BYERS VO We assumed it was to get rid of the blood evidence

FROHIKE VO It was the second time

Still in flashback The assassin slowly approaches BYERS SNR who is watching television BYERS SNR is clearly enjoying what he is watching and the assassin approaches him from behind Suddenly the assassin slips and falls with a grunt to the ground There is a gunshot and a bright flash BYERS SNR is startled and looks behind him


Under the bridge with THE LONE GUNMEN and HELM

HELM He shot himself

HELM seems somewhat unbelieving

HELM Some professional

LANGLY Hey Government contractor

Cut with flash effect to outside BYERS SNRs home BYERS SNR leaves the house

BYERS VO In the aftermath Dad realised he was in danger I imagine his first impulse was to run

Flashback BYERS SNR goes to his car As he gets in he discovers a device on the drivers seat He picks it up its a remote control with a joysticktype lever

BYERS VO But then he started to piece together the larger plan

Flashback BYERS SNR gets out of the car and raises the bonnet of the car Theres a circuit board with wires leading to various parts of the engine BYERS SNR clicks a button on the remote control and the headlights light up

BYERS VO He found the remote control that the assassin attached to his car

BYERS SNR moves the joystick and the car reverses

BYERS VO Someone was going to great lengths to fake his death in a car accident

BYERS SNR continues to operate the joystick and the car moves towards him

BYERS VO To murder him without arousing suspicion

BYERS SNR reaches up to close the bonnet

BYERS VO So he came up with his own plan

Cut with flash effect to a seat belt being engaged to strap in the dead assassin

BYERS VO Dad knew whoever would go to such lengths would only stop if he were dead

BYERS SNR gets out of the car

BYERS VO So he made it look as though he was

BYERS SNR operates the remote control and the car drives off fast hits the bridge support and burst into flames


BYERS finishing his theory with HELM

HELM What reason did they have to kill your father What were they trying to hide

BYERS Something called Scenario 12D

HELM We have to find Bert He can tell us everything we need to know

LANGLY We dont know where he is Weve got to find what Scenario 12D is

FROHIKE Thats why we need your help As a government monkey man

LANGLY We need your password to get beyond password security What is it

HELM hesitates then decides

HELM Overlord


HELM Whatever I can do to help

BYERS Good pauses Well catch up with you later

BYERS walks away

LANGLY Whys he so bummed His dads alive

FROHIKE Yeah But he may never see him again

BYERS SNRs living room Its day but the curtains are drawn BYERS enters He goes over to a small bureau and pulls open a compartment He then notices several magazines on one shelf He pulls some out they are all Lone Gunman newsletters Headlines ATMs STEAL CASH SUPERMARKET BARCODES USED TO TRACK YOU While he is looking as these another man enters the room


We see its BYERS SNR


BYERS goes over to his father He starts to smile His father then slaps him across his face

BYERS SNR What the hell are you doing Why cant you stay out of this Leave me buried

BYERS What is scenario 12D

BYERS SNR doesnt respond

BYERS We know its a war game scenario That it has to do with airline counterterrorism Why is it important enough to kill for

BYERS SNR Because its no longer a game

BYERS But if some terrorist group wants to act out this scenario then why target you for assassination

BYERS SNR Depends on who your terrorists are

BYERS The men who conceived of it the first place Youre saying our government is planning to commit a terrorist act against a domestic airline

BYERS SNR There you go again Blaming the entire government as usual In fact a small faction

BYERS For what possible gain

BYERS SNR The Cold Wars over John But with no clear enemy to stockpile against the arms markets flat But bring down a fully loaded 727 into the middle of New York City and youll find a dozen tinpot dictators all over the world just clamouring to take responsibility and begging to be smartbombed

BYERS I cant believe this This is about increasing arms sales




BYERS How are you going to stop them

BYERS SNR says nothing

BYERS Why didnt you tell the world about this go to the press

BYERS SNR You think Id still be drawing breath 30 minutes after I made that call The press whos going to run this story

