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When Mulder's Away

12x13: Reckoning Trust me Dana
When Mulder's Away






2024-08-13 10:59:34


Version 6






Rated G


April 15, 2019




16 minutes


Mulder is forced to leave for another annual vacation leaving Scully in charge once again of the X Files office. Then an old flame of Scully's comes into contact with her- will they pick up things up where they left off?


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When Mulder's Away
By Spookygirl1

Chapter 1: First day alone

FBI Headquarters
Washington DC
J Edgar Hoover Building
X Files unit
Wednesday, 1pm

Special Agent Dana Scully opened the X Files office unit door and took off her jacket. She finished the yoghurt she was eating before throwing the empty pot in the bin. Then she made her way towards her partner, Special Agent Fox Mulder’s desk and sat down.
With a sigh, Scully noted how messy the desk was. Mulder had left that morning to go on vacation. He wouldn’t tell her where he was going, but if she needed help he could always be reached on his cell. Scully decided to start tidying the mess up. Files, pencils, and reports cluttered the desk and Scully had a hard time finding a starting point.
Just as she found a place to start, the phone rang and Scully cursed under her breath as she picked up the phone. “Agent Scully,” she said. There was a pause before a deep, familiar voice said her name. “Dana? Is that you?” Scully swallowed a lump in her throat as a flood of memories came rushing back to her.
“Ed?” she asked. “Yes, I’m- I’m fine. Thank you. Yourself?” she managed to ask. Ed Jerse was speaking. He was her ex boyfriend whom she had a fling with a couple of years ago.
She went back to the X Files after finding out she and he had both taken a poisoned tattoo. Scully recovered quickly but Ed had to be recuperated in hospital as they mended his broken arm. They hadn’t spoken to each other since as Scully felt unsure around him after he tried to kill her.
So it was definitely awkward talking to him now. He sounded awkward on the phone too.
“I hope this isn’t a bad time Dana, but I’m out of hospital now for some time and I, uh, I really need to talk to you and apologise to you after what I tried to do to you. I don’t blame you if you don’t want to meet me Dana, but I really think I aught to apologise. Can we meet do you think?” Ed asked her shakily but hopefully.
Scully frowned. She was talking to a man who was close to her before trying to kill her. Can she really trust him or any other man again after that? Before Mulder left he commented to her that she did seem distant and clammed up whenever he tried to get close. Scully bit her lip. Finally, she nodded.
“Okay Ed. Let’s meet,” she said. They arranged to meet after Scully’s work that evening. Ed was renting motel room in Washington as he was there on vacation.
After work later that evening Scully drove to her and Ed’s meeting point, which was the IT Café opposite the local market.
When Scully got there she held her breath and looked in the window. Sure enough, she saw Ed sitting in a booth by the window, with his left side facing her.
Scully let out her breath slowly and regained her composure. It felt weird seeing him again, especially now that she knew how dangerous he could be. Scully wasn’t sure if she should be worried that was kind of a turn on for her. He was wearing his usual black denim jeans and a plain white tshirt. She saw he had no tattoos on his arm anymore and he was drinking tea.
Scully checked her reflection in the window before something made Ed look in her direction. He saw her, smiled and gestured for her to come in. Scully managed to smile and she smoothed down her pencil skirt and adjusted her collar of her blue blouse. Well, it’s now or never, she thought before opening the door and entering the café.

