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11x02 My Struggle III Plus One The X-FilesSeason 11


Glen Morgan


Glen Morgan


January 10, 2018


44 minutes


David Duchovny David Duchovny Fox Mulder
Gillian Anderson Gillian Anderson Dana Scully
Mitch Pileggi Mitch Pileggi Walter Skinner




2024-09-21 18:42:35


Version 2






Mulder and Scully are thrust into a high-stakes conspiracy after they receive a distressing message from their long-dead friend and former Lone Gunmen member, Richard "Ringo" Langly. The message leads them to uncover a secret project that involves uploading human consciousness into a digital simulation, essentially achieving a form of digital immortality. As they delve deeper, they are pursued by a mysterious group intent on protecting this clandestine operation. Mulder and Scully must navigate through layers of deception and danger to expose the truth, facing ethical dilemmas about life, death, and the nature of existence in the digital age. The episode combines action and suspense with thought-provoking questions about technology and humanity.


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Syldana avatar

11X02 This

Written by Syldana on 2018-03-13
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Review 11X02

During this episode, Glen Morgan seeks to re-seduce the fan of the first hour, flirting with the past, plunging the viewer, distilled keys everywhere, into his own nostalgia.
Here, back to the style of yesteryear to a certain extent and it's no worse, as Mulder pointed out it was "better before". And yet, the current is very far from being discarded since the very trunk of history has meanwhile a leap forward and this to the detriment of the main Duo.

I was expecting, at this stage of the season, that we attend the first Loner of season 11 and yet in my opinion it is clearly not the case. This episode is neither Loner nor semi-Mythological, but rather an extension of the previous episode. This episode is in charge of providing a deepening of a data thrown at the figure of Mulder during his first meeting with Consortium 2.

From the first scene, the dramatic event that is about to happen before our eyes lights the little light bulb in our head. That of our memories. It is night, we are in the middle of a vast campaign, a single house stands before our eyes and a car with on board three killers who are preparing for the assault. Unfortunately, the couple in the house do not suspect anything, anesthetized in their little daily life or doing here (knowing their identity) a well deserved nap after taking a lot of blows, both physical and moral, during the case last week. So, of course, we think of the episode Home and its similar scene with its musical background from the known records, the fate of Sheriff Andy Taylor and his wife, we also think of Home again and the horrible fate of Nancy Huff ... But, I would say that here Mulder and Scully are a little too the spectator who rests revelations he has just taken in the face and leaving him dazed on the side of the road. Glen Morgan likes to bring out his old registers and gives the impression of constantly repeating this scene, with the view in plunge then hop close-up on the faces. Here, however, the novelty will be in the bidding, since once cleared of the first three killers, the Duo is caught in the second following: the Russians, just that.
So yes, they have a lot of enemies and that gives us double cascade, but honestly was it necessary? Only one team, with a killer that we would have detached to follow them and basta, no? And all this for what ? A phone...

The Revival had already projected Mulder and Scully into modernity with their IPhone. But here we go further, it allows access to a world, and especially the re-opens dialogue with a very old friend: Langly.

So, instead of making the Lone Gunmen Trio complete, Langly may finally have "his" episode here.
In the past, the good old friends of the two agents had had more than once an episode of their own (and that was used as an introduction to Spin-off that was turned around them). These episodes had both deepened the depths of the individuals, introduced the team's formation, their encounter with Mulder, and left them a little in the control room. These episodes were very nice, dynamic, it was they who asked for help to the two agents and not the opposite for once, but the three were never separated. As if the Lone Gunmen formed a single entity.
Here, we break the group, Langly leads the dance alone and seeks to join Mulder so that he accomplishes for him a project of destruction.

Following the Trailer, we had all wondered about this image appearing on the screen of the laptop. Langly is alive, is he a ghost ... in short everything seemed possible, but Glen Morgan re-installs this communication not through the paranormal (a ghost), but through the kiss of High Technology (the existence certainly but as a virtual being).

