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What if...

New York, Fireworks And Snowflakes Acceptation
What if...






2024-08-14 15:41:51


Version 1






Rated R


August 15, 2018




58 minutes


Mulder keeps overthinking his relationship to Scully. Kersh and Skinner keep splitting them up, which makes them miss each other. Then one night Scully stops by his place unannounced, in the mood for his company, pizza, and a movie.


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What if...
By Katherinexx1

What if...

First ever Fanfic, I'm not a native English speaker, so sorry for the typos and mistakes I made.
(Set between season 6 - 7, reference to the dance in Postmodern Prometheus - no real references to certain episodes)

Mulder keeps overthinking his relationship to Scully. Kersh and Skinner keep splitting them up, which makes them miss each other.
Then one night Scully stops by his place unannounced, in the mood for his company, pizza, and a movie. Being together they start exploring their feelings and each other.

It's the beginning of their romance.

It's my romantic vision of how they got together. Very romantic, tender and sweet.
Still writing new chapters.

Like to hear your thoughts, please leave a review.


*Chapter 1: Puzzled feelings*

Mulder realizes he loves Scully.

Chapter 1: Puzzled feelings

What if she wasn't assigned to me in the first place...? How would my life look like without her in it? Would there be a possibility of meeting her in any way? Or would I be stuck in that godforsaken basement forever on my own or with some lame, backless co-worker who doesn't get the whole picture?

What if she wasn't a skeptic, would we lose ourselves in endless alien conspiracy theories? Would we still lose ourselves in proving each other wrong? Would I be happier if she believed everything I said, without her trying to prove me wrong?

What if she wasn't as f*cking badass as she is now? Would I still rely on her like I do now?

Would I trust her with my life? Would she still be the one woman I imagine myself be with?

What if that bee hasn't stung her...?

What if...


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

*Chapter 1: Puzzled feelings*

Mulder's apartment

06:02 pm

November 20th

He skipped work this afternoon. Kersh and Skinner were bossing him around for some stupid useless files he had to dig up.

He left the office without telling anyone. Normally he would tell Scully, but she wasn't around. She had to finish some autopsy and paperwork, not related to one of their cases. He hadn't spoken to her all day. He wanted to call her, but he figured she would like to finish her own work, not being disturbed by him. He lost interest in his work, Skinner kept giving him stupid assignments to keep him busy, to keep her busy. They liked splitting them up. They used to see each other every single day, now days went by without them even speaking or seeing each other.

He started to miss her. He longed for her presence, her scientific knowledge, her ability to keep him sane, her voice, her perfume. Ugh, he hated missing her, it felt like a piece of him was gone. Some nights they would speak on the phone late at night, both not being able to fall asleep, missing the talks they normally had during the day. Catching up with details they worked on that specific day. Talking on the phone until one of them dozed off, he liked talking her to sleep.

He didn't want to stalk her by calling her every evening or night. Although he felt like calling, he wanted her to be a part of his life like she had been for the last 6 years, he refused to disturb her with his need to hear her. Even if she was miles away from him, he could still feel their connection.

He knew she wanted to do her job, finish up as soon as she could, to get to work with him again.

Time would be kind to them and they would eventually work together again every day.

He hoped!

As soon as he got home this afternoon, Mulder slipped into something more comfortable; a light shirt and jeans. This current fall had been really nice, during the days the sun peeped through, warming the Washington area, but evenings got colder. Sunset came around 6 pm, evenings could be long, dark and lonely, winter was upon them. The sudden darkness made him think a lot about his life and his decisions.

His mind wandered off to Scully.

What if she wasn't assigned to me in the first place...? How would my life look like without her in it? Would there be a possibility of meeting her in any way? Or would I be stuck in that godforsaken basement forever on my own or with some lame, backless co-worker who doesn't get the whole picture?

What if she wasn't a skeptic, would we lose ourselves in endless alien conspiracy theories? Would we still lose ourselves in proving each other wrong? Would I be happier if she believed everything I said, without her trying to prove me wrong?

What if she wasn't as f*cking badass as she is now? Would I still rely on her like I do now?

Would I trust her with my life? Would she still be the one woman I imagine myself be with?

What if that bee hasn't stung her...?

What if...

He sighed and filled his lungs with fresh evening air coming from the open window in his living room. It had been a sunny day, but evenings got cold and dark.

He took his focus away from the hardwood floor he was gazing at for at least the last hour and turned his misty eyes to the dark night sky filled with twinkling stars. He stood up from his leather couch and moved closer to the window. The dark room he was in comforted him, made him feel at ease, calmed his soul, soothed him. The dimmed light of his fish tank was the only light he needed. Although his brain went into overdrive...

His mind was troubled with all kinds of thoughts about her. Some were nice and heartwarming, others were doubts and insecurities about his complicated relationship with her. With his Scully, his partner, the only one he trusted, the only one he would give his life for.

God... he could be a real ass to her, but on the other hand, he enjoyed trying to convince her of his strange and wicked theories. He almost liked the struggle they were in on some occasions. He admired her strength and scientific explanations every time again. But aside from being a total jerk sometimes, he knew she did like him for the person he is. She isn't a real believer, but that doesn't stop her from standing next to him, every single time. Being at his side in every case, in everything he asked from her. She has been through so much because of his believes and quest for the truth. He was thankful for the perfect partner she became to him.

The stars reminded him of the sparkles she has in her cerulean blue eyes. Pools of endless comfort, trust, and friendship for him. A weak smile formed on his face, while a warm fuzzy feeling overwhelmed him. He shook his head, not to get rid of his thoughts about her, but to keep his puzzled mind focused. He couldn't let himself slip into the dark and dangerous depths of love, a steep abyss into the unknown. Love that existed solely for her, she was the only one he always imagined being with.

As if lightning struck, his mind suddenly cried out "you are in love with her". The moment that came to his mind, his heart began pounding hard in his chest. He licked his lips, covering his face with his hands while closing his eyes, thinking about the one that had caused it.

He stood near his cluttered desk, letting his head rest on the side of his window. Again, he took a long deep breath in, hoping the air would filter and clean his reasoning. But she had conquered his mind and his heart. She was the one who had taken the empty space in his aching chest.

He never felt this way before, she meant the world to him. He could only trust her, she is his everything. Although they had spoken about their feelings, it all stayed very confidential.

Their declarations of love towards each other were mere riddles and puzzles to solve. In the mists of their gazes, they both knew how much they meant for one another. But never daring to speak the three words they desperately needed to hear. Every time he had touched her skin, fireworks explode in his stomach. He felt his heart skip a beat when she looked him in the eyes. He was lost and found at the same time.

