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1x02 Pilot Dead Letters MillenniuMSeason 1


Chris Carter


David Nutter


November 1, 1996


0 minute





2024-08-28 11:39:16


Version 3






Frank investigates a series of deaths where victims are burned alive after being forced to ingest hallucinogens. He uncovers a cult-like organization that brainwashes its members, turning them into obedient killers. The case challenges Frank's understanding of evil as he faces a group that believes in purging humanity through fire.


Gehenna is a chilling and atmospheric episode of Millennium that delves into the themes of psychological terror, retribution, and the supernatural. This episode continues to explore the dark and complex world of Frank Black as he confronts a case that intertwines elements of the occult with human evil.

The episode begins with the discovery of the bodies of several young women, who have been found in a series of abandoned buildings. The murders are marked by disturbing ritualistic elements, and the bodies are discovered in positions that suggest a sinister, symbolic purpose. The case is particularly unsettling due to the involvement of a mysterious figure who appears to have a deep understanding of occult practices.

Frank Black is brought in to assist with the investigation, working alongside the FBI and the Millennium Group. He quickly realizes that the murders are not just random acts of violence but are part of a ritualistic pattern that indicates a deeper, more disturbing motive. The investigation reveals that the killer has been targeting women who were involved in a controversial and secretive religious cult.

As Frank delves deeper into the case, he learns about the cult's leader, a charismatic and enigmatic figure named Sebastian, who is known for his unorthodox and extreme beliefs. Sebastian preaches a doctrine of retribution and punishment, claiming that his actions are divinely inspired and necessary to cleanse the world of sin. His followers, who are deeply devoted to his teachings, are implicated in the murders and appear to be complicit in the ritualistic killings.

The investigation takes a dark turn as Frank discovers that the cult's practices involve a form of psychological manipulation and indoctrination that drives its members to commit violent acts in the name of their beliefs. The rituals performed by the cult are designed to evoke fear and control, using the guise of religion to justify their actions.

The climax of the episode builds to a tense confrontation between Frank and Sebastian. Frank must navigate the dangerous and unstable mindset of the cult leader, who is driven by a twisted sense of justice and religious fervor. The showdown is intense and fraught with psychological horror, as Frank confronts the disturbing nature of Sebastian's beliefs and the impact they have on his followers.

In the resolution of the case, Frank is left grappling with the emotional and psychological toll of the investigation. The episode highlights the dangers of extreme beliefs and the lengths to which people will go when they are convinced of their righteousness. Frank’s experiences underscore the theme of the blurred line between faith and fanaticism, and the profound impact that such ideologies can have on individuals and society.

Gehenna is a powerful and unsettling episode that explores the intersection of the supernatural and the psychological, providing a haunting look at the nature of evil and the dangers of religious extremism. Through its dark and atmospheric storytelling, the episode continues to build on the themes established in the pilot, deepening the series' exploration of human and supernatural terror.


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Frank Black: I'm just confused about something I thought I understood about evil. What it is, exactly.
Catherine Black: You mean, what causes it?
Frank Black: It seems that the old biblical concept of the devil's influence has lost any currency.
Catherine Black: I just think the language has changed. I think science and psychology have given us a clearer idea of why people commit evil acts. I see it every day. Abused kids become abusive adults.
Frank Black: So the true source of evil is us?
Catherine Black: You mean, are we all capable of it?
Frank Black: Or is there something out there, a force or a presence, waiting until it can create another murder, another rape, another Holocaust.
Catherine Black: I think it's something that everyone who looks deeply at life wonders.



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Pike avatar

Apparent problems

Written by Pike on 2024-08-16
★ ★

By the second episode, the series' problems are, unfortunately, already apparent. Frank Black isn't a practicing cop, so the emotional tension is lessened. Sure, he's acting to save his family. But the task seems truly futile, given the number of murders committed every day on American soil.
The other problem is that Lance Henriksen has to take sole responsibility for the series, while the other characters are merely second-rate. And what is the show's strength - its darkness and atony - makes the episodes, yes, I'll say it, sometimes soporific.
Gehenna is a relatively dull episode, which doesn't augur well for the rest of the series, especially as the order book is so intense that, 25 years later, it seems impossible, namely seasons of 22 to 23 episodes.
Lance Henriksen recounts the anecdote following the shooting of the pilot, which took a month to complete: “I said 'Chris, this is fantastic. Are we going to do this for every episode?' and he said 'No, we shoot every episode in eight days.'”


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2024-08-28 11:39:16 - Pike: Added the story.

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