The Duo being asleep at the time of the first communication with Langly, I first thought of a dream. The fourth face appearing on the framed Lone Gunmen promo picture referred to the urban legend This Man, a being supposedly appeared in the dreams of thousands of people and sometimes interpreted as a religious apparition. I also wondered about the reality of this episode. Because a very singular element could be raised here: the relationship between Mulder and Scully.
For two people supposed to be separated, they are more fusional than ever. I am not at all surprised that they are more complicit than ever, one almost finishing the sentence or the thought of the other, that they are so complementary in the cascades (age has not no control over them, the solid training of the FBI supports them step by step) or that in the action everyone knows what he has to do and allows the other to go to the end of his mission successfully, but on the other hand, they live together again, it's again "our home" and not Mulder's hut, they sleep side by side, watch the TV, Mulder talks about a future joint purchase of new furniture at IKEA (even if it's jokingly) and, above all, they go back together at the end. Scully does not return to her apartment anymore.
It is no longer MS II that one clears the equation for the blow but a whole season 10.

This episode gives the impression of being a kind of vast collective illusion, where the real world enters into talks with the virtual world. Which brings us to the highlight of Langly, our computer genius, around which everything gravitates. As it is a little episode, the screenwriter seems to have felt obliged to apply to the episode references referring to the character's own.

The concert on the TV showing the group Ramones, that the Duo does not even listen (the TV is in MUTE mode), besides fact strange, where is the interest, except that it is is the favorite band of all time Lone Gunmen precisely, this same MUTE replaced by the background sound of the episode that begins with a piece of Ramones and finally Langly's CV is expanded by two things: a cybernetic element with this logical personal project (for a computer junkie) of a life after death in virtual mode and, we get out of je-ne-sais where, a girlfriend. So certainly Langly could possibly have a part of private life, but where and when is the question! He was constantly with his friends, where does she suddenly come out? I will add that this new element added to the life of Langly and fully convenient and refers to another episode Kill Switch, which already there was a time spoke of a second life, eternal, in cybernetic mode and referred by one elements of another couple: Invisigoth or Esther Nairn of his real name. The title of the episode is besides proclaimed loud and clear in case it would have escaped us again, sometimes ^^.

The romantic project, in the beginning will finally turn out to be quickly the workhorse of a larger program, that of Consortium II and this does not please everyone because the project of Langly is quickly defiled by the dark designs of the Conspiracy in place. It is time to instruct the destruction phase of the project.

Langly does not appear by chance, of course, he wants to call his own team to destroy the hell he built. Obviously, instead of a dream life his companion is not at his side, but continues his life on his side (the condition sine qua non of the project and we are at first glance dead to live this other life) , he rubs shoulders with the greatest minds Steve Jobs, Michael Crichton ... but Consortium II could not help but seize the case to make them work on the construction of the program (parallel and opposing that of the CSM), a life in space after the eradication of life on Earth. This episode is clearly Mythological shot for me, it deepens the description of the project for the viewer and competes with the program of Consortium I, Erica Price is back, we try to convince the merits of the project, we rallied to the cause ... This episode fits the thread and allows Erica, who until then remained in a corner for the benefit of Mr Y, to finally speak and displayed the full extent of his Machiavellianism.
So much the better, I find it more convincing to hold this role than the other, with his evil smile and his icy gaze.
So be careful, I hear some already screaming yes but we do not hear about the CSM or William! Why Mytho blow? And that's the impression I had, too bad for William and grandpa but: we do not start with a mutant or a trivial case at first sight, type Red Museum, we start under the radar to want to eliminate Duo, because they know and "they" know warns Langly from the start. One quickly refers to Deep Throat, without a dead time, a central and important individual of the Mytho, the virtual life is not presented as an independent element, the original plot of a Loner (it is no longer because vastly evoked during other episodes: Ghost in the machine, Kill switch), it merges with Mytho directly with Langly's speech denouncing their slavery on behalf of a larger project ... And we can continue as long as it...

But let's go back to the facts, because on the background of virtual life, this episode is also in the information. An aspect that I love in X-Files that always applies to feed my education, my knowledge in areas that are still a little complex and that addresses a very current topic and fits into a real and dangerous news.