BYERS We would


He goes over to the pile of Lone Gunman newsletters and picks one up

BYERS SNR This is bird cage liner Wildeyed crap up there with Elvis is an Alien and twoheaded babies

BYERS You obviously read it

BYERS SNR Dont be so damned naive This isnt going to save the world He sighs Im doing what I can John I dont have all the specifics on scenario 12D but I think I know the flight theyve chosen You stay out of it I dont want Overlord gunning for you too

The Lone Gunmen offices Someone is making a list of anagrams of Yves Adele Harlow Its FROHIKE The door opens and he looks up as does LANGLY and Helm who are sitting at the computer BYERS comes in

HELM Feeling better

LANGLY Were on the job here Byers I think were making some real headway

FROHIKE Hey buddy You OK

BYERS I just found my father

HELM Where

BYERS At his house Hes there now

FROHIKE What did he say

BYERS After he hit me He told me to stay away from him not to get involved

HELM Ive got to get over there

BYERS Mr Helm Be careful He doesnt trust you either He thinks you were somehow involved in the attempt on his life

HELM nods and leaves

FROHIKE What the hell are you doing

LANGLY What if hes involved What if he used us to get to your father

FROHIKE You might have ratted out on your dad

BYERS That was their plan Put the son in danger and you flush the father out of hiding We had a couple of portable hydrocarbonsniffers where are they

FROHIKE and LANGLY look at each other


BYERS starts looking around


Theres a knock on the door

BYERS Somebody get that

FROHIKE goes over to the security monitor Theres a man standing outside

BYERS Let him in before somebody sees him

FROHIKE opens the door Its BYERS SNR FROHIKE gestures him in


BYERS SNR goes over to LANGLY and BYERS who is holding a couple of devices in his hands

LANGLY Congrats on not being dead

BYERS SNR Oh the day is young

FROHIKE BYERS you want to clue us in

BYERS looks at his father

BYERS Weve got a plane to catch

He hands his father one of the devices

Airport terminal An tannoy is announcing departing flights A monitor is displaying flight details

Flight 265
Departs 650 PM
Gate 34

BYERS and his father walk across a crowded concourse towards departure gate 34 BYERS SNR hesitates BYERS walks back to him

BYERS Do you see anyone you recognise

BYERS SNR No But that doesnt mean theyre not around

BYERS OK Lets board and check the cabin for free hydrocarbons Try and pinpoint their bomb

BYERS SNR This is your plan I still think we should call in a bomb threat and let the FBI deal with this

BYERS You said yourself we dont know the full extent of this conspiracy we cant trust any government official Our only hope is to get on that plane

BYERS walks off to the departure gate his father follows him The camera pulls and we see a man using a public telephone

MAN Theyre boarding


HELM is talking on his mobile phone standing in BYERS SNR living room

HELM Thats two problems solved

Fade to black

Night An aircraft is flying through the sky Ahead can be seen the many lights of a City


Inside the aircraft BYERS is using the hydrocarbon sniffer in what appears to be the galley He goes back into the passenger cabin and sits down next to his father

BYERS Find anything

BYERS SNR Well the luggage holds clear if this thing can be trusted What did you do make with your Erectorset

BYERS Are you absolutely sure this is the targeted flight

BYERS SNR This flight was chosen primarily for its visibility Its schedule to pass over Manhattan on its way to Boston

BYERS You said they intend to bring this down in the middle of New York City


BYERS What if there is no bomb

BYERS SNR Well how they going to bring it down

BYERS The same way a dead man can drive a car

BYERS SNR looks astounded BYERS gets out of his seat

The Lone Gunmen offices FROHIKE and LANGLY are both listening on the phone to BYERS calling from the plane

FROHIKE AND LANGLY What do you mean no bomb

BYERS VO Langly I need you to hack into the airlines onboard navigation system LANGLY rushes over to the computer We need to know where were headed

FROHIKE OK Going to headsets

FROHIKE Ill clone the airphones carrier Make them think were sending a groundtoair fax