One time he had dared to ask her for a dance, he had the courage to stand up and put his hand towards her, hoping she would know what he wanted. Without a doubt she agreed, reached out her hand grabbing his, while he didn't hesitate, pulling her in one fast movement in his secure arms. Pure happiness he felt at that time. He felt complete.

It was so comfortable holding her, swaying her across the dancefloor. Smelling her sweet flowery perfume while she softly brushed herself against him, made him even more sure about his hidden feelings for her. Holding her in his arms made him think about how tiny and beautiful she is. Her face was mesmerizing in the dimmed light of that room, like fine porcelain, flawless.

Her blue eyes pierced right through him as if she could see what he was feeling. She connected with him in a way he had never experienced before. As if they shared something greater than the both of them. Unexplainable tension filled his body when she looked at him. He sensed her soft smiles even when he wasn't looking directly at her. She still made him nervous walking into a room, after all these years. He felt helpless in her beautiful presence, butterflies came alive when she was next to him. Dancing with her made him forget all struggles they've been through. Three short minutes without worrying and feeling completely happy. As if the world disappeared, leaving them alone under the stars.

He wished he had kissed her that night...

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 2: Movie, pizza & Scully

She surprises him with an unannounced visit.


...He was struck by the way she was teasing him tonight, he felt a shiver run down his spine when she touched him. Maybe she did it without knowing what it did to him...

Enjoy reading, tell me what you think!

Chapter Text

*Chapter 2: Movie, pizza & Scully*

Suddenly he woke from his daydream, hearing footsteps in the hallway of his building. The steps were fierce and determined to come towards his apartment. Following the sound of the steps, he stood at the door as he startled from three firm knocks.

He opened the door, he had to pinch his eyes, the bright light in the hallway lanced at his face. There she was, at his doorstep, the woman who had contaminated his mind and heart.

With a swift movement, she passed him at the door walking into his living room.

"Mulder, hoping to see spaceships passing by? Why haven't you got a light on?"

Closing the door, he stumbled like he was sleeping drunk towards her. He studied her carefully, she was dressed in her usual G-woman work attire. Black, form-fitting pencil skirt, a light blueish shirt which made her eyes pop out, tucked into the waistband and a dark grey short blazer, which complemented her figure even more.

She showed some cleavage, which he didn't mind at all. Her Venetian blonde hair was loose and fell in soft waves framing her flawless face. She opened up her blazer, took it off and hung it on the chair at the table. Her high heels clicked on his wooden floor towards his couch.

A hint of her sweet perfume reached his nose and he took it all in. He followed every single move she made. She wasn't aware of him checking her out in the way he did. He had to wake himself from his current daydream, otherwise, she would definitely notice it.

"Ow well, you know me, I can think better when no one is watching!" he smirked. He felt a little caught by her, like if she could read his mind. She moved around in his apartment as if it was her own, she was so used to taking care of him and being in the same space together.

"Did you clean, Mulder? Smells fresh in here.", she said while flicking a small light on in the corner of the room. "Clean is my middle name, you know that Scully!" he replied. She had the heavenly ability to get him to say funny things. He liked her enchanting effect on him. He enjoyed a conversation like this. A flirty undertone with every spoken and unspoken word and sentence. She giggled at his comment, gave him a funny look and made herself comfortable on his couch.

"So what gives?" he asked settling next to her on the couch, lightly touching her arm. "What's the occasion I owe the pleasure of your visit?" He tried to hide the nervous tremble in his voice, slowly letting go her arm, still convinced she could read his thoughts.

"Well, first I had the freaking autopsy, then I had to finish up some dull paperwork for Skinner and Kersh, who asked to bring the files to the office, so I did that, hoping to catch you in the basement, which I didn't because you weren't there. So driving home I realized I haven't eaten anything since this morning and I know you are always in the mood for pizza and a nice chat so..." He only heard a few words she just said, he was mesmerized by her presence. He studied her lips when she spoke. He noticed how her hair softly bounced around her face when she moved. He drowned in her fair eyes, trying not to avoid her gaze.

"You know me too well!", he answered with a boyish smile, standing from his seat searching his drawer for the phone number of 'La dolce vita' - best pizza place in the Washington area. Thankful that she came searching for him at the office and now ending up here in his apartment.

He returned to the warm spot he left next to Scully. They debated over which type of pizza was the best and ended up ordering a magnum one that suited both of them. He made the call to the pizza place, while she fed his starving fish and took a look at his collection of non-triple x videos.

"Anything you like?", he said in a flirty tone turning his head in her direction. His sexy voice startled her. She turned around and met his smiling eyes. "Well..." she hesitated and continued while making her way towards him "...you know what I like..." she winked seductively at him walking her slender fingers up his shirt in passing. "Wine?" she said, softly brushing her lips next to his right ear.

He was struck by the way she was teasing him tonight, he felt his spine shiver when she touched him. Maybe she did it without knowing what it did to him. "Yes... wine is fine! You know where the glasses are..." he mumbled in response.

She nodded while opening the cabinets, grabbing a bottle of red wine and a pair of glasses, walking back to the couch where Mulder found his place again. She kicked off her shoes and settled down next to him. "So... Steel Magnolias... it is?" he teased her.

She gave him the death glare, not able to hold back her giggle. God, he loved being next to her like this. Teasing, flirting, having fun, they needed that from time to time to forget the difficult situations they found themselves into sometimes. He had missed her so much. "No... you pick Mulder, I trust your good taste, just nothing from the bottom drawer" she said in a playful way. "Pressure..." he whispered back, making his way to the cabinet, grabbing a movie without doubting too long. Scully poured the wine into their glasses and made herself comfortable on his couch, sipping her wine she kept her eyes fixed on him.

"Look who is all comfy there..." he pointed at her being all cozy on his leather friend.

"Keep some space left for me..." he laughed. "I deserve it Mulder... had a rough day today... stupid paperwork!" she grumbled. "I'm curious though... what are we watching?" she smiled.

"Just wait and see..." he nudged her softly.

"Mulder, really...!" she hissed when the movie started, "Silence..."

"... of the lambs" he finished.

He followed her face reacting to his comment. She smiled and forgot the fact she's seen the movie countless times. She agreed to watch it by nodding and smiling not believing she was watching it again. The way he looked at her, made her weak inside. She felt all tingly or was it the wine which caused this chemical reaction in her empty stomach. She couldn't resist his flirty boyish behavior. She felt good in his presence, he had magical powers over her. Being here with him made her feel good and safe. He made her smile so many times over and over again even in difficult times. He knew her better than her own family. She felt secure with him, he trusted her and she trusted him with her life. He noticed the soft smile on her porcelain face while taking a sip of her wine. The red color of the wine reflected in the most beautiful way on her lips, leaving a wet trace of red diamond-like drops. He studied her eyelashes when she looked back up to watch the movie. They were long and soft, surrounding her glistering eyes.