After the Duo has learned with dismay that the X-Files secrets have all been dematerialized (long live the modern world!), Are available to everyone including private companies who can take it all away and all this from the mouth of a Skinner more and more ambivalent, Mulder and Scully are sent by Langly to New York, home to Titanpointe: spy skyscraper of the famous NSA.
Thanks to the whistleblower Edward Snowden, we know a lot more about this building today.
Titanpointe is home to not only one of the largest telecommunications centers in the United States, but is also one of NSA's major spies:

"According to The Intercept, the NSA would have installed alongside the facilities of the American operator equipment to collect a lot of sensitive information from past communications around the world: "Who calls who, when and how long". ..]
"If the" partnership "between AT & T and the NSA is already known, few details have so far emerged, the Intercept points out.With Snowden's papers," we now know how the NSA sucks all the data from the operator ", adds the American media, detailing his remarks by several drawings and plans of the building."

Source: https://lexpansion.lexpress.fr/high-tec ... 51436.html

This building would have been designed to withstand the blast of a nuclear explosion, while one explains to me how naturally and without embarrassment Mulder and Scully reach it thanks to the tunnel connecting the local building of the FBI to that of Titanpointe. Wanting to give a light and humorous aspect to the episode with remarks, a wink, a finger in the mouth should have had these limits anyway. Ok we find there our Mulder and Scully decouples (also loses its skepticism since the beginning of this season, we climb the ladder after 25 years of partnership). But, that we remain a little realistic by adding an oppressive tension justified by the price of the head of the two agents. There it does not feel anymore and makes me regret a distant past where Paper clip, Piper Maru or Apocrypha provided us with this kind of moment: the flight, the underground researches, to act in spite of the radars ...
Nevertheless, the treasure hunt in the cemetery, the evocation of Deep Throat, the visit of the tombs, the discovery of this electronic element behind the cross ... remind us of excellent memories of previous episodes. Added to this, according to the old habits, the case is once again unsolved, Mulder and Scully fail in their mission, the evidence has gone, and there is no one to stop.

Glen Morgan follows Chris Carter in the unveiling: after the name of the CSM, it is the identity of Deep Throat which is revealed, the season 11 is placed under the seal "one fills the whites before the End".


DuaneB avatar

This is x files

Written by DuaneB on 2018-06-14
★ ★ ★ ★

It is therefore by reconnecting with an old tradition of the great era that opens this episode: close-up and then dive on the car. This pre-generic scene with a nocturnal ambience on a background of music and quiet purring of the countryside lets us predict a new opus in a distant but updated flavor. Glen Morgan is one of those who counted for X-files and who still counts; a job Chris Carter - we suppose - could only silently kiss his colleague...

The fan-service is no more obsessive than in other episodes since we are immediately caught in the story that no longer leaves us. This whirlwind mid mythological mi loner has something to seduce. The fan of mythology (which I am) is not left out since we propose the reappearance of this woman Erika Price who had been confined to a very secondary role in My struggle III. The opportunity is therefore taken to give fans a thick character to a fallen from nowhere. However, I still struggle to see very clearly in his positions. But how could I do it if Mulder himself does not succeed? The positions of this new mythology post My struggle 1, post season 10, post William are struggling to make their way as the opacity of its history and frustration have taken precedence in the spirit of the fan of the first hour ...

But if there is any doubt about the understanding of the story, I would say that a hot impression is sometimes better than a thought and analysis. Because instinct in matters of seduction does not deceive. Glen Morgan has seduced against all odds, and in a context to the least tense against the intransigence of the fans.
Cleverly, leaving aside for almost an hour his reason aside, Morgan brilliantly resurrects the Lone Gunmen hacker Richard Langly. Hi-Tech artillery is ultimately less demonstrative than one might expect. Apart from the scene in the building under high surveillance.