Chapter 2: Getting to know you

Scully sat down in the booth opposite Ed and smiled at him. “Hey,” she greeted him. “Hey,” Ed replied with a grin. “Thank you so much for coming Dana. I really thought you weren’t going to come,” Ed told her. Scully nodded. “I nearly didn’t. But I thought I’d come to hear you out and give you the benefit of a doubt,” she replied. “And I thank you for that. You’re a great person Dana and Im so sorry for what I did to you,” he replied. Scully nodded. “I accept your apology Ed,” Scully said. “But bear with me. It might take us a bit of time to be friends again,” she told him. Ed nodded before ordering her lunch of tea and a tuna salad.
“So you want us to be friends?” Ed asked hopefully. “If that’s okay with you,” Scully told him. Ed forced a smile on his lips. “Sure, that would be great, Dana,” he told her as they tucked into their lunches.
But secretly however, Ed was disappointed. He hoped to pick up their relationship where they left off, and Dana Scully was a once in a lifetime catch. Sure, he’d dated other women since he left hospital, but none compared to the enigmatic Agent Scully. Ed studied her discreetly as they ate. She was still the same woman he had dated all those years ago, with a free spirit in her eyes and red hair. Ed couldn’t believe he had tried to hurt her. He never forgave himself for it.
Even if Scully forgave him, he still wouldn’t. How could he even think of harming a beautiful lady like Dana? Or any other woman for that matter.
Ed sighed as he finished his coffee. “Ed?” Scully asked, her tinkling voice jolting him out of his reverie. “Yes Dana?” Ed asked. “You okay? You’ve been quiet for the last minute or so,” Scully observed as she finished her salad.
Ed shrugged. “Nothing. It’s just good to see you again Dana,” he told her appreciatively as Scully grinned back. “It’s good to see you too Ed,” she told him.
After the lunch, Scully suggested they go for a quick walk through the park on the grounds of the FBI Headquarters before going their separate ways as it was getting close to dusk what with it being 7pm and the autumn wind blowing the gold leaves off the trees.
Ed and Scully both made their way to the nearest park bench, sat down, and began to talk.

Chapter 3: Back together?

“So how’s work? I hear you’re working with a Agent Mulder?” Ed asked. Scully looked at him in surprise. “How did you know that?” she asked him. Ed grinned. “I went on a tour through the FBI building a couple of days ago. They mentioned something called the X Files unit? Your and Mulder’s name came up,” Ed told her. Scully raised an eyebrow. “Really?” she asked. “Yep. You’re pretty famous you know Dana,” Ed teased and poked her playfully in the arm. “Not as famous as Mulder,” Scully joked back. Ed cleared his throats at the mention of that name. “So are you and him… close?” Ed asked cautiously.
Scully shrugged. “We’re as close as two agents in a professional relationship can be,” she told him. Ed nodded.
“Are you romantically involved with him if you don’t mind me asking Dana?” Ed asked much to Scully’s surprise at his forwardness.
“Well, I wouldn’t say romantic, like we used to be,” Scully told him. “Will you ever see me in the way you used to again Dana?” Ed asked after a pause as he gave her a troubled look. Scully thought about her answer. She didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but as she searched her heart she realised she didn’t love Ed. Maybe she did love him once when they first met, but the relationship was definitely cooler now.
“Well, Ed Im sorry but I’d still just like to be friends with you if that’s okay?” Scully asked. Ed nodded with a defeated look in his eyes. “Sure thing Dana,” he told her a little glumly.
Scully sighed and laid a comforting hand on his shoulder. “But you’re a great catch Ed. I know you will make that special lady very happy one day,” she said as she tried to console him. Ed nodded and smiled happily at her. “Thanks Dana,” he replied, and Scully grinned back at him.

Chapter 4: Feelings and intentions

After their conversation Scully and Ed walked around the park for a while, just chatting about what they’d been up to since they were last together. Scully was pleased to hear that Ed had stopped getting tattoos after what he tried to do to her, and he was now used to his false arm.
He was working again and got a full time job as administrator in a local warehouse that sold DIY equipment. Despite her intentions to stay friends Scully couldn’t help it but found herself swapping numbers with him and giving him her personal number. What was going on? She wondered as she scribbled her number down for him. “Thanks Dana. I’m staying in DC for a couple more days so Ill see you before I go okay?” Ed asked. Scully nodded. “Sure. I’d like that,” she told him. They then smiled at each other before Ed walked her back to her car.
What would become of their relationship? Scully wondered as she waved goodbye to him before driving back home. She didn’t know. Guess she’ll find out before he goes home…

