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1x01 Leviathan Harsh RealmSeason 1


Chris Carter


Daniel Sackheim


October 8, 1999


45 minutes


Scott Bairstow Scott Bairstow Thomas Hobbes




2024-09-22 11:50:36


Version 15






The pilot episode of Harsh Realm introduces Lieutenant Tom Hobbes, a soldier who is unexpectedly thrust into a virtual reality military simulation called Harsh Realm. This simulated world is a harsh, post-apocalyptic environment where Hobbes is tasked with a secret mission: to track down and neutralize a rogue soldier, General Santiago, who has taken control of the simulation and is using it to wage his own war. As Hobbes navigates this dangerous new world, he discovers that Harsh Realm is more than just a simulation—it’s a place where the lines between reality and illusion blur, and his survival depends on his ability to adapt quickly. The episode sets the stage for a series that explores the nature of power, control, and the impact of technology on reality.


The pilot episode of Harsh Realm introduces viewers to a dark, dystopian virtual reality world and sets the stage for the series' exploration of power, control, and survival.

The story begins with Lieutenant Tom Hobbes, a decorated U.S. Army officer, on the verge of leaving the military to start a new life with his fiancée, Sophie Green. However, Hobbes' plans are abruptly interrupted when he is summoned to meet with his superior, General Omar Santiago. Santiago informs Hobbes that he has been selected for a top-secret mission involving "Harsh Realm," a military-created virtual reality simulation. Initially, Hobbes believes the mission is a simple training exercise, but he soon learns that Harsh Realm is far more than that—it's a fully immersive, alternate reality designed to simulate a post-apocalyptic world.

In this virtual world, General Santiago has gone rogue, seizing control of Harsh Realm and using it to build his own army and empire. Santiago's power in Harsh Realm is absolute, and he poses a significant threat not just within the simulation but potentially to the real world as well. Hobbes is tasked with a mission to find and neutralize Santiago, a task that is complicated by the dangers of Harsh Realm itself.

Upon entering Harsh Realm, Hobbes quickly realizes that he cannot easily distinguish between reality and the simulation. The virtual world is filled with real people who are trapped in the simulation, as well as simulated beings who seem just as real. Hobbes encounters Mike Pinocchio, a cynical and battle-hardened soldier who has been in Harsh Realm for some time. Pinocchio becomes an unwilling ally to Hobbes, guiding him through the dangers of this hostile world while warning him of the nearly insurmountable power Santiago wields.

As Hobbes navigates this dangerous new environment, he discovers that he cannot simply "log out" of Harsh Realm—his consciousness is trapped within the simulation, and death in Harsh Realm means death in the real world. Meanwhile, in the real world, Sophie is left in the dark about Hobbes' mission, believing him to be missing.

The episode culminates in Hobbes' first direct confrontation with the brutal reality of Harsh Realm, as he witnesses the harshness of Santiago's rule and the hopelessness of those trapped in the simulation. Despite the overwhelming odds, Hobbes resolves to continue his mission to stop Santiago, aware that his survival and the fate of countless others depend on his success.

The pilot ends with Hobbes fully immersed in the dangers and complexities of Harsh Realm, setting the stage for his journey through this treacherous virtual landscape, where the line between reality and simulation is blurred, and the stakes are life and death.



- Virtual characters are referred to as VC's.
- VCs have implanted tracking devices that set off alarms when they leave the perimeter.


Hobbes: I never believed in fate or destiny or that stuff about your path already being chosen. Who could believe it when a choice made in the space of a heartbeat can change your life? But here I am, dearest darling, wondering what force put me here, brought me to this moment. A fate I never wished for, but have now certainly attained. How could I know this moment would change our lives forever?

General: You know a classified project known as Harsh Realm, Lieutenant?
Hobbes: Harsh Realm?
General: It's a simulator war game. A virtual reality game used to teach situational war strategy. Pentagon developed.

Lt. Colonel Gilovich: You're here to play the game.

General: It's just a game, Lieutenant. Make high score and leave the military a winner.

Virtual reality narrator: Using the 1990 census, satellite cartography and other classified data, the creators of Harsh Realm have simulated a virtual reality where landscapes and people are identical to our world, down to every man, woman and child.

Mike Pinnochio: Welcome to Harsh Realm.

Pinocchio: Santiago controls the game. And he who controls the game, controls everything.

