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Manus Domini

1x07 Three Percenters Cincinnati Harsh RealmSeason 1
Manus Domini


John Shiban


Tony To


May 5, 2000


43 minutes


Scott Bairstow Scott Bairstow Thomas Hobbes




2024-09-22 11:52:25


Version 5






Lieutenant Tom Hobbes confronts a powerful and mysterious figure known as Manus Domini, who is deeply involved in Santiago's regime. The episode reveals that Manus Domini wields considerable influence and control within the virtual world, orchestrating operations and manipulating events to serve Santiago's interests. As Hobbes delves into Manus Domini's background and activities, he uncovers disturbing truths about the extent of the figure’s power and the ruthless tactics used to maintain dominance. Manus Domini intensifies the overarching conflict, exposing the dark, machiavellian aspects of Santiago’s control and presenting Hobbes with new and formidable challenges in his struggle against the simulation's oppressive forces.


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Hobbes: My Dearest Sophie, even as I write these words, feeling my pen press against paper, I struggle to make sense of the world where I am now prisoner. A world that looks and feels like our own, but was created not by God but by men. A world whose reality was written in bytes and bits, a defense department software running on a computer to which my consciousness has been chained. My friend Pinocchio reminds me this is just a game, a digital reality where all that matters is survival. But there is more here, Sophie, a woman named Florence saved my life with the power to heal. Who gave her this power, some programmer? For what purpose? Or could it be, even in the unreality of this strange world, there exists a higher power. One whose call only Florence can hear.

Pinocchio: Where's my freaking leg!?

Hobbes: Harsh Realm is a faithless world, one where God is not believed to exist and yet how else to explain my survival? The faith that sustained Florence and the other healers was a threat, a silent challenged to those who preach faithlessness and so they were to be hunted down, destroyed by those who built their empire on fear.

Hobbes: The events of these past days have changed little in Harsh Realm. The sisters are still on the run from Santiago, as are we. And yet everything here seems different to me now, Sophie. I now look at this strange world through the eyes of a believer, knowing that where there is darkness, there is light; where there is fear, there is hope; that our cause is worth fighting for and worth winning.



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Pike avatar

Miracle Women

Written by Pike on 2024-08-25
★ ★

Another boring filler with boring voice-over and no progress whatsoever in the overall story, like Hobbes explains in one of his soporific letters: "The events of these past days have changed little in Harsh Realm." Indeed, my friend. Indeed.

Once again, the episode opens on a boring summary of the story. When you watch the episodes back to back, it makes it entirely redundant and even laughable. You could easily auto-generate his letters. How 'bout we try one:
"My Dearest Sophie, as I lay my words onto these pages, I can only reminisce of the days you and I had together in a world that seems now so far away. But if it is fate that brought us together in the first place, then fate will also bring us together back. I will return, Sophie, and believe that my friend Pinocchio holds the key that might open the final door of Harsh Realm. It might seem so far away in the distance that I can only cry. Are these tears a digital dream? Are we bound to relieve the same life over and over again? I put my faith in you as I know you put yours in me, my Dearest Sophie."

John Shiban writes a story based on faith, because clearly the series is not boring enough, so we need even more stalling.

Yet, I must admit that, at least, the episode is focused and clear and easy to follow. It's not a complete mess like most of the previous episodes, with countless boring action scenes. Therefore, as much as I didn't like this episode, I at least enjoyed the slow but focused pace. You don't need to rush things to make them interesting. That second when Pinocchio is alone after being healed was very powerful. That reminds me of some of the best episodes of The X-Files from the very first two seasons, when the characters were sometimes in front of their fate, without any music or dialogue whatsoever. Remember when Mulder was crushed and crying in One Breath? That's power.

But one of the many problems of the series is that since we don't move at all, we don't get to see the best of the series: no Santiago and no Inga Fossa.

I will give it a 2 because I liked how focused it was. But I cannot give it more.


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2024-09-22 11:52:25 - Pike: Added an actor.
2024-09-22 11:44:22 - Pike: Added the runtime.
2024-08-25 08:33:21 - Pike: Updated the banner.
2024-08-25 08:12:48 - Pike: Review modified.
2024-08-25 08:07:32 - Pike: New review added.
2024-08-25 08:02:13 - Pike: New quote added.
2024-08-25 07:13:25 - Pike: New quote added.
2024-08-25 07:08:48 - Pike: New quote added.
2024-08-25 07:01:08 - Pike: New quote added.

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