LANGLY Thats one twisted star 69

FROHIKE Uh just get ready ride the wave hippie boy

LANGLY Just get me on that plane and Ill get you autopilot access

FROHIKE How are you going to do that

LANGLY Airline telemetry systems use processors similar to those found in CB radios

FROHIKE Im in Weve got ourselves a convoy


BYERS and his father on the airplanes phone

BYERS Whats your progress

LANGLY VO Ive hacked into the flight control system output


LANGLY and FROHIKE are in front of their computer They are running some systems monitoring software

FROHIKE With a little bit of help

LANGLY Its what the brains of the plane is telling the little black box

FROHIKE Course heading attitude hold yaw axis stabilisation pauses what points at screen what the hecks that

LANGLY Is that what it looks like

FROHIKE I think it is what it looks like


On the plane with BYERS

BYERS What does what look like

LANGLY Modem protocol Remote access Somebody on the grounds flying your plane


DOD monitoring station The DOD operator we saw earlier is monitoring the Lone Gunmens progress Helm is with him


HELM Keep your course


Onboard the aircraft

BYERS We need to know our flightplan


LANGLY and FROHIKE are checking the flight data

FROHIKE Im mapping the data now

The monitor changes to show a map The map increases in detail and a line showing the flightplan is superimposed on it The line stops at a point on the map and the target building is highlighted FROHIKE and LANGLY look at each other

LANGLY Byers Your flights going to make an unscheduled stop In exactly 22 minutes


FROHIKE Corner of Liberty and Washington Lower Manhattan


Onboard the aircraft BYERS and BYERS SNR are trying to keep their voices low

BYERS World Trade Center He turns to his father Theyre going to crash it into the World Trade Center

BYERS SNR Ill tell the flight crew


The Lone Gunmen offices LANGLY is frantically working at the console

BYERS VO Langly can you override the flight control system

LANGLY Working on it


The aircraft flight deck BYERS SNR enters The pilot turns to him

PILOT What is this

The navigator tries to stop BYERS SNR

BYERS SNR My name is Bert Byers He shows them his ID I work for the government I believe this plane has been commandeered

PILOT Sir passengers are not allowed in the cockpit I need you to return to your seat now

BYERS SNR You dont have control of this plane and I dont know what we can do to get it back Turn off your autopilot There may be a chance we can override it

PILOT Sir Ill be happy to contact your superiors in the government

BYERS SNR rushes to the flight controls

PILOT Sir Dammit

The navigator hauls BYERS SNR back The CoPilot has grabbed the control stick

COPILOT Hes right

Cut to monitor in Lone Gunmen offices The screen shows ALERT SYSTEM OVERLOAD Flushing C Please wait

LANGLY Dammit Frozen again Exasperated Theyve encrypted the manual override commands

FROHIKE Well decrypt them then

LANGLY I dont have enough power

We cut between BYERS and the Lone Gunmen offices

LANGLY VO my CPUs are pegged

BYERS Langly whats happening

LANGLY Ill try decrypting in background mode

BYERS How long will that take

LANGLY On my calcs per sec I estimate pause seven to ten days

BYERS Oh Needless to say

LANGLY Our asses are fried

FROHIKE takes off his headset

LANGLY Where you going

FROHIKE To unfry us

LANGLY continues working on the computer which freezes again

The firing range Yves is there dressed in black wearing earprotectors and firing down the range

FROHIKE I need that chip Yves

YVES Melvin I knew youd come begging sooner or later

FROHIKE Seriously Lay off the Melvin crap I need some serious gigaflops and I need them now

YVES Well I hear some guy with a beard took that chip

FROHIKE Those were a womans lips I kissed

YVES Like you ever kissed a girl before

FROHIKE I dont have time for this

Yves loads and locks a gun

YVES You going to take it away from me

FROHIKE Give us the chip Yves or youll be sacrificing the lives of hundreds of people including Byers and his father

YVES Im crying

FROHIKE Yeah youre one real tough cookie How much you going to enjoy spending the millions youll make selling that chip when you realise its been paid for in blood