Suddenly he realized he was staring at her instead of watching the movie. Scully slowly turned her head, licking the wine from her lips while turning her eyelashes up to meet his smoldering gaze.

She stared into his sweet piercing eyes and blinked lingering while gently biting her lip tasting the remaining wine. He was distracted by her sudden movement and felt a little uneasy under her gaze. Without saying a word she asked questions with her eyes. For a moment he was speechless, why she didn't ask what he was looking at. He was convinced that she could look straight into his heart and read his thoughts about how beautiful and mesmerizing she was to him.

Never breaking the connection she smiled back at him. He felt waterfalls of happiness crashing down inside his stomach. He felt his lips tremble trying to form a smile to answer hers. He gently brought his fingers to her face and tucked a strand of hair behind her left ear. She followed his move turning her torso in his direction. She felt her heart pounding in her chest. His fingers caressed her cheek lightly finding their way back to the back of the couch, around her shoulders pulling her closer to him. She felt her body fall softly against his chest, laying her head against him, turning her face back to the movie. He held her close, made her feel comfortable in his warm embrace. She felt weak being this close to him. He could feel the goosebumps on her skin.

He took his Navaho blanket from the back of the couch and gently draped it over her. "Chilly?" he softly whispered in her hair smelling her perfume of fresh flowers. "Not anymore..." she replied smiling against his white shirt. She laid her right arm next to her cheek on his firm chest. Feeling his heartbeat fasten with every move she made. His right arm draped lightly around her shoulder, his left arm made his way to her hand on his chest. He found her fingers and started gently caressing them with his own. So lightly she could barely feel it. He enjoyed her warmth in his chest, he felt her breathing in and out against his shirt. She had never felt so at ease, so content, so happy as she was now. This was just perfect! She heard his heart pounding in solid beats, it soothed her soul. She was nervous being this close to him. Afraid of what may come, but also excited. She wanted to show him so badly how much she cared for him. She felt her cheeks burning with desire, she didn't want to leave his embrace. She looked at his fingertips brushing hers, she gently turned her hand and met his, weaving their fingers together. Brought them to her mouth and gently greeted his fingers with her lips. He was surprised by her sudden move and glanced down at her. Feeling him shift under her, she looked up and met his glare. As if time stood still for them, eyes locked and lips parted. The gap between them was filled with electricity, they both felt it. He freed his hand from hers and moved it slowly towards her chin. He followed her jawline, ran his fingers over her cheek while slowly closing the space between them. Cupping her face in his hand, feeling her soft flushed skin under his touch made his heart skip a beat. She followed his move, closing her eyes in response, grasping his hand with her own.

"Open your eyes" he whispered, while his warm breath brushed her lips. Willingly she met his desiring look and moved closer. The tension was unbearable, sparks almost visible to the eye. She knew what was coming, he knew it too. All his doubts and concerns from before seemed to disappear in this very moment of pure chemistry between them. Inches away from his mouth she closed her eyes again, approaching his lips. She was so close, smelling his masculine scent, his fresh perfume, him. Her lips reached his, they met each other briefly, slowly discovering one another. He tasted her bottom lip, very careful he started exploring. Barely touching, caresses so subtle and soft. They were so caught up in this special moment, time and space didn't exist anymore.
Chapter 3: Tension

Tension build up!

Things heat up...


... In one gentle movement, he pushed her chin up with one finger, moving his hand over her cheek to her neck. Forced by him to look up, she answered his sultry gaze with hers. Her fingers wandered up his chest to eventually cup his face, stroking his hair at his ear. His eyes were fixed on her flushed face, seeing every angle of it. Taking it all in. She felt so desired by him, she wanted him to take control and kiss her passionately...

Chapter Text

*Chapter 3: Tension*

Out of nowhere, a loud noise startled them, having them breaking up their togetherness. Once they realized what the noise meant, Scully moved away from his body letting him space to get up.

"Pizza time I guess..." he grinned. Scully sat straight, moving her legs out of the couch, breaking her relaxed way of lying. Feeling her temperature with her hands, made her realize she was burning up. She felt a cold breeze on her burning skin, which made her shiver. She pulled the blanket closer to her.

Mulder came back with a massive pizza and placed it on the table. He was a little insecure about what just happened and what didn't. He was afraid to look at her. The atmosphere changed from sultry to tense.

Scully coughed lightly. "I'm starving..." she mumbled with her eyes on the pizza box, not daring to look at him.

"Let's..." he replied opening the big box before her licking his lips.

Mulder sat down next to her, sipping his wine, letting her take a piece. He followed her example and also grabbed one. The tension changed and made them both uneasy.

"Mulder..." she broke the silence, in doubt, flicking her eyes to the floor. "Mmm..." he nodded with his mouth stuffed with a slice of pizza. She waited a few moments before she continued clearing her throat. " euhm..."

He looked at her and he smiled very softly waiting for her to continue. In response, she shyly smiled back at him, which broke the evil spell they were under. He nodded reassuringly at her, making her giddy but at ease again.

They exchanged so much in that one moment. The uneasiness changed back into a friendly atmosphere. They both relaxed in each other's presence like they were before, not talking about what happened but both knowing it did.

"Best pizza ever!" he sighed while rubbing his stomach. She looked at him, feeling all giggly seeing him make the gestures. "Yes, it was!", she softly mumbled turning her herself to him, looking back into his eyes for the first time again.

Having trouble breaking their gaze, she looked at the empty box and said: "Let me clean up."

She was about to stand up when he grabbed her hand stopping her from leaving the couch. He held her hand so gently, pulling her back to his side. "Leave it," he said while she made way back down next to him. "But..." she added while pointing at the mess at the table. "No buts..." he responded while he gave her her glass of wine and filled it again as he did with his own.

While he filled the glasses she looked carefully at him. This man was so amazing, she admired him for his stubbornness and his complexity. He was so gentle and sweet to her, she didn't realize men like that actually existed. The awkwardness from before disappeared.

He settled himself back to the way he was before the pizza arrived. Scully pulled her blanket over her legs and pulled them half under her on the couch. He tried not to look at her, but he failed. He was drawn to her, like a magnet, like a moth to a flame. She was his flame.

He felt her warmth next to him. He felt chills running down his spine and over his arms. She felt him shiver next to her. "Are you cold?" she asked without looking at him. She didn't wait for him to answer, opened the blanket, moved closer to him and draped it over his legs, still trying to cover up her own.

She was forced to move very close to him to get that done. He smiled at her struggle with the heavy Navaho wool. He decided to help her by taking over. He put his hand over hers holding the blanket.

