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Does Scully believe?

12x11: Even 12x12: Person or Persons Unknown
Does Scully believe?






2024-08-18 14:21:08


Version 3






Rated G


March 30, 2019




9 minutes


Takes place during DeadAlive season 8. Disclaimer: I do not own the show The X Files, nor do I own its characters Agents Doggett, Scully, Mulder or Billy Miles. The show and its characters belong to Chris Carter and 20th Century Fox. No copyright infringement intended.


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Does Scully believe?
By Spookygirl1

Chapter one Who believes?

"Do you believe it, Agent Scully? I mean the stuff he said about aliens coming to save the world," was the pressing question Agent Doggett asked his partner Special Agent Dana Scully after speaking to witness Billy Miles.
When Scully didn’t and couldn’t answer that question right away, Doggett smirked and gave her a 'there you go' look before turning and walking away.
Scully sighed and bit her lip as she made her way back to Billy's room. It was a good question. She was still a skeptic, no doubt about that. But since Mulder left she had to find some way of carrying on the X Files for him. Did that mean she was a believer now? she wondered as she entered Billy's hospital room.
She worried about Mulder, and Billy. This news Billy had for them seemed too good to be true. She wondered what Mulder would do in her place.
After stepping into Billy's room again she smiled reassuringly at her old friend who was looking at her questioningly before sitting back down opposite him. "Billy? I was wondering if by any chance that you might remember or seen Mulder? Fox William Mulder, my partner?" Scully asked him as she showed him a photograph of Mulder.
After a moment, his answer surprised even Scully. Billy nodded his head slowly as he studied the photograph. "I think so. He chose to come among the saved few," he told her mysteriously. "Will- will he be okay?" Scully asked in a whisper, hoping against hope that he was.
"Maybe. They operate on us for research. I know they did with me, but they left me back on earth to be healed again. Your partner will be found," Billy said.
Scully found herself breaking down in tears. This was the first good news she had heard about Mulder since his disappearance and she found comfort in it. Billy patted her shoulder gently as she cried for Mulder. Maybe he would be returned alive after all.

Chapter two Doggett's thoughts

Agent Doggett drove towards the prison where they held Absolom and sighed. He was feeling stung about what Scully had said to him earlier, about being bullheaded when he refused to believe. Who was he kidding?
Scully was never going to trust him as much as she trusted and believed in Mulder. Ever since he started working with Scully he had tried so hard to earn her trust, only to have his efforts thrown back in his face and hit him like a tidal wave.
'Thanks for nothing,' was the message Doggett received loud and clear from Scully.
Ever since she threw water in his face when they first met, Doggett was determined to make her see sense and put their differences asides and work together as a team to find Mulder. It hadn't worked.
He thought Scully would at least be sympathetic towards his position in the FBI. He had been thrown in the deep end after all what was his being in charge of the task force to find Mulder. Plus he was also a natural skeptic and he thought Scully would understand that, what with her being a skeptic before Mulder disappeared. But she was more open minded now and would always carry on Mulder's work and theories.
Perhaps that shows how much she loves him, Doggett mused as he carried on driving to the prison.
Even though Mulder wasn’t there, Scully would always act as If he was there, as she knew what he would say and do in any situation. Which lead Doggett to ask himself, was he upset that she wasn’t in love with him, or was he just upset that their professional relationship wasn’t working out? Why did it bother him so much about what Scully said or did? Doggett knew now with a heavy heart that he was dealing in a situation of unrequited love with Agent Scully. He loved her, but from the way she was acting Doggett felt she didn’t love him- she loved Mulder.
Doggett shook his head as he pulled up outside the prison. He then reached for his ID and showed It to the night guard who nodded and let him in. No matter what, Doggett was determined to get his job done and find Mulder. He didn’t have time to worry about Scully, he wanted answers.
If Scully didn’t care about Doggett, then his job was his top priority right now.

