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The X-Files two/three parters as feature films

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Pike avatar
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Joined: 2017-10-13
By Pike on Tuesday July 23, 2024 12:17 pm

Out of all the two/three parters that we can enjoy and watch as feature films, which one is your favorite?

- Squeeze & Tooms (season 1)
- Duane Barry & Ascension & One Breath (season 2)
- Colony & End Game (season 2)
- Anasazi & The Blessing Way & Paper Clip (seasons 2 and 3)
- Nisei & 731 (season 3)
- Piper Maru & Apocrypha (season 3)
- Talitha Cumi & Herrenvolk (seasons 3 and 4)
- Tunguska & Terma (season 4)
- Tempus Fugit & Max (season 4)
- Gethsemane & Redux & Redux II (seasons 4 and 5)
- Christmas Carol & Emily (season 5)
- Patient X & The Red and the Black (season 5)
- Dreamland & Dreamland II (season 6)
- Two Fathers & One Son (season 6)
- Biogenesis & The Sixth Extinction & The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati (seasons 6 and 7)
- Sein und Zeit & Closure (season 7)
- Requiem & Within & Without (should Requiem be included?) (seasons 7 and 8)
- Essence & Existence (season 8)
- Nothing Important Happened Today & Nothing Important Happened Today II (season 9)
- Provenance & Providence (season 9)
- My Struggle & My Struggle II & My Struggle III & My Struggle IV (are they even working as a whole?) (seasons 10 and 11)

What do you guys think?

For me, I will say, and without any single doubt, that the Duane Barry/Ascension/One Breath trilogy is my favorite two/three X-FIles parters. It starts with the amazing Duane Barry episode, first time directed by Chris Carter himself. A very carefully planned and executed episode.
It ends up with the very first TO BE CONTINUED... cliffhanger in the series, which is obviously quite a thrilling one, with Scully being abducted by Duane Barry at home.
It follows up with the outstanding timeless masterpiece Ascension, which I adore. Mulder ascending to Skyland Mountain. The magnificent ending of Mulder watching the stars with that amazing music from Mark Snow.
And it ends with the sublime One Breath, one of the best mythology episode of the show, including some brilliant brilliant acting from Duchovny.
Plus, the trilogy has a red speedo! lol

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