YVES I guess you dont know me

FROHIKE Well maybe I do pause Lee Harvey Oswald

Yves looks at him

FROHIKE Your name Yves Adele Harlow is an anagram of Lee Harvey Oswald Some joke I know who you really are sugar And I can tell the world in my makes quote signs silly little rag

Fade to black

Night We are flying over the New York City area high above the ground we see skyscrapers below Many lights and bright windows below us on the ground


Aircraft flight deck

PILOT All right try cutting electrical power

BYERS SNR Theyve thought of that Theyve thought of everything

The Pilot flips a switch turning on the tannoy in the passenger compartment

PILOT Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking We are experiencing some uh technical difficulties up here At this time we would like you all to return to your seats

BYERS SNR And kiss your asses goodbye

View through aircraft front window towards the twin towers

Cut to BYERS

BYERS Langly were getting close


LANGLY I know I know

Computer freezes again


Cut to view from aircraft again The City lights are getting brighter

PILOT New York Center This is Atlantic National flight 265 heavy We are declaring an emergency We have 110 souls on board 16000 pounds of fuel and no dangerous goods or cargo to report

Cut to LANGLY hitting the desk in frustration again

LANGLY Come on Frohike

Cut to aircraft cabin BYERS SNR and BYERS still on the phone

BYERS SNR Your friends have failed havent they

BYERS Theres still hope

BYERS SNR I hope my next funeral is as nice as my last one

A shot of the aircraft from above then from underneath showing the Twin Towers getting closer Then BYERS Then the pilot Then view through flight deck window Then LANGLY with his head in his hands

LANGLYs computer beeps The message on screen reads ALERT REMOTE ACCESS DETECTED Port 1080 offending IP 256659127

Then another message Manual Override Unlocked


He types The screen now shows Octium Inside Octium IV This is an obvious ripoff of the Intel Inside campaign

We cut to FROHIKE and YVES who are typing away on a laptop

We then cut to view of the Twin Towers approaching quickly then to flight deck Theres a beep and a green light shows on the control panel

COPILOT Weve got manual override

Scene of aircraft rapidly gaining altitude Passengers and belongings tumble to the cabin floor Long scene of aircraft flying up and eventually over the top of the buildings

Cut to airport Screen shows Flight 256 as cancelled BYERS and his father along with others are disembarking

BYERS If we cant get the FBI well go public With your testimony we can break this conspiracy wide open Bring Overlord down The whole operation

BYERS realises his father has lagged behind him He turns to face his father

BYERS Dad What is it

BYERS SNR God I see myself in you The same youthful enthusiasm idealism Pause I was so angry at you for so long because I didnt want you to waste your life tilting at windmills But I can see now youve got something I never had Beat Youre a brave man John

BYERS Realising what his father is saying Youre not going to testify Youre going to let them cover this up

BYERS SNR They almost killed me twice They wont fail a third time My silence will keep me alive he puts his hand on BYERS shoulder And you I know you and your friends are fighting for the American dream Pause Just dont expect to win

BYERS SNR walks away

The Offices of The Lone Gunman A monitor is showing the latest copy of The Lone Gunman the headline reads Terrorist Attack Narrowly Averted

LANGLY So we go with this then

BYERS We cant do it We dont have the proof

LANGLY Then we dont have a lead story for this weeks issue

FROHIKE Yeah we do

FROHIKE starts typing Screen show headline changed to Octium IV Chip Invades Privacy

BYERS Well we certainly dont have proof of that

LANGLY Youre pistolpacking bearded lady has it remember

FROHIKE Yeah Well turnabouts fair play

FROHIKE holds up the chip

LANGLY How the hell did you get that

FROHIKE Hey Grinning Once youve had a little taste of Frohike

BYERS and LANGLY look sceptical

FROHIKE OK I grabbed it and ran

BYERS Well weve got a story to write

They all gather round the computer as BYERS starts typing The camera pans back Fade to black



2024-09-22 02:45:58 - Pike: Added the runtime.
2024-08-25 19:21:52 - Pike: Added a photo.

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