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Providence cover


Nothing Important Happened Today The Truth


Monday September 16, 2002




2024-08-24 13:48:20


Version 3






Providence is an X-Files VHS tape released in 2002, which contains two episodes: Provenance and Providence.

Provenance (Season 9, Episode 9) and Providence (Season 9, Episode 10) are two-part episodes from The X-Files that delve into themes of alien mythology, religious fanaticism, and the deepening mysteries surrounding the birth of Agent Dana Scully's son, William.

In Provenance, the story begins with the discovery of an alien spacecraft in Canada, linked to a religious cult that believes in an alien gospel. This spacecraft is thought to be similar to the one found in Africa during the events of the sixth season. FBI Agent Robert Comer, who was investigating the cult, reappears after being presumed dead, with a warning that Scully's son, William, is in danger. Comer attempts to steal a piece of the spacecraft from the FBI's evidence facility, believing it holds significant power. He tries to kill William, claiming the child is part of an alien prophecy, but Scully and her fellow agents stop him. The episode ends with Scully realizing the cult may see William as either a savior or a destroyer, putting him in grave danger.

In Providence, the story picks up with Scully desperately searching for her kidnapped son, William. The cult believes William is the fulfillment of an alien prophecy and will bring about an alien invasion or salvation. Meanwhile, Comer is critically injured and unable to further help the investigation. As Scully digs deeper, she uncovers more about the spacecraft and its connection to the cult. She discovers that the artifact from the spacecraft reacts to William, reinforcing the cult's belief in his importance. Scully's search leads her to a showdown with the cult, where she confronts their leader, Josepho. The episode culminates in a rescue operation to save William, but it leaves Scully with the haunting realization that her son is central to a larger, cosmic battle.

Together, these episodes explore the intertwining of religious belief and alien mythology, highlighting the profound and personal stakes for Scully as she grapples with the destiny of her son.


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2024-08-24 13:48:20 - Pike: Added the description.
2024-08-24 13:34:47 - Pike: Added the release date.
2024-08-24 13:21:45 - Pike: Added the type and cover.
2024-08-24 13:19:28 - Pike: New home video added.

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