At the level of references and self-quotes: Kill switch for the principle of the virtual soul, so an artificial life, more archaically evoked in Ghost in the machine ...
The scene where Mulder returns to the room where he spoke with Price but is no longer there: I immediately thought of The Erlenmeyerflask where Mulder returns to the great room where there were basins with humans in the water and he wants to show all this to Scully but too late: nothing!
Of course big reference to Home for the pre-generic; but we could enlarge this list at will ...
The scene of the cemetery is very beautiful. The decorations nourish the pleasure of the eyes, the intrigue evolving in treasure hunt comes to awaken the child who sleeps in us. We are embarked despite ourselves. The rhythm is sustained, panting all along and offers us action without falling into the free waterfall or technical ease. Note in passing the youthfulness of our couple in mature maturity. Their maturity is more a place of vivacity, of adolescence found again. The bar scene is pure pleasure. Precisely because it is not shipper but tightens a complicity largely crumbled in season 10.
Which brings me to the psychological register of Mulder and Scully. Rarely I saw our duo so much in phase. It's all right if one does not finish the other's sentence. Surely, water has flowed under the bridges between the skeptical opposition - believing the first seasons; but where certain episodes made me regret this time while sailing painfully on their couple, there one assumes all, the feeling is consumed, behind oneself. Place to the complicity, the lightness ... If the humor is the spontaneity of Mulder were a thing heard, never again I had seen a Scully so primal, playful, relaxed, recovery in hand, out of his whining still close . To see again our daring duo and in such a valiantness does not cease to convince me making me capsize. My nostalgic edge is conquered by the argument of the same who survives in time. The survival of the great markers of our series is as immediate a pleasure as that of the story itself. Morgan knew how to cut without cutting, to continue without repeating; to look like without stuttering ...

Finally! I find a Mark Snow who stands out his old muscles. The music being at x files what sails are to a boat, we can only rejoice to see this ingredient come back. Personally I had already found a difference in MS3 for the musical side, much more salient than in season 10 according to me.

A winning concentration therefore. Take a bit of Cold War zest, Russophoby, bursts of AI, NSA, the well-measured fan-service, Deep Throat pronounced by Scully !, a fair tone for the MSR that assumes their separate couple situation then found, inseparable, not draped in sentimentalism ...

Of course, you always have to know that this anthousiasme is in comparison to others episodes of hte revival. The same 8 I gave in a original serie episode gives us a totaly different result. But to me, the revival is not realy the same as its origins...

I give it 8/10.

Pike avatar

Starts great, the rest is very bad

Written by Pike on 2024-09-25

The episode starts with a good old scene of violence on an upbeat soundtrack, one of the « marque de fabrique » from The X-Files.

Unfortunately, nothing works. Mulder and Scully act like bad characters from lame Hollywood films, having fun and making jokes while their life is at stake. Is this a cheap Bruce Willis movie? Where is the seriousness tone of the original series?

As for the story itself, the core story of a digitized human could have been interesting, but unfortunately never... materialize. How ironic.

I give this episode 1 out of 5. Very bad.


One, two, three, four!






Mulder... Mulder.


Well, I'm going out west where I belong



Fox Mulder. Langly?

I believe... I believe you knew me as Langly.

Richard Langly. Ringo Langly.

Lone Gunmen Langly?

And I'll walk a little walk I'll twist a little twist And I'll shimmy a little shimmy And I'll fly a little fly

Mulder, I need to know.

Am I dead?

If I am, they know that I know.

Know that he knows what?


Well, I'm going out west out on the coast Where the California girls are really the most

And I'll walk a little walk I'll twist a little twist And I'll shimmy a little shimmy And I'll fly and they'll shimmy And I'll fly and they'll fly Where they're out there having fun in the warm California sun Where they're out there having fun...


You all right? There's one in the room.

Behind the couch.

Two down, all clear.



Am I... dead?

If I am... they know that I know.

Better call it in from a landline. Yeah.

This is Special Agent Dana Scully, XF072161.

Yes, Washington, D.C. Field Office.

Yes, I'm calling in an incident where multiple g*nshots were exchanged.

There are two suspects on the ground.

No, we weren't injured.

