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Robert Patrick recalls his death scene in Die Hard 2

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Caroline R. Poole avatar
Caroline R. Poole
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By Caroline R. Poole on Friday November 10, 2017 09:01 pm

A new interview has emerged online in which our beloved Robert Patrick reminisces about his previous roles and highlights his upcoming portrayals.

The following article by Josh Glicksman for Entertainment, gives the following insight into the feature video for 'EW:The Show'

Robert Patrick has appeared in a wide array of films throughout his illustrious career, and he took a walk down memory lane for some of them on Entertainment Weekly: The Show for the segment “Patrick Makes Perfect.”

The article proceeds with the following glimpse into Robert Patrick's recollection of his death scene in Die Hard 2:

“Die Hard 2 was a huge moment in my career – it was the first time I ever got a studio movie,” he tells EW. “I get shot by Bruce Willis and they said, ‘cut,’ and I had done enough movies to know that you cannot really move until everybody has photographs of you. I ended up laying there for about three hours. At one point Willis comes by, and I remember looking up at him out of the corner of my eye, and he goes, ‘Hey, we gotta hurry up! I think this guy is actually getting rigor mortis over here.'”

The article concludes by revealing other aspects of the interview as well as teasing the inclusion of Robert Patrick's Arnold Schwarzenegger impressions.

"Besides recounting some of his experiences on Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Wayne’s World, Cop Land, The Sopranos, and The X-Files, Patrick also described his more recent work on Amazon’s Lore and CBS’ Scorpion. In addition to getting to wear muttonchops on the former, he discussed his stunt work on the latter".

“I’ve done some of the greatest stunts I’ve ever done,” he says. “Gnarly stuff – Tom Cruise type stunts. I did a fight scene with the stuntman. We’re doing the scene, and I’m throwing the punch and I’ve got a shield, and I’m blocking and I’m pushing him at the same time, and I hit my eye and gave me a nice black eye.”

"Lore is available for streaming exclusively on Amazon and Scorpion airs Monday nights at 10 p.m. ET on CBS".

Click here to read the full article

lilly avatar
Rank: FBI Receptionist
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By lilly on Tuesday November 14, 2017 02:56 pm

gotta love rp! i so would love to see him in s11

Caroline R. Poole avatar
Caroline R. Poole
Rank: FBI Janitor
Posts: 19
Joined: 2017-10-22
By Caroline R. Poole on Tuesday November 14, 2017 07:33 pm

It would be great to have Robert Patrick back for Season 11, I agree! :)

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