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Forcing the End

3x15 Matryoshka Saturn Dreaming of Mercury MillenniuMSeason 3
Forcing the End



March 19, 1999


0 minute





2024-08-29 04:25:36


Version 4






Frank and Emma uncover a plot by religious extremists to bring about the apocalypse by orchestrating the birth of a child they believe to be the Messiah. The case challenges Frank’s beliefs about destiny and free will, as he races to stop the extremists from executing their deadly plan.


"Forcing the End" is a tense and dramatic episode that explores the themes of fate, prophecy, and the lengths to which people will go to alter their destinies. The episode serves as a culmination of the series' ongoing exploration of apocalyptic themes and the existential battles faced by its characters.

The episode opens with a series of unsettling events connected to a series of cult-like rituals and prophecies. The central figure in these events is a charismatic and manipulative preacher named Reverend Jebediah, who leads a doomsday cult that believes in the imminent end of the world. Reverend Jebediah has a significant following, and his sermons are filled with apocalyptic predictions and promises of salvation for those who follow him.

Frank Black is drawn into the investigation when a series of violent incidents linked to the cult come to light. The cult's activities have led to a number of deaths, all seemingly linked to their belief in an impending apocalypse. The situation is further complicated by the discovery of a series of disturbing visions and prophecies that seem to foretell the end of the world.

As Frank investigates the cult, he encounters a number of followers who are deeply devoted to Reverend Jebediah and his teachings. These followers are willing to commit extreme acts of violence in the name of their faith and to bring about what they believe is the fulfillment of a divine prophecy. Frank’s investigation reveals that the cult’s beliefs are not just a matter of personal faith but are intertwined with a complex web of manipulation and deceit.

The tension escalates when Frank learns that Reverend Jebediah has a specific plan for bringing about the end of the world. The preacher believes that by causing widespread chaos and destruction, he will force the hand of a higher power to intervene and bring about the apocalypse. His plan involves a series of coordinated attacks and rituals designed to create fear and unrest, ultimately pushing society to the brink of collapse.

As Frank works to unravel the cult's plans, he discovers that there is more at stake than just a series of violent acts. The episode delves into the psychological and emotional manipulation used by Reverend Jebediah to control his followers and to instill a sense of urgency and desperation. The preacher’s charisma and ability to exploit the fears and anxieties of his followers make him a formidable adversary.

The climax of the episode comes when Frank confronts Reverend Jebediah and his followers in a dramatic showdown. The confrontation takes place at a large gathering where the cult is preparing for their final ritual, which they believe will trigger the end of the world. Frank, along with law enforcement and other allies, intervenes to prevent the ritual and to stop the cult from carrying out their plans.

The resolution of the episode is intense and emotional, as Frank faces off against the preacher and attempts to stop the impending disaster. The confrontation is fraught with tension, and Frank must navigate the cult’s fervent beliefs and the preacher’s manipulative tactics to prevent the catastrophe.

In the end, Frank manages to thwart Reverend Jebediah’s plans, but not without a significant cost. The episode concludes with a sense of both relief and unease, as the immediate threat is neutralized but the underlying issues of manipulation, prophecy, and the search for meaning remain.

"Forcing the End" is a powerful and thought-provoking episode that explores the impact of apocalyptic beliefs and the lengths to which people will go to achieve their vision of the end times. It is notable for its intense storytelling, its exploration of cult dynamics, and its examination of the psychological and emotional factors that drive individuals to commit extreme acts in the name of faith and prophecy. The episode adds a dramatic and compelling layer to the *Millennium* series, emphasizing the ongoing struggle between belief and reality, and the impact of apocalyptic thinking on individuals and society.


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Pike avatar

New string of bad episodes

Written by Pike on 2024-08-16

We're back to a string of bad episodes. This one is particularly bad, with the story of a pregnant woman kidnapped to steal her baby. The ending is atrocious: a sinking helicopter, the secondary characters watching from below - a sequence worthy of the worst TV series.


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2024-08-29 04:25:36 - Pike: Added the story.

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