Chapter 5: The invitation

Georgetown Virginia
Agent Scully’s apartment
Wednesday 8pm

Later that evening Scully was at home, she was dressed in her casual sweatshirt and jogging bottoms as she sat and relaxed on her couch, watching the TV with the sound off while enjoying a phone conversation with Ed. She had called him after dinner of pizza as she found herself enjoying taking to him.
“Hey Ed,” she said suddenly as an idea came into her head. “Yeah?” Ed asked eagerly. “Well, before you go, why don’t I show you around the X Files office?
Then you can complete your tour of the FBI Headquarters,” Scully suggested. “Sure, great idea Dana. Thanks. I’m looking forward to it. What time shall I come over and where shall we meet?” he wants to know.
Scully suggested they meet at the front doors to the Headquarters when she came into work on Friday at 9am. Ed agreed, said it sounded fine and they both said good night before hanging up.
Scully felt herself tingling with anticipation, the thought of seeing Ed again weighing heavily on her mind as she got into bed an hour later and switched off her bedroom light. But Scully didn’t fall asleep straight away. Instead she lay awake for a while, nervously thinking about what she was going to say to Ed when she saw him.
That’s if he was going to show up. No, he seemed eager enough about it when they talked about it over the phone, and he wouldn’t ask her out unless he really liked her right? Scully felt herself blushing. What was this man doing to her? She wondered as conflicting thoughts about the man flooded her brain. He tried to kill her for Heaven’s sake, she reminded herself. But it wasn’t his fault, he was poisoned, a little voice in the back of her mind argued back.
Scully sighed as she settled back down to sleep, and it wasn’t long before she was out like a light, and dreaming about a certain man in her life…

Chapter 6: The meeting

FBI Headquarters
Washington DC
J Edgar Hoover Building
Friday, 9:10am

Ed Jerse paced around in front of the FBI building with his hands in his black jeans denim pockets and looking rather worried.
Dana still wasn’t there yet and it wasn’t like her to be late. He frowned as he adjusted the collar of his long blue coat. The security guard was getting suspicious of him as he kept an eye on him.
Just then he heard someone shout his name. “Ed!” he turned round and to his relief, Dana was running up towards him as she crossed the main road. As she approached him, Ed noticed the light blue pencil skirt she wore along with a white blouse and long green suede jacket. Ed thought she looked very professional and cute, he couldn’t stop smiling at her as she rushed towards him.
“Dana,” he said as she stopped to get her breath back. “So sorry I’m late,” she told him. “I got caught in rush hour traffic,” she added. “That’s okay. Glad you made it,” Ed replied with a grin.
“Right shall we go in?” Scully asked as she grinned back at him. “After you Agent Scully,” Ed said with a smile before he followed her into the building.
* * *

Five minutes later Scully nervously unlocked the door to the X Files office with Ed standing behind her. She hadn’t been this close to another man other than Mulder in a while, and it always made her nervous. Nervous but excited at the same time. “Well, this is it,” Scully told Ed as she ushered him into the office.
“This is where the magic happens,” Scully told him as she closed the door behind them.
“Wow,” Ed said as he looked around the office impressively. “This is where you and Mulder work?” he asked her as he studied Mulder’s desk and the X Files cabinet. “Uh huh,” Scully replied. “So what do you think Ed?” she asked.
Ed nodded and smiled at her.
“Very impressive, Dana,” he told
Her. “You’ve got loads of X Files there I see. I’m, um, I’m in one aren’t I? When we last met, right?” Ed asked a little uncomfortably. Scully nodded also feeling uncomfortable. “I’m sorry Ed but Mulder insisted it be an X File,” she told him before finding herself placing a comforting hand on Ed’s shoulder. To his surprise, Ed flinched a little. It had been a while since they had last touched and Ed felt a little tingle where Scully had just touched him. Sending him flinching Scully took her hand away and found herself blushing. “I’m um, I’m sorry Ed,” she said. Then she looked back up at him and to her surprise he was smiling at her.
Then he slowly and gently placed his arms around her waist and they leant towards each other for a kiss. Scully felt alive as they kissed slowly at first, then passionately. The kiss bought back memories of them together for Scully and she couldn’t help but respond much to Ed’s enjoyment and surprise.
Then the door clicked open and Scully and Ed ended their kiss, only to see Agent Mulder enter the office with a large pile of X Files folders in his hands and he was wearing light denim jeans and a black t shirt with leather jacket.
He didn’t look happy.

