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Inga Fossa

1x03 Leviathan Kein Ausgang Harsh RealmSeason 1
Inga Fossa


Chris Carter


Bryan Spicer


October 22, 1999


41 minutes


Scott Bairstow Scott Bairstow Thomas Hobbes




2024-09-22 11:51:08


Version 7






In the Harsh Realm episode Inga Fossa, Lieutenant Tom Hobbes investigates the mysterious disappearance of a young woman named Inga Fossa, who has vanished in the virtual world of Harsh Realm. The episode reveals that Inga was involved with a group of rebels fighting against Santiago's regime, and her disappearance is linked to a secretive and powerful faction within the simulation. As Hobbes searches for clues, he uncovers a complex web of intrigue and manipulation, exposing the harsh realities and hidden dangers of Harsh Realm. The episode explores themes of betrayal and the high cost of resistance, while deepening the narrative of Hobbes’s fight against Santiago’s oppressive control.


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We learn that in the real world, Pinocchio seems to have suffered a severe burn on one entire side of his body.


Sophie Green: Dear Tom, I write not knowing if this will ever find or reach you. I was contacted by someone, a woman I know nothing about, but whose appearance has given me hope that you are somehow still very much alive. How do I begin to explain? I feel my life has been taken away from me as you have, that nothing is at it seems. I have no one to turn to, Tom, except this woman that I speak of, who has told me to pursue the truth in spite of all the official evidence of your death. It seems crazy, like chasing down a phantom, but what choice do I have if you're out there? The Army issues only denials and though this woman gives me little to go on, it is enough.
I have so many questions, Tom, and trust she wouldn't put me through this if there weren't a reason. I want so badly to believe what she's telling me, that you were taken from me and are being held somewhere, that our own government is involved, that an official lie is being passed off about you, a lie only I seem to have knowledge of.
I don't know where, I don't know why, but I know I will never stop searching until I find out. I will continue to write, Tom, sending my letters through her, waiting to hear from you. I will try to be patient.

Santiago: To begin again, to wipe the slate clean, wouldn't Jefferson or Hamilton or Madison do the same if they could see their legacy now, what their beloved country has become?
Inga Fossa: Long live the new monarchy.

Hobbes: Every minute of every hour, every hour of every day, I have but one waking thought: survive.

Hobbes: Nothing is certain in Harsh Realm, not even your next breath.

Hobbes: What are they?
Pinocchio: Zip files, fight to the death.
Hobbes: Zip file?
Pinocchio: 250 pounds of digitally compressed testosterone.
Hobbes: What?!

Santiago: Strike quickly and brutally. The mighty sword of justice knows no scabbard, major. Great empires are built on the wisdom of sages and the blood of heroes.

Inga Fossa: She needs you, Tom, we need you... to stop Santiago. He wants to destroy the world
Hobbes: Not the way I see it.
Inga Fossa: The real world, Tom, by planning the ultimate terrorism, so that Harsh Realm is all that exists.

Pinocchio: I trusted her once. Let the devil put her tongue in my ear. I couldn't run fast enough.

Hobbes: I want to believe her. I want so much to find someone else in this frightening world I can trust.

Hobbes: I will come home, Sophie. You're my light, my star, my one true path through two worlds. Keep these words deep in your heart my darling, I will fight my war, I will come home.



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Pike avatar

Sexful mess

Written by Pike on 2017-09-16
★ ★

I enjoyed the teaser, which is probably more classic but at least extremely simple to follow and focused. Also, I find the character of Inga Fossa intriguing although quite classic in the television spectre of the late 90's and early 2000's.

Then, the episode goes again into too many directions. There are too many characters doing too many mundane things. There is a wrestling fight of small digital fighters, half-naked women dancing, many extras, random portals going to random places, lots of noise, some fancy quotes from Santiago, people looking at others taking a leak, but... where is this going? Clearly Chris Carter doesn't seem to know.

When I compare with the initial episodes of LOST, we have also a big cast, but we know who is who. We remember the characters' names. We identify them quite clearly. Here, the characters are all empty shells. There is a lady which keeps looking angry and fighting people. Pinocchio is not charismatic at all. And the lead barely holds his own scenes but is clearly not able to lead the show. As per Santiago, he appears so little that he cannot as well help.

The director also doesn't know what to do with this mess. The camera keeps moving all the time, everywhere, and makes the story even less structured.

One important aspect to note in this episode is the sexualization of the female character of Inga Fossa. It seems that Chris Carter is now not restraining himself in this series. The problem is that Chris Carter's writing on sexuality has always been entirely and completely immature. The rare gay characters in The X-Files were all completely cliché: the gay couple from X-Cops, the evil gays from I Want to Believe movie and the gay in the bar which cannot wait to blow Mulder in the restrooms in Founder's Mutation (season 10).

Lastly, the voice-overs are somehow interesting, but they keep repeating the same story and basically complaining that they know nothing and can do nothing but won't give up. This feels quite boring and nowhere near as interesting as when Mulder and Scully would voice-over their field report at the end of a solid X-Files episode.

Chris Carter explained that he conceived the series as a hi-tech version of his favorite films, Paths of Glory, Platoon and Blade Runner. As a big fan of these three films myself, I completely fail to see the connection between these films and this series.

Again, this episode is a joyful mess. Without The X-Files success, this series would have not even gone past the pilot episode. Nobody in their right mind could ever summarize this episode.
I give the episode 2 out of 5. Weak.


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2024-09-22 11:51:08 - Pike: Added an actor.
2024-09-22 11:43:24 - Pike: Added the runtime.
2024-08-24 08:35:13 - Pike: Review modified.
2024-08-23 22:15:38 - Pike: Added a mythology fact.
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2024-08-23 20:03:24 - Pike: New quote added.
2024-08-23 20:01:51 - Pike: New quote added.
2024-08-21 11:54:36 - Pike: Updated the summary.

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