The moment he touched her skin she felt herself shiver as well. Scully turned her head to him. Their stares locked again, none of them willing to quit. Her breathing fastened feeling him move her hand over to his side, her lips ready to receive his.

"I'll keep you warm," he whispered softly in her ear while moving her closer. His lips brushed her ear, feeling his warm breath on her cheekbone. She gasped.

He took her in his arms like before. His right arm moved behind her head over her neck, shoulders, moving his way down tracing her back to her waist. His fingers felt her warm skin through her shirt. Her skin tingled under his gentle caress. Little hairs on her neck raised as she shivered.

His fingers massaged her waist and held her close. She felt him draw reassuring circles with his thumb against her waist. Her head rested in the crook of his neck on his shoulder. She felt his heart beating at her cheek, her right hand found his white crisp shirt and her fingers walked over his ribs to his stomach to his left side.

He looked down at this beautifully complex woman in his arms, thankful it was her responding to his aching needy heart. She snuggled closer into his warm embrace, letting her guard down, fearing the consequences, but living in the moment. Now with him, feeling safer than ever!

She let her fingers explore his side, gentle, soft strokes over his stomach and chest. His left hand found her hand and made little circles over hers, moving his fingers over her arm to her shoulder, tracing her jawline to her chin.

In one gentle movement, he pushed her chin up with one finger, moving his hand over her cheek to her neck. Forced by him to look up, she answered his sultry gaze with hers. Her fingers wandered up his chest to eventually cup his face, stroking his hair at his ear. His eyes were fixed on her flushed face, seeing every angle of it. Taking it all in. She felt so desired by him, she wanted him to take control and kiss her passionately.

He was afraid to break her, to crush her, to be too aggressive with her, she looked so fragile. He wanted to do this right, to be tender with her although he was afraid his burning desire would take over. She held his gaze, moving closer to him. The chemistry sparked the air like fire. The tension was even more unbearable than before. Her fingers dug deep into his neck and pulled his hair softly.

His fingers moved to her cheek, softly caressing her white porcelain skin. She was tempted to close her eyes again, but she knew he wouldn't allow that. No words were spoken, but tales were told through their looks.

Then finally their lips met, eyes closed, hot breaths mixed with her sweet and his masculine scent. Their lips danced softly over one another. Scully sighed to give her some release from the burning tension between them. He responded with a silent moan, daring to deepen their kiss.

He took control and traced her lips with his tongue. Softly sucking on her bottom lip. Gently nibbling and licking it. Her heart raced in her tiny chest, what was she doing... kissing her partner, her best friend, her touchstone. She grabbed his head and pulled him closer. Their kiss became more passionately and more thrilling every second it lasted. She knew he loved her unconditionally and she had to admit, so did she.

He paused for a second and broke the kiss, watching her as she slowly opens her eyes and stared lovestruck in his eyes.

"You ok? ", he softly whispered smiling back at her.

Her head was dizzy and she felt shaky. He pulled her closer, holding her firmly with both arms around her tiny waist.

She grinned at his question letting out a soft gasp she held for too long, flickering her eyelashes in a way only she could do.

He moved his hand back to her cheek and played with her earlobe, bringing his lips back to hers. The passion, the sultriness, the hopes and dreams, love, friendship, it all collided at that very moment. She gave in completely, she was his.

His fingers found their way under the waistband of her skirt, pulling her shirt, revealing flushed skin on her back. His fingers made it burn even more. Tongues danced together in perfect synchrony, demanding and answering.

Her hand moved from his neck to his collarbone down his chest sliding through some buttons, making her way down to his stomach. His skin felt like a sunburn, she felt him twitching under the soft touch of her wandering fingers.

Her head was spinning, her heart was racing, she had lost every awareness of time and space. There she was, alone with him, holding him, kissing him, countless times she fantasized about this, never expecting it to happen today. She only wanted his company and pizza.

She felt his muscles tense under her soft touch. Her fingers wandered over his firm abs, moving up to his heaving chest, finding a safe haven at his cheek, pulling him deeper into her. Her fingertips burned on his skin, they left a trail of little footsteps of fire. He kissed her slowly, passionately, listening and following her moves, answering hers. His tongue explored her sweet mouth, while his greedy hands discovered her small waist and back under her shirt.

For a brief moment, he slowed down, giving them space to catch their breaths, letting their heartbeat normalize. He broke their kiss, to watch her flushed face, checking her reactions, respecting her boundaries. She was so dizzy, her head spun, she felt drops of sweat under her shirt running down between her breasts, her eyes looked at his swollen lips, moving their gaze to meet his perfect, hazel eyes. Anxiously biting her lip awaiting his next move.

Her fingertips caressed his cheek, moving to his hair and neck. He felt her hot breath on his revealed chest.

"You are so beautiful...", he whispered with a trembling voice fearing her response. She felt uneasy getting that sweet compliment, she didn't feel like she was a desirable woman. But he made her feel like one. Not able to bring a word out of her mouth, she chuckled smoothly. Returning his gaze through her eyelashes. "Don't be shy!" he reassured her while bringing her chin up again.

Completely blinded by his sultry magic, she kissed him on his wet lips, feeling their heat and softness from their previous meeting. He took over and she gasped at his sudden, unexpected movement.

His kisses followed the curves of her face. She tilted her head back when he moved his kisses to her neck. Her hands grabbed his neck, moving wildly through his soft hair. He held her close, shifting her gently on to her back on his couch. He gave her some room to shift her legs and made sure she was comfortable. He hovered over her, trying not to crush her with his weight, leaning to his right side against the back of the couch. Giving her space to breath. His shirt fell open revealing his chest and abs. He chuckled noticing it "How did that happen?" he grinned.

"It's an x file" she laughed giving him a naughty stare. He shook his head, smiling down at her, slowly closing the aching space between them. He leaned on his right elbow, moving his head closer to her. Her hands welcomed his body against her making his way down. She slipped them under his open shirt, moving them synchronized over his chest over his broad shoulders, taking the fabric with them as she slides them down over his arms.

God his arms, so masculine and firm, she loved being held by them. Never breaking contact with his eyes, the tension became unbearable.

Finally free from his shirt, he took her in, studying every edge and curve of her flawless face. He kissed her lips lightly, moving his kisses to her cheek, jawline, going down over her collarbone, his fingers worked hard unbuttoning her shirt following kiss after kiss.

He didn't rush, he enjoyed every minute being this close to her. Making her feel like the goddess she is. His kisses burned on her skin, her hand caressed his back, shoulders, and hair as he continued opening up her shirt. He was so gentle and sweet with her, she never dared to image a guy like him would make her feel this way. Handle her this way. Constantly checking her boundaries, making sure she felt ok with it. Although she felt the raw passion boiling under his skin, he had the strength to hold it back, handling her with so much respect as if she were made of porcelain.