Santiago: Mr. Hobbes, welcome to the Realm. I heard that you intend to kill me.

Sophie (VC): I never believed the stories but I believe them now... about another world and a man who's coming to save us.

Waters: My wife... I killed her.
Santiago: You've made a terrible mistake. Hobbes will never stop, now.

Hobbes: Who's destiny is this? It can't be mine. What is this trial I'm being put through? Is this a test of my love for you? These people are afraid. They are hunted. And I count myself as one of them now. Though they look at me strange as if I know a secret or something. I know only this: I love you, dearest one, and we'll fight my war here, know my heart and please don't worry. I'll be home. I'll be home.



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Pike avatar

Quantum Leap in The Matrix

Written by Pike on 2017-09-13
★ ★ ★ ★

Sarajevo, 1994.

Harsh Realm opens on a scene of guerrilla warfare, focusing on a pair of American soldiers getting attacked by armed children. The scene is well produced and is interesting, but the scene closely ends and we don't really understand what was the point of it, as it seems disconnected with the episode's story.

Soon after, the character is introduced by some military officers to a virtual reality game called Harsh Realm. Without fully agreeing to anything, Hobbes is taken into this world in a way that is either interesting or boring, I'm not exactly sure. Whilst Gillian Anderson narrates the story of the game, she suddenly gets interrupted, and Hobbes realized that he is inside the game.

The mission? Finding Santiago.

This is quite a stark contrast with the pilot from The X-Files, which is a classic – yet set with a paranormal bouquet – detective investigation. When Hobbes jumps into the virtual reality game, Mulder and Scully, eleven into their own pilot, had already established their relationship and were arriving in Belleflower, Oregon, to investigate.

Meanwhile, in Harsh Realm, no relationships have been established, apart from Hobbes being apparently the hero of the series and having a good looking fiance.

We understand that Hobbes is stuck in his alternate reality and seems to have no way to get out. This looks very familiar to Quantum Leap, in which Sam Beckett was stuck in another reality, even though his was real in a sense that it was in the past. But when the missions from Samuel Beckett were very simple and emotional, Hobbes mission is immersed in a mythology that is just starting.

Clearly, Chris Carter was extremely ambitious with this series. He aimed to set a complete new world, which means creating sets and props that look different. And creating a Mad Max episode every week is no fair task.
When you, once more, compare it to The X-Files pilot, it is night and day. Harsh Realm has, in just his pilot alone, helicopters flying around, military jeeps rushing on the street, scenes taking place in the middle of the city and more. Harsh Realm would not be a cheap series.

The story of the pilot episode is both complex and very simple. The episode can be summarized in one line, but since the audience is kept in the dark in order to slowly reveal the mythology of the game, we feel lost most of the time, having no clue where we are going. This feels both refreshing and odd at the same time. I believe that The Matrix was able to convey the matrix world in a much cleaner and more exciting way.

Yet, there is a particular moment in the pilot episode where things click. Mark Snow suddenly takes the lead and offers an atypical partition, which simultaneously connects with the introduction of Santiago, portrayed by the one and only... Terry O'Quinn! Before the entire world fell in love with the actor in his magically and outstanding portrayal of the character John Locke in LOST, Terry O'Quinn was a favorite from Chris Carter, who used him twice in The X-Files series, once in the first X-Files movie and in a semi-recurring role in MillenniuM. Clearly, Terry O'Quinn is a magnificent actor. He's a true rock star. He has something terrifying and yet friendly in his eyes. I absolutely love him and I was really pleased to see him appear in the pilot episode of Harsh Realm.

And a few words on the outstanding final shot of the episode. I believe that if the first half of the script had been more worked on, this could have been a brilliant pilot.

So, overall, what note will I give the pilot? As always, Chris Carter's productions were made with integrity and respect for the art and for the work. Even though the pilot is far from being perfect and doesn't always really works, it is a very solid and very enjoyable episode, especially the second half. I am sure I want to give it either 3 or 4. I will give it a low 4 because it feels fresh and I respect the journey and the end result. Let's deep dive in the next eight episodes now, my dearest ones, shall we?


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2024-09-22 11:50:36 - Pike: Added an actor.
2024-09-22 11:42:56 - Pike: Added the runtime.
2024-08-24 08:30:32 - Pike: Added some trivia.
2024-08-24 07:16:10 - Pike: Updated the trivia.
2024-08-24 07:15:27 - Pike: Added a trivia.

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