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The Expanse: The Best Series You Are Not Watching

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Pike avatar
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By Pike on Saturday March 16, 2019 12:10 pm

With the hundreds and hundreds of TV series being launched across the globe every year, it becomes increasingly difficult to even find the the most interesting ones. Actually, TV series are not even on TV anymore, and are now going straight from the producers to the consumer's lap (laptop) or hand (tablet).

While everyone is focusing on the return of Game of Thrones, we have decided not to post the new trailer of the series, but to talk about a series you may not be familiar with.

Our member and friend [url=https://www.tvore.com/?page=profile&id=104]Kimmy has just posted ten reviews of all the first episodes from the series The Expanse. According to him, this is the best series you are not watching. If you are interested in a science fiction series that actually doesn't forget the science part, then this may be a series for you.

[url=https://www.tvore.com/?page=season&id=59790&season=1]Click here to read all the reviews from the first season of The Expanse.

We use this opportunity to deeply thank Kimmy for his always excellent exciting and very informative reviews. If you want to post your own reviews, join us at [url=https://join.tvore.com]join.tvore.com.

Gruic avatar
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By Gruic on Saturday March 16, 2019 12:15 pm

As usual, Kimmy totally nailed it.

His work and his passion are very powerful.

kimmy avatar
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By kimmy on Saturday March 16, 2019 12:46 pm

Gee thanks! And season 2 gets better. It's a series it's easy to get passionate about! I can imagine binge parties rewatching an entire season at a go years from now (10-13 episodes are healthier than 24 with Jack Bauer!).

kimmy avatar
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By kimmy on Tuesday March 19, 2019 06:41 am

Interesting. The Expanse is a show that now has the firm support of a big distributor, Amazon, and has enough episodes behind it for word of mouth to do its work. 3 years after its start, it's great to see articles like this in the mainstream press:


The Expanse is basically the show that Game of Thrones used to be and Westworld wishes it was. It's the kind of show that makes you remember that sprawling, heady genre TV interspersed with thrilling, violent action can be rewarding as hell. It makes you appreciative of TV as a medium, and angry that our culture's limited goodwill towards dense, indulgent series that take a while to get going is utterly wasted on extremely buzzy wet farts like every show that's trying to be the new Thrones.

As someone who's been watching and writing about TV for several years now, I have just enough authority to say that TV dramas are kind of in a slump. There's a lot of stuff that just washes over you, marking time between big "holy-shit" moments. In response, something weird happened to me—I kind of don't really want to watch anything I can't get lost in, and even in the age of Too Much TV, shows like that are few and far between. The Expanse, though? I still haven't found my way back. Come find me: I'll be knocking back shots in some Belter watering hole. The first round's on me.

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