Agent Mulder's residence, yes.

Yeah. Faras Corner.

227700 Wallace Road.

You're careful not to taint that, but you're willing to conceal this?

You said taint.

This may not be related to that.

Yes, but we're not gonna know unless it's properly investigated.

Scully, 10 minutes ago, we received a message... from a man who's been dead for 16 years.

Now you want me to hand it to Evidence... where it's gonna sit in a locker for two, three years?

I was gone back then.

Could...? Could Langly be alive?


I was at Langly's. At the Lone Gunmen's... burial in the Arlington Cemetery.

But did you ever see Langly's body?

Well, nobody did.

They were exposed to a weaponized strain of the Marburg virus.

Their bodies were incinerated. It's gotta be connected.

That... That whatever Langly message and this.

They know that he knows. Who's they?

I mean, it's... it's... it's too much of a coincidence, right?

I think that the Langly message was warning us these guys were coming.

It wasn't warning us.

It asked if he were dead.

What do you think it was?

I don't know what I think. I don't know.

But I'll tell you what I do know.

We gotta take a trip to IKEA.

Well, that was fast.

What is that?

The Critical Incident Response Group? Never.

I got 14 rounds. Eight.

Don't answer the phone.

If we use the phone, they may be able to pinpoint our exact location in the house.

Identify yourself.

Can't hear you. Answer your phone.

Should I call Skinner?

We haven't talked to him in a couple weeks, and I don't know where he stands.

We are federal agents. We are armed. Identify yourselves.

Hold on, hold on, see, the we are armed thing.

That is a problem for you. Put down your g*ns. Come out.

Hello? Skinner, it's Scully. I'm with Mulder.

Listen to me, Scully. You don't have much time.

Surrender. I can't explain on an open line, but I can't help you right now.


The only chance you have is to put down your weapons and surrender.

You know what you did.

We defended ourselves.

Yeah, yeah, that's what they all say.

But see, they were wearing body cams.

You know how that turns out for the ones who weren't.

Skinner says surrender.

Why should we surrender? To who?

I don't know. Why are we under suspicion?

Identify yourselves or we'll be forced to consider you hostile agents... and respond with deadly action and the aggressive action.

Identify ourselves? No.

We don't need to identify ourself.

What world are you living in?

Where's your phone, bro?

Easy for Orwell to say.

I want to believe.

Here's what I believe.

We would've all saved lots of money and headaches if we only knew... that Americans would have been just fine losing the Cold w*r.

If they could only make a little money off of it.

You guys there, find his phone.

You two, watch these two.

Once we find his phone...

Hold on, hold on. Hold on.

This is Richard Langly.

Richard Langly. Ringo Langly, I need to know.

Well, well, well, Ringo. Am I dead?

You're never going to know.

And neither will these two.


Give up?

I'm risking my own ass being out here.

Who are they? Why are you so afraid?

They're not U.S. Intelligence, I'll tell you that much.

The commander was Russian.

Skinner, tell us who they are.

It's Perlu Services.

American security contractor with headquarters in Moscow.

A private contractor has ascendancy over the FBI?

When they're a classified security directive.

From the Executive Branch.

I thought they were questioning you guys, why would they want to k*ll you?

You tell us.

They're not supposed to k*ll Intelligence agents, but apparently they will.

You need to come with me.

Do you have any money?

Take it.

It's all I have on me.

Is Langly alive?

Lone Gunman Langly?

You and I buried him in Arlington along with Byers and Frohike.

You didn't answer my question.

I just did.

He's buried in Arlington.

Hack Mulder's phone.

Find out how he contacted Mulder.

k*ll switch.

Here's Byers.

Frohike. What are we looking for, Mulder?

Knowing Langly, bread crumbs.

His birthdate is wrong.

October 13th, we shared the same birthday.

Byers was born on the day Kennedy was assassinated, so that's correct.



Frohike look 57 to you when he died?

Frohike looked 57 the day he was born.

His birthday is the same day that FDR died.

So Langly, March 28, 1969. Any president die that day?