He reached the waistband of her formfitting skirt, the last button of her blouse opened and he kissed her bellybutton as her shirt fell open revealing her bare milky skin and her light blue silk bra with delicate black lace swirls over it cupping her perfect breasts. He admired her amazing beauty and her exquisite taste in clothing and underwear. He brushed his soft fingers over her warm skin, shifting his body up to meet her greedy gaze.

The dimmed lights in the room gave her an ethereal look, she was even more beautiful than before. She looked so tiny and fragile under his body. She let him take control, her boundaries disappeared, the stone brick walls came tumbling down, she surrendered. With his left hand, he took hers, weaving their fingers together letting them rest next to her porcelain face. Kissing her again, softly but needy, his tongue made heavenly swirls in her welcoming mouth.

He squeezed her hand gently, letting her go, brushing his fingers through her beautiful hair. He paused to look at her again. Revealing her face, her beautiful eyes, nose, her pink parted lips, breathing heavy, electric sparks surrounding her.

She nodded softly letting him know she was ready for him. Letting him know she desperately needed him, she wanted to feel him. She arched her back to help him take off her shirt, he scooped his arms under her, taking her in his strong arms and pulled her shirt down, letting it fall to the floor. She was so light in his arms.

She enjoyed his strong arms around her tiny waist, she felt exposed wearing only her bra, almost shy to reveal herself to him. She pushed him back on the couch, making him sit, she took over control and peeled her tight skirt higher up her thighs, so she could sit on his lap with her legs on both sides of his body.

He noticed her thigh high stockings with lace trim and lost it completely. This was her work outfit!? He admired her, looking up at her. His eyes were drawn to her high fashioned bra. A masterpiece, couture-like.

She felt herself get hot inside, the heat and passion made her tingly. Every touch of him was sending electric charges through her body.

Straddled in his lap, she studied his masculine face. His arms and hands were next to his body, relaxed, she braided her fingers with his and brought his hands to her shoulders. She cupped his face with her hands, meeting his eyes, drowning in the pools of love she saw in them, kissing him on his forehead.

His eyes closed, moving his hands over her shoulders, to the soft fabric of her bra. His fingers traced the border, where the fabric met the soft flesh of her breasts. He smelled her sweet perfume, laying his head against her almost bare chest. His ear leaned gently to her breast, it felt like a soft pillow to his head. Holding her back with his hands, caressing her tingling skin, he felt as close as he could be to her loving heart. He heard and felt it beating, pounding steadily. His head fitted perfectly under her chin, she rested her cheek on his soft hair, brushing it gently with her fingers, massaging his scalp. They sat in pure harmony and silence for a few moments. The steamy chemistry changed into comfort and complete trust. She lightly pressed her lips to the top of his head, feeling his soft hair brushing against her lips. Her fingers wandered down his cheeks, moving over his biceps further to his back. She shifted her hips meeting his bare stomach with hers.

Feeling her shift in his lap, woke him up from his dreamy mist. He cupped her firm breasts with his hands, stroking the fabric, feeling her nipples harden under his touch. She hissed in the response of his sweet strokes, grinding her hips hard in his lap. He moaned, enjoying the feeling she brought to his limbs and a sizzling sensation deep into his pelvis.

He tenderly squeezed her breasts, kissing the bare skin above the fabric. "Mmm" escaped her mouth, rocking her hips even more, licking her lips, feeling him harden under her. His hands moved from her breasts to her hips, guiding her pace on his lap. Her hips rocked in a steady speed over him.

His hands found the zipper on her skirt, which would help him letting her escape. He held her, shifting his hips to the edge of the couch. He managed to get enough strength to stand up. Her arms were around him, her head buried in the crook of his neck.

Her legs fell down, he gently put her down on her feet, holding her waist. She looked up and smiled at him, her cheeks flushed and her lips were raspberry red, glistering from his kisses.

His thumbs hooked into the waistband of her skirt, pushing it down her legs. She stepped out of the skirt, standing almost naked before him.

He froze, he looked at this beautiful woman standing is the most delicate lingerie in his living room. Not returning his longing gaze she worked her way to his pants, after lowering his zipper, slowly letting the fabric drop at his feet.

She looked into his eyes, piercing right through him. Standing on a pile of clothes, pure and vulnerably exposed.
Chapter 4: Here to stay

... She looked at him and said, "I'm not going anywhere, Mulder, I'm here to stay."...

*Hope you like it - leave a review*

Chapter Text

*Chapter 4: Here to stay*

She ran her fingers over his shoulder over his left arm, braiding her fingers with his, locking eyes when she passed him, guiding the way to his bedroom. Not able to resist her, he followed her slowly to his room. She turned around, entering the room backward, weaving her fingers with his other hand. He was numb, never leaving her gaze, he felt explosions of joy in his heart and stomach.

She surprised him with her persistence and as he followed her he fell in love with her over and over again. She was mesmerizingly beautiful, the newly revealed curves of her body hypnotized him. He silk fabric was draped over certain secret areas, he hadn't explored yet. He was ready to unveil them, although he was very turned on by the lace undergarments she kept a well-kept secret for so long.

The bedroom was dark, moonlight streamed in through the window. The room smelled of orange blossoms and sandalwood, it was delicate and made it feel very welcome to be in there. The atmosphere was rich and electric. Sparks were almost seen when their bodies connected. She stopped at his bedside, still holding his hands into hers, never looking away. She wasn't willing to break the connection. She felt so close and secure in his room, his space, his arms, his heart. She breathed the sweet scent of the room in, making her more turned on than she already was.

This man made her heart race and her eyes were filled with love and devotion. He answered her sensual stare, by scooping her in his strong arms, laying her down on the soft sheets of his bed.

Moonlight veiled on her, revealing her glimmering skin. The light was so weak, but it created a very sensual feel and it was like as if the room was yearning to be made love in. She felt the silkiness of the fresh sheets under her, it made her gasp. Her skin was burning with desire, she wanted to make love to him so bad, but enjoyed the teasing and playing like they did.

The sexual tension in the room and between them was sensible.

He joined her, hovering over her, leaning on his elbow trying not to crush her. Her knee was bent, his hand was holding her thigh, squeezing it gently, massaging his fingers into her flesh pulling her closer to him. His mouth was hungry on hers, their tongues danced a slow and steady dance, giving and taking, already used to each other's pace. She bit his lip, giving her some room to breathe.

The raw passion she felt him holding back before, came to surface. He was so turned on by her, he couldn't resist it anymore. His other hand held her face, stroking with a thumb over her cheek while they deepened their kiss. He wandered his hand from her thigh over trim of her silky blue-black laced trimmed panties, fondling her belly with his fingers, covering her breast with his hand.

