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The theremin instrument from First Man soundtrack

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Pike avatar
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By Pike on Monday February 25, 2019 04:03 pm

Three years ago, the entire world kept dancing and singing on the awesome La La Land soundtrack from Justin Hurwitz. Boy, how surprised was I to experience a totally new and original score from him in First Man.

I also discovered the theremin, an instrument that Neil Armstrong himself was playing. The scene of the crater with this music simply crushed me. I kept weeping and couldn't sustain this emotion of emptiness and void and loneliness. This man thinking about his dead daughter on a planet that no one else ever walked on. There is so much beauty in this idea that I can only want to rewatch the film and live again this beautiful climax.

kimmy avatar
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By kimmy on Thursday March 7, 2019 06:24 am

The theremin is incredible! It really characterizes science fiction movies from the 1950s and 1960s, which is why I thought Hurwitz used it here but I didn't know that Armstrong played it.

Bernard Hermann's soundtrack for The Day the Earth Stood Still is a timeless classic:

Pike avatar
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By Pike on Thursday March 7, 2019 11:23 am

Of course! Now that you say it, it seems so obvious. I don't understand why it took me so long to discover this instrument. Thanks a lot for sharing that video, Kimmy! Much appreciated and fascinating.

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