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3x03 Exegesis Closure MillenniuMSeason 3


Chris Carter



October 16, 1998


0 minute





2024-08-29 02:36:56


Version 5






Frank and Emma investigate the suicides and murders at a high school connected to a wealthy family's extreme preparations for the end of the world, "The End Of The World As We Know It" (TEOTWAWKI). The case exposes the dangers of millennial hysteria and the destructive power of fear, as the family’s obsession with survivalism turns deadly.


"TEOTWAWKI," which stands for "The End of the World As We Know It," delves into a chilling story involving apocalyptic beliefs and the potential for societal collapse. The episode begins with the discovery of a series of violent and disturbing incidents linked to a group of individuals who believe that the end of the world is imminent.

Frank Black is called to investigate when a series of murders and violent acts are connected to a local survivalist group. This group, known for their extreme views on the apocalypse, has been preparing for what they believe will be the end of civilization. The group's leader is a charismatic and fanatical individual who preaches about the impending collapse of society and the need to take drastic measures to survive.

As Frank investigates, he discovers that the group's beliefs are influencing their actions in increasingly dangerous ways. The group’s members are engaging in violent and extreme behavior, driven by their apocalyptic fears and their belief that they must act before the world ends.

The episode explores themes of paranoia, fanaticism, and the psychological impact of extreme beliefs on individuals and communities. Frank must navigate the complex dynamics within the group and confront the leader’s disturbing ideology to prevent further violence and chaos.

The climax of the episode involves a tense confrontation with the group as Frank works to dismantle their plans and stop the violence they have incited. "TEOTWAWKI" is notable for its exploration of end-of-the-world scenarios and the impact of apocalyptic beliefs on human behavior, combining elements of psychological thriller with intense drama.


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No need to seize the last word, Lord Baelish. I assume it was something clever.
— Sansa Stark

I'm going to kill the queen.
— Arya Stark

Shall we begin?
— Daenery Targaryen



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Pike avatar


Written by Pike on 2017-09-24
★ ★

Finally, a Y2K episode. Makes sense. And the introduction is very good. But it's now an FBI agent series, and by moving closer to the X-Files, we lose the originality that made MillenniuM.


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2024-08-29 02:36:56 - Pike: Added the story.
2024-08-28 22:23:29 - Pike: Added a photo.

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