Who needs Google when you got Scully?



JFK was the 35th president, Eisenhower was the 34th president, FDR...

Now you're just showing off, really.


Thirty-two. Thirty-second president.

32, 34, 35.

32nd, 34th, 35th, anything in that?

You mean, other than the fact that the 33rd is missing?

Thirty-third? Three and three?

Three up, three down, three over?

Well, he's facing this way.



Three, I'll go this way.

All right.


This is it.

I watched his funeral.

From a thousand yards away. Over there, through binoculars.

Deep Throat.

I didn't know his real name until right now.

I never visited out of respect, I guess.


He's dead because the world was so dangerous and complex then.

Who'd have thought we'd look back with nostalgia... and say that was a simpler time, Scully?

Everything we feared came to pass. How the hell did that happen?

Mulder, Deep Throat was assassinated eight years before the Lone Gunmen died.

How and why would Langly leave bread crumbs at a grave... in a graveyard that he didn't even know he was gonna be buried in?

This cross...

It's different from all the others. It's not engraved. It protrudes.

What is that?


Thank you, Skinner.

I think it's a Memory Medallion.

You scan it, and it links to a video of the pet or person.

But I don't have my phone to scan it.


Do gravediggers work at night?

I'm gonna open an X-file on this bran muffin.

I gotta get to the bottom of why it's so freaking good.

I don't care if it came out of an alien's butt, I'm gonna eat the whole thing.

All right.

New Yorkers call it the Long Lines Building.

Edward Stone documents indicate the building, code name Titanpointe... was used as an NSA surveillance station in a program code-named, Blarney.

It was started in the '70s and expanded after 9/11.

Why? Why did he point us to the NSA program?

Why didn't he tell us it was about a building?

I opened an X-file on this building in the '90s.

Langly actually provided the initial information, we should check it out.


An X-file?

You mean the X-files that are in our office that we can't get into kind of X-file?



Don't get in.

Put the w*apon down, Mulder.

Can't do that, sir. You seem to be working with people who tried to k*ll us.

I don't work with them.

The world is different, Mulder.

When Scully started, it was just us.

Dark forces in the U.S. government, there was barely a Russia.

Now there's 17 U.S. intelligence agencies. Homeland Security, Russian FSB...

Chinese MSS, !sis, al Qaeda, Blackwater.

Private companies launched to the space station.

All of them are in bed with one another, while trying to exterminate each other.

And that includes each of us.

We need your help, Walter.

Even if we don't trust you.

What is this?

How did we get here?

What about us?

We were the ones who were just assaulted.

We can't go to our home. They'll be waiting for us at our office.

We're not asking for you to get us out of this.

But we do expect your help.

We need to see the X-files.

If you wanna see the X-files, you don't have to go to the office.

After the X-files were closed in 2002... the Agency lobbied Director Mueller for jurisdiction over the files.

They were looking to cross-reference their own past research in telekinesis...

MK-ULTRA, remote viewing, with your fieldwork.

The agency then contracted a private company... to digitize and maintain the files online... for any U.S. intelligence agencies to have classified access.

A private contractor. Perlu?

So the Russians who tried to k*ll us have had access to all of our work?

When the X-files were reopened, why weren't we told?

Why didn't you tell us? The X-files belonged to us.

Do you work with them?

Do you work for them?

You two were gone.

I was left here. I didn't know if you were coming back... and the files are too important to sit in a basement gathering dust.

And what's in them... belongs to everyone. That's the point of them.

Control of the X-files reverted back to the FBI after the files were reopened.

Yeah? Right.

All the files on NSA Project Blarney and the Titanpointe Building are gone.

Langly has been bleached from the X-files.

Not just the person, but any information...

Langly contributed to theoretical computer science.

Byers and Frohike are still in here.

Cryptographic protocols, machine learning, quantum algorithms, all gone.

All right, thanks.

I had the Director speak with the Executive Branch... to call this off, but the...

The Bureau's not in good standing with the White House these days.

How do you like that?

The FBI finally found out what it's like to be looked upon as a little spooky.

