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The X-Files Are Not Enough – Chris Carter Wanting to Reboot Millennium, Too?

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Nikki Spender avatar
Nikki Spender
Rank: Old CSM's Cig Butt
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By Nikki Spender on Friday November 24, 2017 05:27 pm

Way back during NY Comic Com in October, Deadline caught up with Chris Carter to dish on The X-Files and asked the show's creator and Executive Producer what other surprises he might have up his sleeve. As the interview progressed, the subject veered toward the present divisive atmosphere in the United States after the contentious 2016 Election and the toll it's taken on the general mood of the nation. Carter asserted that it's not only a good time to re-open The X-Files, but perhaps also breathe some life back into Millennium.

From Deadline:

CARTER: ...We’re looking at a world where now truth is thrown out the window and conspiracy is now seemingly the center. Everything’s been turned on its head and that’s an interesting time to be telling X-Files stories.

DEADLINE: In such times, are there other shows you’d like to resurrect?

CARTER: I think Millennium would be a show that would have more life in it but no one’s ever spoken seriously to me about that.


CARTER: Yeah, I always feel that there are more of those stories to tell as well. After three seasons, we pulled the plug on that show but the ratings were still very good so I think that there is a new approach to that show building on the solid foundation that was already there.

The website Fansided goes on to say that Carter also mentioned his desire to rouse up some more episodes of the show by saying, "I have ideas how it might come back...I can tell you, there is a constant drumbeat to bring back Millennium and I’m just always so taken by that, also that a hardcore group of fans out there would like to see it back.”

Millenium aired from 1996 to 1999 and starred Lance Henriksen as Frank Black (named so as an evident tribute to Black Francis, lead singer of one of Chris's favorite bands, The Pixies), and follows the exploits of the ex-FBI-agent-turned-consultant with an uncanny knack for seeing into the minds of criminals, who now works for a shadowy, secret organization known as The Millennium Group.

Millennium might only have lasted 3 seasons, its run ending with an X-Files episode of the same name, but Carter maintained that Millennium ended on a high note with good ratings and a solid fanbase. Perhaps if fans created a little buzz and spread the word that they would like to see the resurrection of Millennium, we could all be treated to a few more seasons of the show. And who knows, maybe the powers that be could even bring back our favorite fearless trio, The Lone Gunmen. A fan can hope, right?





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