He slipped his finger underneath the soft fabric, finding her nipple harden as he circled it. Her hands were wild, kneading his neck, shoulders and moving to his buttcheeks, squeezing them softly. Her other hand ran up and down his chest. Gently guiding his head to kiss him even better.

He broke his kiss forming kissing trail towards her ear, down her throat, collarbone, meeting his hand cupping her breast. He used both hands to press both of them gently, slipping his tongue under the silk.

Her back arched, letting out of moan, the pleasure he caused was so difficult to suppress.

The sounds she made was arousing him even more. He enjoyed to please her. One hand made his way to her bra strap, removing it in one swift action.

The moonlight enlightened her perfectly formed breasts, letting him work his enchanting magic on them. He covered them with sweet, wet kisses, pinching her nipples gently with his hands. Her skin tasted sweet, like a vanilla-like dessert. He became addicted to the taste of her. He covered her torso with delicate kisses and caresses.

She lost control, not knowing where his hands or kisses were, she felt like he was everywhere at the same time. But god... she felt desired, it was like a heavenly drug. She was addicted to his touches and kisses, she surrendered to him completely.

He switched nibbling her perky nipples with little sucking kisses which made her tense her muscles in response. He felt her twitching under his touch. He smiled, knowing he was doing his job very well. He wanted to please her and tease her like this the whole night, but he was afraid his stamina wouldn't allow it.

Her fingers scratched his back lightly, pinching his firm and sexy butt. Holding him with one hand, she felt her other hand slip into his boxers searching her final destination.

He groaned hard when he felt her slender fingers brushing against his shaft under the fabric of his boxers.

He arched his back and moved away from her breast for a moment. He wanted to see her, letting her know what she was doing to him. He searched her hazy eyes, returning her gaze with a meaningful smile on his face. His luscious lips slightly parted tried to form a few words. She continued her soft strokes and gentle squeezes while awaiting his words.

He closed his eyes, trying to concentrate, blocking out her naughty touches.

He lowered his lips to her ear and whispered with effort: "I love you", letting her shiver, feeling his warm breath on her cheek.

Running his fingers over her cheek and through her hair. Those words made butterflies fly around in her stomach. He gave her his all, all he had to give, she could have it.

Slightly impressed by what she was feeling pushing against her hand she returned his gaze, she responded by holding his perfect face, brushing his lips with her thumb, smiling at him, breathing "I love you more".

Giving him the confirmation he needed, to continue his conquest of her heart and her soul.

Finding the soft silk fabric of her panties he softly brushes his fingers over them, making her react to his determined touch. His fingers swirled around her languishing area.

Teasing her by slipping a few fingers under the fabric, touching and caressing her on her sensitive spot. She pulled his hair gently in excitement, tensing her muscles, letting him know he knew what he was doing.

Finally, he hooked his thumbs into her panties, pushing them down over her perfect thighs and hips.

She was so exposed to him now, so vulnerable. She was perfect in any way possible, he felt her smooth skin and started discovering her most secret area. He worked his fingers, finding her most sensitive spot, circling and stroking answering her silent moans.

Her movements became wilder. Her kisses became greedy, needy and deep. She sucked hard on his bottom lip, biting it while slipping her other hand into his boxers to find his firm buttcheeks.

Breaking the kiss, she whispered "God, I want you so bad...", her eyes filled with lust staring at him.

He couldn't believe this was Scully saying these loaded words. He was eager and willing to give her what she asked for. He moved his kisses from her mouth to her breasts. Licking them, sucking them softly, squeezing them with his hand, while working her soft core with his fingers. She felt flows of passion and excitement building up in her, making her hips rock against his fingers.

She pushed his boxers down. Grabbing his throbbing, pulsating shaft, stroking it up and down at a steady pace. Her fingers wrapped around in gently but firm, giving him what he seeking for.

He groaned in the excitement of her loving touch. He was so hard for her, he was afraid he couldn't hold himself very long, he was on the verge of exploding.

She felt how hard he was, she bit her lip, enjoyed it was because of her.

"I ... need...you..." were the few words he was able to bring out. Hearing him say that, made her dizzy and wanting him even more. She felt herself getting more open en wet to allow him inside of her.

He brought his head up to kiss her once more, a kiss full of passion, fire, and love.

Knowing what he was about to do. Making a connection to her, never to be broken again, melting together, a collision, forever.

He moved up, looking down at her, lying on his bed, so beautiful and pure. Her eyes were full of devotion to him, her lips wet and swollen from their kisses, her cheeks flushed. Her hair draped under her head. He took her hands and braided his fingers with hers, bringing them to his mouth kissing them softly. She untangled her fingers laying her hands on his chest.

He lined up between her legs, brushing his warm tip over her entrance. She closed her eyes, letting out a small moan, the excitement had built up so that she was ready to collapse and melt with him.

Carefully he pushed his way inside, not wanting to hurt her. The warm feeling of being inside her washed over him. He felt how tight she was, feeling her muscles contract with every move he made. Her soft walls massaged his hardness, he had to concentrate to make it last a while.

Blissful feeling overwhelmed her, she had never felt this close to someone before. He felt so heavenly inside the weak depths of her body. Her warm wet core welcomed him, she was made to please him.

He rocked his hips against hers, he thrust into her with a slow, steady pace. Trying not to be rough with her. He held her hips to keep her steady. He lowered himself to kiss her passionately, while he remembered to keep up the pace. Her ankles locked themselves around him, wanting to feel him as close as possible.

Her hands went through his hair, pinching his back, holding him as tight as she could. Their bodies collided in perfect harmony, they were together as one.

God, he felt good inside her, she moaned his name softly, biting her lip in pure arousal. She felt her orgasm build up with every thrust he made. Their breaths fastened, movements speeded up. His hands were all over her, his tongue swirling over reachable areas. He felt her muscles contracting on his hard cock sliding in and out of her at a steady pace.

She was about to break, he thrust harder with short swift movements, he worked his finger over her bundle of nerves between her folds, to pleasure her even more.

She cried out, arching her back, feeling her contract hard inside. She yelled his name, pinching his abs in his arms. Her fingers stiffened holding him. Her body twitched and collapsed under his heavenly touch. She breathed heavily, licking her lips, pinching her eyes, she trembled. He saw how she was filled with emotions of pure exhaustion. She gave him her all.

He had to concentrate on his pace, trying to keep his thrusts hard and steady. He only needed a few more moments for him to fill her with all he had to give. His heart, his life, his love. This wasn't just sex to him. This was making a connection with his soulmate.

