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DuaneB avatar
Rank: FBI Janitor
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By DuaneB on Wednesday June 13, 2018 09:56 am

I just realized that I didn't introduce me. So that's done now!
I'm DuaneB, 35, fan of the X files from 1995. I'm pianist and composer in the real life, and this also brings me to pay attention to music in series, not only X files. My first episode watched was Colony, so you can imagine how it took me! From this night, I felt directly in love with the show.
Finaly, I would like to say that -after fighting about Darin Morgan with the two main administrators of this site on the french forum LVEI, I'm so happy to be part of it here as a member. You guys are doing an extraordinary job here!

Pike avatar
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By Pike on Wednesday June 13, 2018 10:24 am

DuaneB wrote:I just realized that I didn't introduce me. So that's done now!
I'm DuaneB, 35, fan of the X files from 1995. I'm pianist and composer in the real life, and this also brings me to pay attention to music in series, not only X files. My first episode watched was Colony, so you can imagine how it took me! From this night, I felt directly in love with the show.
Finaly, I would like to say that -after fighting about Darin Morgan with the two main administrators of this site on the french forum LVEI, I'm so happy to be part of it here as a member. You guys are doing an extraordinary job here!

Welcome DuaneB, it is a privilege to have such a talented pianist on board. I hope that the music section will ultimately be of interest to you. And maybe one day we will even have you as an artist there - who knows. If you have new recordings or live video performances, know that we will gladly promote this work.

In the meantime, there are still many X-Files episodes needing additional reviews, so it is always with great pleasure that I read your interesting reviews.

Finally, indeed we will never forget the very rough way we met online. For that alone, you will always be one of our VIPs. Also, we highly recognize the first members, believing in us in the first days of the site.

Take care!

Gruic avatar
Rank: FBI Special Agent
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By Gruic on Wednesday June 13, 2018 11:17 am

Better late than never : welcome !

Good to see you here.

I'm always happy to see more reviews from you on Tvore.

DuaneB avatar
Rank: FBI Janitor
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By DuaneB on Wednesday June 13, 2018 02:37 pm

Thanks guy. It's a pleasure.

danascully09 avatar
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By danascully09 on Wednesday June 13, 2018 04:22 pm

I like your reviews ;)

DuaneB avatar
Rank: FBI Janitor
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By DuaneB on Thursday June 28, 2018 10:16 pm

Hey! Yours are good too!

danascully09 avatar
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By danascully09 on Friday June 29, 2018 10:09 am

My english is bas when I write, I haven't got much words... So my reviews are shorts! I wish I have more vocabulary to translate my feelings.

DuaneB avatar
Rank: FBI Janitor
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By DuaneB on Friday June 29, 2018 11:54 am

Don't worry it is the same for me... But since we can say what we say it is okay. I'm even happy to post my reviews here. As you know, it is more alive here than on our french LVEI, huh?

Pike avatar
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By Pike on Friday June 29, 2018 03:55 pm

Your English is great, both of you! I understand every word of it, and I can only deeply thank you for your active participation, you make this entire adventure worthwhile and when we'll have tons of members and be super successful, I will never ever forget the first members like you who believed in us since first day. So, all I can send you are virtual hugs, but that comes from the heart :)

lilly avatar
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By lilly on Friday June 29, 2018 03:57 pm

yay, group hugs to every body!!!

Gruic avatar
Rank: FBI Special Agent
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By Gruic on Saturday June 30, 2018 07:32 am

Each time I discover a new review on tvore, that makes my day.

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