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Three Percenters

1x06 Reunion Manus Domini Harsh RealmSeason 1
Three Percenters


Frank Spotnitz


Daniel Sackheim


April 28, 2000


42 minutes


Scott Bairstow Scott Bairstow Thomas Hobbes




2024-09-22 11:52:12


Version 6






Lieutenant Tom Hobbes investigates a radical faction known as the Three Percenters, a group within the virtual world that operates with a separatist ideology and extreme views. The episode delves into the group's agenda and their attempts to establish an independent enclave free from Santiago's control. As Hobbes interacts with the Three Percenters, he uncovers their methods and motivations, discovering that their quest for autonomy involves both violent tactics and complex internal conflicts. Three Percenters highlights the fragmented nature of resistance within Harsh Realm and examines the challenges Hobbes faces in navigating alliances and adversaries in his fight against Santiago's oppressive regime.


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Hobbes (copy): You may not believe in our philosophy but it served us well and we've attracted many who've grown tired of living in fear in Harsh Realm.

Hobbes: It's like the man said: our strength is our spirit.



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Pike avatar

Stalling forever and ever

Written by Pike on 2024-08-24

I hoped that Frank Spotnitz would be able to write a more interesting episode than the previous ones, but the writer failed exactly like the others did before him. His story is completely boring. There is a couple at a lake, there are digital clones of digital characters. There is water...

We are already six episodes into the series and we are nowhere near making progress in the main characters finding an exit from the virtual reality of Harsh Realm.
Going back to LOST, the characters were finding clues throughout the episodes that would ultimately help them leaving the island. Sure, as any long TV series, it had countless back-and-forths and red herrings, but it was exciting to watch and, as an audience, you couldn't wait to see the next part of the story. I vividly remember when John Locke found the mystery hole in the ground. How exhilarating it was!
Here, we are just witnessing fillers. Writers seem to be forced to find unconnected stories that serve no purpose whatsoever in the hero's quest.
It's like if Frodo would start his journey to go to Mordor, but instead of moving forward, would solely spend his time on random quests without making one step forward.
In LOST, you would see one step forward, and yes perhaps two steps back, but things would progress. Here, we are at stall, forever and ever.

What's even crazier is that Inga Fossa and Santiago, the two most interesting characters of the series, do not even appear for one second. Why would you not fully utilize your best elements, knowing that your show is in a dire situation? It's beyond me.

I give the episode 1 out of 5. I don't see the point of me wasting my time watching this. I would have much more fun watching any A-Team or MacGyver episode than this. I said it.


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2024-09-22 11:52:12 - Pike: Added an actor.
2024-09-22 11:44:07 - Pike: Added the runtime.
2024-08-24 12:15:24 - Pike: Updated the banner.
2024-08-24 08:57:33 - Pike: New quote added.
2024-08-24 08:51:12 - Pike: New quote added.
2024-08-24 08:49:34 - Pike: Review modified.
2024-08-24 08:48:09 - Pike: New review added.
2024-08-21 11:56:49 - Pike: Updated the summary.

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