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Board Index > David Duchovny

David Duchovny Vancouver Concert (Oct. 14, 2017)

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Fox Mulder avatar
Fox Mulder
Rank: FBI Junior Agent
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By Fox Mulder on Sunday October 15, 2017 04:51 pm

Yesterday, David Duchovny played some of his favorite songs in a concert taking place in Vancouver.
Many fans joined in order to celebrate his music, while waiting for his second album, which is supposed to debut later in December. The exact date is still not available, but stay tuned for the latest news on David Duchvony's music and tour.

While material from his concert is being added, we already want to share three videos that provide a glimpse of his concert. Also, David Duchovny already played some of his new songs from his second album.

First, here is David Duchovny with a cover of "Square One", from the late singer Tom Petty. The video was posted by SuperImprovGal.

Second, "Half Life", uploaded by Walt Frasier:

And third, "Marbled Son", also posted by Walt Frasier.

We will post additional material from this concert.

Join the discussion in the David Duchovny forum.

lilly avatar
Rank: FBI Receptionist
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By lilly on Sunday October 15, 2017 06:28 am

oh my god!! i love you i love you i love you!!!

the new song Marbled Son (or Sun?) is gold, i love david duchovny so much
is it december already? i want his new album like yesterday!!!

Pike avatar
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By Pike on Sunday October 15, 2017 07:28 am

I'm with you, I love these new songs. Come December, we're going to get a nice Christmas present, I can feel it! :)

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