She tensed her muscles to give him the ultimate release, tangled her fingers with his, bringing them over her head. He twitched, trembled and moaned her name as he came. His heart raced in his chest, tears welled up in his eyes, emotions overwhelmed him. He collapsed on her heaving chest, she wrapped him in her arms, they lay there a few moments.

With his last powers, he managed to wrap them in the blanket that was under them. It formed a warm cocoon for them to recover.

He climbed up, so he could take her in his loving arms. Her head secure under his chin, feeling his warm breath brushing over her hair.

She held him softly, stroking his chest and sides with her fingers. He felt her eyelashes tickle on his chest. She pressed a small kiss to his collarbone moving her head to meet his gaze. He looked down to meet her. She felt warm and comfortable in his secure arms.

None of them wanted to speak. They had to recover first from feelings that were hidden for over 6 years. Looking into each other's eyes they felt it, words that weren't spoken.

Mulder brought his head down meeting her lips once more. He kissed her so softly. She snuggled up against him. Her arms were around him, pulling him close. She felt safe.

"I would love it when you'd stay the night" he mumbled in her ear, kissing her lobe. Moving his head back to meet her eyes, she smiled meaningfully at him.

"You really think I'm going somewhere?" she whispered back. Holding her he smiled at her answer.

"Regrets?" he dared to ask her. Startled, she looked at him, pressing her lips at his to take all his doubts away.

"Mulder...!" she said when she broke the kiss. "I would never give myself like this to anyone but you! I hope you know that? I've never loved anyone as much as you. And what we just did, what we just felt, made me realize even more how much I love you!"

He smiled, watching and observing her. "Glad to hear that." He replied "I want you to know that you are not just anyone to me, Scully. I never dared to dream that you would feel the same. I struggled with these feeling for a long time now. I wasn't able to hold back anymore, I had to show you how I feel and how you make me feel."

She looked at him and said, "I'm not going anywhere, Mulder, I'm here to stay."
Chapter 5: Morningsong

Around midnight they both finally dozed off, wrapped up in each other's embrace. Not caring about the world, not chasing alien conspiracies, not wondering about anything.

The morning after...


... "Morning sleepyhead!" she suddenly heard in her ear, feeling loving arms around her waist. "Someone stole my shirt..." he mysteriously added, startling her with his sudden approach. ...

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Chapter Text

*Chapter 5: Morningsong*

Mulder's apartment

7:15 am

November 21st

Around midnight they both finally dozed off, wrapped up in each other's embrace. Not caring about the world, not chasing alien conspiracies, not wondering about anything.

Their minds, hearts, and bodies collided with pure love for one another. The magical feeling washed over them like the waves of an untamable ocean.

Unexpected, but not unwanted, the inevitable finally happened between two soulmates. The feeling was so intense, special and irresistible, they didn't have a choice. They gave in.

Mulder's arm was resting on her waist, Scully's head was on his chest. Her hand was on his stomach. Both seemed very peacefully asleep, but Scully was awake, she didn't want to wake him up. She listened to him breathing slowly, deep asleep, tired from their exhausting activities from last night. Scully felt completely happy, she felt so desired and so happy in his embrace. She smiled realizing where she was.

She slowly slipped away from his loving embrace, trying her best not to startle him. She sat on the edge of his bed, watching him so peacefully asleep. This was the man who made love to her, the one she'd give her all to, the only one who could conquer her heart.

She grabbed an old shirt from Mulder from the chair next to the bed and started to close up the buttons when she silently stood up.

Barefoot, she made her way to the bathroom. Watching herself in the mirror, splashing some water in her face, she couldn't suppress a smile. Her face was flushed, her hair was wild and her eyes... her eyes sparkled. There was no way she could hide her afterglow.

Silently leaving the bathroom, she looked at him sleeping so peacefully. He looked so sweet and helpless, alone in his bed.

Wearing just his shirt and her lace panties, she slowly headed to the kitchen trying to be as silent as she could. She ran her hand through her hair, touching her cheek and neck. It remembered her of the lovemaking she experienced yesterday. Mulder had touched and kissed every inch of her body. She smiled thankfully at her own touch, imagining it was him.

She remembered every little detail, every kiss, every touch, she felt complete.

Standing in his living room, she looked around; a pizza box and an empty bottle of wine on the table, glasses on the side, television still on, a pile of his and her clothes covering the carpet next to the couch.

Just random objects, telling their story. She felt her heartbeat fasten remembering how it all began. Her blazer was still on the chair where she had left it, her high heels under the cabinet with the fish tank.

The sun was rising, warming the room with a soft light. Scully walked towards the window, smelling the sweet, crisp morning air, feeling a breeze brush her cheeks. She shivered.

Standing there made her feel like someone who just had a one night stand. she was in someone else's apartment, but this wasn't just a fling. This was real, at least for her. Doubt slipped into her mind, what if...? She shook her head, letting the troubling thoughts disappear. This was real she reassured herself, they both felt it.

Cleaning up the reminders they left from yesterday, she made her way to the kitchen.

Caught up in her own thoughts, Scully made coffee. Her mind wandered off to her memories of the night before, she lost herself in thinking about what she felt and experienced.

"Morning sleepyhead!" she suddenly heard in her ear, feeling loving arms around her waist. "Someone stole my shirt..." he mysteriously added, startling her with his sudden approach.

Mulder held her close, brushing his head next to her ear and cheek, holding her stomach with his hands and arms. He pulled her close and sighed. Her head fell back to his chest, she closed her eyes, feeling so happy and secure in his loving arms.

"Don't we look sexy this morning?!" he smirked, kissing her cheek lightly. He twirled her around, cupped her face and kissed her softly on her lips. She was helpless to his touch. He was wearing his boxers and a light t-shirt, his hair soft and wild.

"Aren't you a real mister sunshine in the morning?!", she giggled. "Coffee?" she asked, trying to hand him a cup. He played with her shirt, not letting her escape his grasp. He pulled her down with him, falling on the kitchen chair.

He couldn't believe how sexy she looked in his shirt. She straddled on his lap, her arms around his neck and shoulders. His fingertips massaged her thigh, while his other hand made its way to her cheek.

His caresses were sweet and soft, he brought his head up to meet her sparkling eyes. She met his gaze and leaned in to kiss him. Her fingertips helped her to angle his face to perfectionize their kiss. The moment their lips met, they both relived the night before. Flashes of memories came to them. His mouth was hungry for more, his hand slipped under her shirt.

Trying to talk, not willing to break the kiss, she failed. "Mulder..." she moaned, wanting to let him know she needed him to stop. Her hands cupped his face and pushed him back, allowing her to speak.

"Mulder... we need to get to work," she said, sensing his disappointment.

"Ugh... party pooper!" he responded poking her stomach letting her escape his lap.