Chapter 7: An awkward situation

“Scully,” Mulder said as Scully and Ed let go of each other. “Mulder,” Scully said in surprise.
“I wasn’t expecting you back until Monday,” Scully said as she found herself blushing once again. “Clearly you weren’t,” Mulder said as he closed the door behind him and put the Files down on Scully’s table. “I thought I told you to pick these up from Skinner and start editing them for me, and whose this?” Mulder asked as he looked Ed up and down.
“Mulder this is Ed, Ed this is Agent Mulder. Ed was my partner a while back. You know, when I got that tattoo?” Scully reminded him. Ed held out his hand awkwardly for Mulder to shake.
“Hi,” he greeted him. “So you’re the one who tried to kill Scully,” Mulder realised as he advanced on Ed. Ed held up his hands in defence as Mulder grabbed him by the collar and made a fist with his hand. “Mulder, no! Let him go,” Scully exclaimed as she took Mulder’s hand away and stepped in between them.
“Look Mulder I appreciate you looking out for me but it happened a long time ago and I’ve dealt with it. I’m okay with it now, please believe me,” she told him.
Mulder sighed before nodding but he still glared at Ed. “Okay Scully. I believe truly. But why did you bring him here and why haven’t you started work on the Files I left?” Mulder asked.
Scully sighed. “I was going to make a start on them today. So I had room to do it after I tidied everything up,” she admitted. “But it’s too tidy now Scully,” Mulder complained. “I don’t know where anything is now,” he added as he placed his jacket over his chair and sat down at his desk.
Ed cleared his throat. “Well, I’ll let you two get on, I’ll best be off now,” he said with a smile at Scully and receiving a frown from Mulder. “Good. Don’t come back,” Mulder told him sternly. Scully glared at Mulder. “Mulder, shut up. He’s my friend okay?” She asked him before smiling at Ed. “I’ll show you out,” she told him, and Ed smiled at her gratefully before they made their way out of the basement office and through to the front door of the building.

Chapter 8: The goodbye

“Well,” Ed said as he pulled his coat tighter around himself against the bracing wind. “I guess this it,” he said to Scully as they stood outside the main front doors of the J Edgar Hoover Building.
Scully smiled sadly at him. “Will I see you again Ed?” she found herself asking as a tear trickled down her cheek. Ed smiled and reached out to wipe the tear gently from her cheek. “Fret not Dana my dear, I know our paths will cross again very soon,” he promised her.
Scully smiled at his touch. “I’m sorry about Mulder. He’s just very protective of me,” Scully explained. Ed chuckled.
“That’s okay. I’d be the same if I was in his shoes,” he told her. Scully smiled gratefully at him. “You’re so understanding. What’re your plans for today Ed?” she asked. Ed shrugged. “Guess I’ll go on a tour of DC, then head back to the motel and start packing my things. I’ll be back on the plane tomorrow morning bright and early so I have to be ready,” he told her. “Okay well have a good day and a safe flight Ed,” Scully told him. “Let’s meet up soon. Call me anytime okay Dana?” Ed asked before they hugged goodbye. “Sure. You can call me too. Take care Ed,” Scully said. He kissed her on the cheek before leaving. Scully sighed as she watched him go. She couldn’t wait to call him and she found herself missing him already as he disappeared into the crowd of pedestrians on the main path opposite the FBI Building. Scully hoped the rest of the day would go quickly so she could hear Ed’s deep husky voice on the phone again. But now to face Mulder, she thought as she made her way back to the X Files office.

The End


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