Okay. So complete the two problems and e-mail me your solutions by Friday.

We're old friends of Richard Langly.

I figured if I... hadn't seen you in five years, then I never would and I could... stop regretting.

We received a message on my cell.

Asking if he was alive.

You should go. They're watching.

Who is watching?

Perlu Services.

They came to us 15 years ago... with the science and the math to prove that we could live forever.

The contract states we can live out our natural lives.

We could continue our work after we die.

And where is Richard now?

They brought us to a facility, and over a two-week period... they scanned and copied the salient features of our biological brain.

They uploaded us into a simulation.

The two minds could never exist at once.

Our simulated selves would come into consciousness... in that life once we died in this.

And so did he instruct you to leave this for us?

He entrusted me in case he discovered that they had lied about life in the simulation.

And if Richard is reaching out, then they must have.

We wanted a life eternal together.

So we took the deal.

But we theorized what to do if it was not what they had offered.

How would that life know it was a simulation?

There would be cheats.

The stars and the moon, they wouldn't be fully realized.

The background people wouldn't be fully rendered.

They'd constrict the use of technology, of two-way contact to control them.

But Richard being Richard, hacked a way to reach out.

Why reach out to me if you're alive?

Memory... isn't erased, it's suppressed.

They've probably theorized, as we have, that their lives are a simulation... that perhaps Richard's subconscious... must have recalled the two of you investigating this type of subject matter.

Remember, he saw Mulder in his dreams. Who hasn't?

Perlu is likely aware that Richard is reaching out to you... to expose a simulation.

Is there anything we can do to help Langly get through?

Do you have the cell?

No, it was taken from us.

I phreaked my phone years ago... using video signal manipulation to my cell.

We'd have to help him by making this side easier to reach.

You're gonna have to edit the SIM card to your number and follow these steps... for the phone so that you can con...

Mulder, that's evidence.

He's evidence.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Sorry. Come on.

It's been a... It's been a long day. Tough day. Thank you.

Freaking out here.

Scully, you looked so adorbs just there.

All curled up in a ball in the booth of a skanky bar... with your fingers wrapped around the grip of an assassin's GL*CK.

Well, I'm going out west where I belong I did what I could to follow Dr. Hamby's algorithms... and I added what little I know about phreaking... and we have to wait and see if we receive another transmission.

But they knew Langly was trying to reach us.

They knew Dr. Hamby knew about Langly and the computer simulations.

The longer we leave the phone on, the sooner they're gonna find us.

So I gotta turn it off, and we gotta move to different spots.


Is this Mulder?

Yes, it's... it's Mulder. It is Mulder.

Is that Langly?

Richard Langly?

It's Mulder and Scully.



Dana Scully?


But I'm not real though. That right?

You are real, and I'm not?

Dr. Hamby told us you were in a simulation.

Mulder, it's like I designed heaven.

I eat hot dogs and doughnuts all day long.

No one here ever dies of cancer or Alzheimer's.

And The Ramones are here. And they don't fight.

Every night they get on-stage and they play California Sun.

And I circle the mosh pit like they do on the West Coast.

There's consensual sex without blame or judgment.

Oh, and the New England Patriots are here and they never, ever win.


And I'm begging you, destroy it.

We're living a lie here.

It's a work camp. We're digital slaves.

They take our uploaded minds to develop science... that only the elite will use to leave your world.

We turn theories of space colonization into realities for them.

We dream, but we're not allowed to have dreams.

Goals, nothing for ourselves.

No choice, no diversity.

There's a... There's a wall around this place, and the stars are fake.

And the sunlight has no warmth.

And all the great minds that have died since they realized this place are here.

Steve Jobs. Marvin Minsky. Michael Crichton.

They all hate it here.

They don't even know who they are.

What we were in that life is completely opposite from what we are here.

Go to the Long Lines Building. Titanpointe.

Please, for all of us. Shut this down.

Travel guides for NSA personnel... to Titanpointe for Blarney operations were included in the Snowden leaks.

NSI and FBI personnel could not carry identification to or in the building.