He watched her walk toward the couch picking up her clothes. "I'm heading to the shower," she said, meeting his eyes when she turned her head. The look she gave him hit him straight in his heart.

She blinked at him, biting her bottom lip. "Catch me if you can..." she whispered in his direction, she ran into his room to reach the bathroom first.

"You can't escape me G-woman!" he replied, hearing her giggling at his response. He didn't doubt or dawdle, he started his pursuit of her right away.
Chapter 6: Unconditionally

Skinner shows up at the apartment...


..."What is it you do to me...?" she whispered in his ear. "You have this effect on me." he smiled back...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text

*Chapter 6: Unconditionally*

As he ran towards the bedroom door, he was interrupted by a knock on his door. For a second he was torn between naked Scully in the shower or the person knocking on the door. As he decided to follow Scully, a voice behind the door called his name. "Mulder, I know you are in there, open up!"

A familiar voice kept asking him to open the door. Mulder opened the door and Skinner stormed in. "Morning big bald beauti..."

"Cut the crap Mulder!", Skinner didn't let him finish his greet. "Where were you yesterday?!"

Mulder didn't have a choice, Skinner was fuming. "Left early, was done with the crap you keep giving me!" Mulder answered fiercely. "What are you doing here Skinner?"

Before answering Skinner looked into the room and noticed Scully's blazer on the kitchen chair, her shoes at the couch, two empty wine glasses on the counter. He recognized her distinct style. He swallowed hard, realizing Mulder wasn't alone. He knew, splitting them up, trying to keep them apart had drawn them closer together than ever.

"I just came here to warn you, Mulder! You and Scully!" Skinner whispered.

"Just show up for work, do your job and try to keep a low profile. Both of you! No more leaving early and not showing up! Let me try and help you, try to trust me! I can't help you like this!"

Skinner gave Mulder an icy glare. He meant what he was saying. Mulder pouted his lips and nodded, he understood what Skinner was saying. Trusting his former boss wasn't easy, but he had to try, Skinner looked legit and was putting his own job at stake to help them out.

"I promise to get you back in that basement together. Let me work on Kersh!" Skinner said taking one last look through the room. "Be wise Mulder! And show up for work!" he added.

"Tell Scully, will you?!" he winked at him, letting Mulder know he knew Scully was at his apartment, closing the door with a loud knock.

Scully stood behind the bedroom door, carefully listening when she could step back in. When she knew for sure Skinner had left, she opened the squeaky door, revealing herself to Mulder stepping into his living room.

Her petite frame was wrapped in a small towel, her hair was wet and left drops on her shoulders and on the floor where she stood. She walked barefoot towards her partner, he was standing facing the door, letting Skinners words sink in.

"Hey", she softly said leaning against his back, running her hand up and down his back, letting her wet hair rest on his shoulder.

She sensed Mulder wasn't totally fine after Skinner's visit. She heard parts of the conversation and Skinner didn't sound very amused. The moment he felt her leaning against him he wrapped his arm around her. He kissed her wet hair on top of her head, smelling his shampoo. He smiled at the sensation it gave him in his heart

- her hair, his shampoo - .

"Skinner didn't sound amused." she tried to start the conversation, shifting her stomach to his side, looking up trying to catch his eyes. Mulder looked down to his side to meet her comforting eyes and sighed. "Ow well, he came to warn us. I think he means well. Just hate going to the office now. Useless crap."

Scully nodded "I know, I feel the same way, but you heard him, we have to...". She moved away from his embrace, grabbing a hot cup of coffee. The wet drops on her chest and shoulders made her shiver, the coffee warmed her up.

She leaned against the kitchen cabinets, observing Mulder. He looked at her, standing there wrapped in that small towel, glistering drops of water on her face, shoulders, and chest. The sunlight made the droplets light up, giving her a magical, sparkling look. He smiled, letting her warm his chest and heart with her presence.

"You look incredible!" he said to her, standing against his kitchen table, giving her a loaded smile.

She stared into his eyes and smiled back at him. He wasn't able to move and kept his eyes locked on hers. Feeling the warm coffee go down her body as she drank it, she embraced the feeling of warmth she got from his eyes.

Without even touching, just gazing into each other's eyes she could feel their connection, their bond, she could feel his love for her. She looked down and closed her eyes.

In the blink of an eye, he wrapped his arms around her. Hugging her, rubbing her back his hands.

"Mulder, you are sad because you missed our shower together, isn't it?" she smirked when he hugged her. She felt he had to suppress his laugh. With his chin at her head, he answered her "You see right through me Scully. Raincheck?".

He cupped her face, rubbing his thumbs over her cheeks, bringing her head to his. She felt their lips touch, she could swear she saw an electric spark escape. - He could kiss her so heavenly - she thought. She lost herself in his magical kiss, feeling him pull her closer, deepening their connection.

He pushed her up against the cabinets, making her settle on the sink. Her hands moved wild from his hair at his back, peeling his shirt up, making its way over his head and down to the floor.

He kissed her mouth, face, moving to her throat, making her tilt her head backward.

His fingers wandered over her upper body, unwrapping her like a Christmas present. Her legs wrapped around his waist, her hands massaging his back and her arms holding him close. She loved the feeling of their bodies connecting, a sizzling sensation went through her heart feeling his warm skin on hers.

Mulder broke his kisses, looking up at her eyes while licking the wet drops off her skin. He smiled as she responded to his stare. Her fingertips caressed his cheeks.

He cupped her perfect breasts, kissed them, swirled his tongue around her nipples, sucking them a little as he moved away. His hands helped him guide his way over her body. He wiggled himself swiftly out of his boxers as he held her hips, giving her soft kisses on her lips.

She was so out of the world that she didn't even realize he was naked already. He made her feel like a goddess, she felt so light in his arms. He aroused her with his looks, gazes, touches, words and god his kisses.

She moaned softly at every touch and kiss. She felt him move between her legs, she had no willpower to do anything against him - not that she wanted to.

He touched her there again and she felt fireworks get ready to be ignited in her stomach. She felt her hips rock against him without her controlling it. He took control, he didn't wait, he sensed she was ready for him.

He filled her with his hardness, like he did yesterday, slowly, but firmly. Another set, another position, same amazing feelings. He felt her contract around him, enjoying him being inside her.

He whispered her name in arousal, she moaned back. His thrusts got more intense with every single one that followed. He fastened his pace, sliding in and out of her. He noticed her breasts move with every push, her eyes closed, her teeth gently biting her lip, her hands in his hair.

"Look at me", he suddenly said. Scully opened her eyes, filled with lust and arousal, her gaze made him crazy. She felt her hips rock harder and her walls contracting around him. Her lips parted licking them with her tongue, her eyes still locked with his, moving on his steady pace, like the waves of the ocean.


No history.

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