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Get over you

Troubled Romance Doggett's Determination
Get over you






2024-08-13 10:59:34


Version 3






Rated G


October 2, 2019




1 minutes


Disclaimer: I do not own SVH. SVH belongs to Francine Pascal as does it’s characters. Jeffrey French misses his ex girlfriend Liz Wakefield. Will he ever get over her?


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Get over you
By Spookygirl1

Jeffrey French sat at his desk in his room, chewing the top of a pencil as he tried to think what to write in his journal late that Sunday evening.
Lately everything he did made him think of Elizabeth Wakefield. Even though they broke up when her old boyfriend Todd Wilkins moved back from Vermont, Jeffrey found himself missing her more with each passing day. Will he ever get over Elizabeth?

I walked to school today, my mind still focused on Liz and what Id say to her if we bumped into each other in the hallways or at lunchtime. But as I approached the clock at the front of school I knew I wouldn’t have any time with Liz today. My heart sank as I saw her wrapped in an embrace with Wilkins. They both laughed, kissed, then held hands before walking into school.
I swallowed hard and took a deep breath. All right French. You’re the big man here. Be adult, he told himself sternly. Liz is happy, that’s all that matters, he thought. With a sigh Jeffrey walked up the steps to school. Liz is with Wilkins. That’s what she wants, he thought sadly before arriving at his locker.


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