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File 8: Tempus Fugit cover

File 8: Tempus Fugit

File 7: Tunguska Pilot/Deep Throat


Thursday June 12, 1997




2024-08-23 10:23:27


Version 2






File 8: Tempus Fugit is an X-Files VHS tape released in 1997 which contains two episodes from season 4: Tempus Fugit and Terma.

The two-part The X-Files episodes "Tempus Fugit" (Season 4, Episode 17) and "Max" (Season 4, Episode 18) center around a mysterious plane crash, deepening the show's exploration of alien encounters, government cover-ups, and the lengths to which Mulder and Scully will go to uncover the truth.

"Tempus Fugit" Synopsis
In "Tempus Fugit," FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully investigate the unexplained crash of a commercial airliner, Flight 549, shortly after takeoff. The investigation becomes personal when they learn that Max Fenig, a UFO enthusiast and former abductee who had previously crossed paths with Mulder, was on the flight. The official explanation of the crash suggests mechanical failure, but Mulder suspects that the plane was downed due to an encounter with a UFO.

As Mulder and Scully dig deeper, they uncover evidence that Max had been carrying a stolen piece of alien technology on board, which made the plane a target. Their investigation is hampered by military interference and a shadowy government agency determined to cover up the truth. The episode ends on a tense note, with Mulder narrowly escaping an attack by a mysterious underwater craft, leaving the cause of the crash shrouded in mystery.

"Max" Synopsis
"Max" continues the investigation into the Flight 549 crash, as Mulder and Scully face increasing pressure from both the military and the FBI to drop the case. Mulder becomes convinced that the plane was intercepted by a UFO attempting to retrieve the stolen alien technology Max was carrying. He also believes that the government is covering up the true cause of the crash and the presence of extraterrestrial beings.

The agents trace Max's movements before the flight and discover a hidden compartment in his trailer, containing evidence of his abduction and the alien technology he was smuggling. Meanwhile, Scully faces off against government officials who are intent on suppressing the truth, even as more witnesses and evidence are mysteriously eliminated.

The climax of the episode occurs when Mulder uncovers a government operation to recover the alien technology from the crash site. The episode concludes with Mulder and Scully left with more questions than answers, as the government successfully covers up the incident, and the truth about what happened to Flight 549 and Max Fenig remains elusive.

These episodes are crucial in expanding the series' mythology, further exploring the theme of alien encounters and government conspiracies, while also revisiting characters and plotlines from earlier in the series. The story emphasizes the ongoing struggle of Mulder and Scully to expose the truth in the face of overwhelming odds.


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2024-08-23 10:23:27 - Pike: Added a photo.
2024-08-23 10:23:10 - Pike: Added the release date, type, cover and description.
2024-08-23 10:18:48 - Pike: New home video added.

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