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Chris Carter Claps Back at Critics

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Nikki Spender avatar
Nikki Spender
Rank: Old CSM's Cig Butt
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By Nikki Spender on Monday November 27, 2017 12:33 pm

Although a great deal of anticipation swirled around The X-Files Season 10 revival back in 2015, it’s safe to say that a good number of fans and critics alike had their misgivings. Some were predetermined to believe that the show could never be as good as it once was, while others were put off before “My Struggle” even aired due to leaked information that Mulder and Scully would not be a couple. After the episodes began to air, some were content to see all the old faces in all the old familiar places, while others felt let down by a myriad of issues including the introduction of new characters, thin and obvious plotlines, the state of the Mulder/Scully relationship, and the list went on. But some shakiness is understandable – even though you never forget how to ride a bike, it’s perfectly natural for someone to a wobble a little on their first time back on a bicycle in 12 years.

Carter has historically made a point not only to pay attention to fan feedback, but also take heed of fan complaints. Where the Season 10 Revival is concerned, Carter remains firm that some of those Season 10 wrinkles have been ironed out ahead of the Season 11 premiere on January 3, 2018.

Giving his two cents on the situation to Michael Ausiello of TV Line, Carter explains, “We [relaunched] from a standing start after not having been on the air for 12 years — there was some reacquainting that had to be achieved…It was like old friends getting back together. We had to shake some of the stiffness out.”

Carter goes on to say to TVLine that he is confident that Season 11 will “hit the ground running,” and further clarifies, “I think that we’re all in fighting shape now.”

The TVLine article curiously points out that Carter is particularly “bullish” in his defense of the episode penned by X-Files actor/writer alum Darin Morgan, “Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster,” which seemed to be one of the most lauded episodes of the season. Nonetheless, Carter slapped down the haters by describing the episode as, “original, smart, funny… everything you expect [from Morgan]”. I would have to say that I agree with that sentiment.

Everyone’s a critic, but hopefully Season 11’s performance will put some of the doubts and complaints to rest.

Source: TVLine

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