You'd have to arrange for a meeting a week prior... and confirm with the program director 24 hours before.

That's what we're sure of. What we're not sure of is...

Whether they serve mimosas on the bus?

High five, Scully.

That was fun.

Are you kidding me?

Langly believed there was a tunnel between Titanpointe... and the FBI Field Office a few blocks away.

You think we can get in there looking like this without raising suspicion?

You look good.

I'm a bit tied up here to flash you my ID, but Special Agent Scully...

XF071261, Washington Field Office.

I can take him upstairs to Holding. No, I'm taking him to Titanpointe.

The NSA guys wanna question him.

It would help if you could get us in the tunnel.

After you drop him off, maybe you'll come back and repay the favor.

It's easier getting him through without cuffs.

I'm not uncuffing him. This guy's like Hannibal Lecter-level psycho.

So, hon... what's your home office?

Sorry, bro. Married to the Bureau.

All right.

If they're waiting outside the elevator doors when they open, that's it... so I'm guessing the computer simulation is housed on one of the upper floors... by an exhaust opening.

But there are 29 floors.

26, 28. What's after 28?

30, 32, 34, 36, 38...

There they are! Over there!

Follow her.

Go! Down the stairs!

What are you running for?

Ain't you heard, FBI Mulder? You're on our side now.

I'll confess.

After our last encounter...

I was disappointed by you.

I didn't get your value to Mr. Y.

But he explained that we'd meet over and over and then I'd... change my opinion.

In the last few days, I've seen your instinct for survival.

Well, now that I've won you over, you'll stop sending assassins to k*ll us?

We've really turned a corner.

Easy. You have a way to go, Fox.

Or rather, you need to change how you look at all this.

You're still refusing to answer the question of your father.

You don't understand what's about to happen.

Our world is a progression of one life being replaced by another, over and over.

This is what's really meant by evolution.

And this series of replacements... isn't about this is black, and this white.

This is male, and this female. This is rich, and this poor.

This is chaos, and this... Control.

Now that you understand that... what you really need to know is this.

Life on this Earth, all human life, most animal life, is about to be crushed.

Burned to the ground.

The computer simulator down the hall is necessary for our evolution as a species.

When we leave this planet, this life will have evolved into that.

Of the hundreds of extraordinary minds uploaded into that world... the only one that figured out it was living in a computer simulation... had 7 billion choices to contact in this world.

And the one person Langly reached out to was you.

And to think, my company advised k*lling you.

But now that you are once again in front of me, and aware of the simulation...

I believe you won't want to destroy it.

Not when you understand the good it's doing.

Its reason for being is to advance life, not end it.

If I were to change my course of action... and terminate my father... would I be able to upload to the simulation?

And could Agent Scully be with me?

It won't be her.

And it won't be you.

And we can upload a mind now through any smartphone.

No one's even aware we're doing it.

We can take a piece of your mind anytime you make a call.


Two hours.

Painless, except we have to die.

One of our best incentives here is that you and loved ones don't ever die.

So if you upload me through my phone, I don't really have a choice.

Sure you do.

You could not use your phone.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I want to believe.


I would just like to... to see it.

Very few have ever seen it, and those that do, don't realize what it is.

It's just a client server.

Wires, lights, why do you need to see it?

It's the closest I'll get to seeing God.

In this life.

Or that.

Stop. Face to the wall.


Why do you operate so well with your hands cuffed behind your back?

As if you didn't know.

Bye-bye, Ringo.

I'm armed.



You okay?

Got my phone back.

The simulator is down.


Let's bring him back through the tunnel to the FBI Field Office.

Come back with some cyber forensics agents and then... start a case against Erika Price.


Oh, I thought I was going to throw up for a second, but I'm okay.

They're gone.

Mulder? Mulder!

They know that we know. Destroy the backup.

Mulder, I'm afraid. Mulder...

One, two, three, four!

In the warm California sun


2024-09-25 06:37:07 - Pike: New review added.
2024-09-21 18:42:35 - Pike: Added some actors.

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