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 Joined November 9, 2017


The X-Files Hidden Reflections

Hidden Reflections

 A post-IWTB fic. Whilst an unemployed Mulder discovers unresolved cases of murdered Asian women with a paranormal bouquet. Scully employs a new assistant at the hospital - a Japanese lady, who has an instant attraction to Mulder. However she harbours a terrible secret!
The X-Files Key To The Kingdom

Key To The Kingdom

 A post-'The Truth' alien myth-arc tale. Mulder discovers something alarming about himself, and realises he in could play a huge part in deciding the fate of the human race! Scully remains at his side, but just how far is she prepared to follow him? Will the cost be too great? The truth is out there and it's more frightening than either of them could ever have predicted!
The X-Files Lost Within

Lost Within

 Mulder is lost in a whirlpool of events...but where exactly is he? In an unknown location, in hell, or maybe in his own subconscious? NB: This won the Alternative Universe category for the XFU Challenge 2009.
The X-Files Struggle No More... Go Softly Into Night

Struggle No More... Go Softly Into Night

 Scully has revealed to her partner Mulder that she is pregnant again and this time the child is his. A miracle of God...or something else? There is still a hidden secret yet to be revealed...but will she have the courage to say...or even get the chance?
The X-Files X Marks The Spot - Or Does It?

X Marks The Spot - Or Does It?

 An X Files/Doctor Who crossover. Stranger things have happened and indeed this is true for Mulder who finds himself in Oxford, U.K., then proceeds to embark on an adventure aboard the TARDIS with the Doctor and his companion Rose Tyler. But an underlying threat known as the Void could bring existence itself to extinction!


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