Chapter three Dana loves Fox

Agent Dana Scully sat outside Billy's room in the hospital. Billy was sleeping now, exhausted from the questioning he had gotten from the Agents for the best part of the day.
Scully began drinking her second cup of coffee for the night as she waited for Billy to wake. She was hopeful- Billy had seen Mulder in the group of people he was being abducted with.
She smiled a little at her hopefulness. Scully believed she was going to find Mulder now, and when she did she would hold him and never let go. The situation also forced her to confront and confirm her feelings for him. She had argued with Doggett earlier, in a way she felt bad for Doggett. Scully did try her hardest to work with Doggett, but he was just so stubborn. She smiled wistfully. Just like I used to be, she remembered, referring back to her skeptical attitude.
She decided she was going to hold her ground with Doggett though, as Doggett never saw her and Mulder work together before, so he would never understand how close they were. His lack of understanding made Scully keep her distance from him and forced her to focus on finding Mulder.
Mulder was her top priority and she won't stop looking until she found him.
She found herself loving Mulder more each day. But she tried to control herself so their passion wouldn’t get caught up in their professional relationship.
But it was hard. Ever since that night she and Mulder slept together, she had urges to do it again and again. But she managed to control those urges too. Just. But now it was getting harder and harder each day. Maybe that was why she kept snapping at Agent Doggett- she was sexually frustrated and didn’t know what to do about it. She was only human after all and had feelings and urges like everyone else. Except not many people's partner was abducted by aliens, Scully mused as she finished her cup of coffee.
She then felt her pregnant belly. She was feeling anxious about the child. She tried not to put herself under too much stress over Mulder, as she knew stress was obviously bad for the baby but she couldn’t help it. Every second she thought about Mulder and she prayed that he will be okay.
Just then she heard footsteps and looked up to see a nurse walk up to her. "Dr Scully? We have the X-Ray results ready for you," the nurse told her with a smile. Scully gave her a small smile as she got up. "Follow me," the nurse told her. "Thank you," Scully said before following the nurse to the examination room.

Chapter Four Doggett's findings

Agent Doggett's stepped on the gas as he drove as quickly as he could from the prison and back to the hospital. He had the answers now and everything seemed to make sense in its own way. Though he still didn’t believe it, he wondered if Scully would. As she was a skeptic after all.
Scully's scepticism was the bond that Doggett felt with Scully, which is why Doggett felt upset earlier when Scully told him he wasn’t up to the assignment as he wouldn’t believe.
With a sigh, Doggett tried to hide his hurt pride as he drove nearer to the hospital where Scully was spending the night. Even though he felt hurt, he still felt hope that he and Scully will continue to be a team, after all, she didn’t answer his earlier question, whether It was important to her about what he believed or not believe. Did she care about him after all? He wondered as he pulled into a parking space at the hospital parking lot.
He switched off the engine and sighed. What was he going to tell Scully about what Absolom just told him? He eventually decided to face her again and tell her the truth. Doggett got out of his car and locked it before striding purposefully to the hospital. Scully had to know, and Doggett would do everything In his power to help her, even if it meant losing her by reuniting her with Mulder. He just wanted Scully to be happy. Did that mean he loved her? Doggett wondered to himself as he walked along In the brisk night.
Doggett had always thought Scully was an amazingly beautiful and strong woman, very ambitious and smart. No one can mess with Scully. Should he tell her how he felt about her? he asked himself. Maybe it would be better to get his feelings out In the open.
Just as he decided he was going to tell Scully how he felt about her, he entered the hospital only to see Agent Scully herself hurry towards him down the corridor. Doggett took a deep breath. It was now or never.

Chapter five feelings

After Doggett and Scully shared information on what Absolom had told Doggett, Scully was about to rush off when Doggett stopped her and grabbed her by the arm gently, determined to tell her how he felt about her once and for all. "Agent Scully," he said. "Yes?" Scully asked. "I know we've been working together for a while now, and I just want you to know I have respect for you Dana," Doggett said in a shaky voice.
Scully gazed back at him. "I know you do, Agent Doggett. And I stick by what I said earlier that I'm fortunate to know you and to have you as my working partner," she reminded him.
Doggett nodded. "I…," he then remembered the strange man he saw walk out of the hospital just before he bumped into Scully just now. All of a sudden Doggett felt the need to protect Scully as the man, dressed all in black, looked very dangerous. Did he have the vaccine that Scully was talking about? Doggett wondered.
"What vaccine?" He asked Scully suddenly. "The one I asked AD Skinner to get me," Scully told him before she rushed down the corridor.
Doggett put aside his feelings for now and decided to concentrate on the case. He decided he would tell Scully how he felt for her later when the case was over…

The End


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