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8x02 Within Patience The X-FilesSeason 8


Chris Carter


Kim Manners


November 12, 2000


44 minutes





2024-08-13 08:30:06


Version 5






As Scully confronts the reality of her pregnancy and the implications of Mulder's absence, she and Agent Doggett delve deeper into the conspiracy surrounding the alien colonization agenda and the involvement of shadowy government figures. The episode intensifies as Scully uncovers startling revelations about Mulder's fate and the extent of the conspiracy, leading to a dramatic confrontation that tests her resolve and underscores the perilous stakes involved. "Without (Part 2)" sets the tone for the season with its blend of suspense, intrigue, and emotional depth, propelling the storyline forward while laying the groundwork for the agents' ongoing struggle against formidable adversaries in The X-Files' complex narrative landscape.


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The Alien Bounty Hunter returns, searching for Mulder and those connected to him.
Scully's pregnancy becomes increasingly mysterious, with implications that it may be connected to the alien experiments.




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Pike avatar

Good conclusion to the two-part episode

Written by Pike on 2015-12-30
★ ★ ★ ★

Even though the episode has a very slow pace - there are not a lot of things happening - it is still very enjoyable. Instead of being confined in some FBI office sets, talking about Mulder, the characters are in the middle of the desert (where the actors seemed to have been pretty hot) and the story is still interesting.
Also, if there is one beautiful thing in this episode, it's the relationship between Doggett and Scully that starts in one particular scene. When Scully gets beaten up by the Alien Bounty Hunter, Doggett arrives and screams something like "Agent down!". He then gets near her and take her a little bit into his arms. She then starts to cry.
I think that this scene is really beautiful, as this is a clear scenario when a third person arrives in a relationship and cares about one of them. We know that Scully will never fall for Doggett. But they will start to have a real relationship based on respect and it will be very touching to see some moments here and there with Doggett taking care of Scully.
Meanwhile, there are still some things that seem a bit odd. Like the dialogues about aliens. Even though, we, as an audience, all know that it's real, the fact that Scully and Skinner openly refer to them seems odd.
The introduction is also kind of useless and also feels odd. Just a few seconds and that's it. Within/Without would have been better as a 1 (full) hour episode than a 90 minutes episode. The pace would have been a bit faster, which would not have been a bad thing at all.
I give the episode a 4, like for its predecessor.



ANNOUNCER Chris Carter Previously on the XFiles

Under KERSHs line we see scenes from last week SCULLY looking at herself in the mirror SKINNER looking up at the UFO that took MULDER in Requiem SKINNER and SCULLY in KERSHs office

KERSH You and AD Skinner are the two primary witnesses to Mulders disappearance I want your statement taken ASAP

SKINNER Taken by who

KERSH My task force leader on this Special Agent John Doggett

DOGGETT is sitting in the bullpen just as SCULLY turns over his badge to read his name

SKINNER is talking to the LONE GUNMEN

SKINNER Look if we knew where that ship was going weve got a chance to find Mulder

CUT TO MULDER screaming as the mouth drill penetrates his soft palate

SCULLY is with the GUNMEN and SKINNER having her revelation

SCULLY It just came to me why they took Mulder why theyre in Arizona Theyre looking to find the whereabouts of a boy named Gibson Praise

DOGGETT looks at the picture of GIBSON PRAISE that was slipped under his door

GIBSON PRAISE walks into one of the schoolrooms

In Arizona DOGGETTs irritating aide AGENT CRANE is on the radio to DOGGETT

AGENT CRANE Weve just confirmed a location on this kid Hes at a school for the deaf in a place called Flemingtown

DOGGETT hears the report then we see him hurriedly enter the school

DOGGETT to the PRINCIPAL Keep an eye out the window notices SCULLY and SKINNER What are you doing here

SCULLY What are you doing here

DOGGETT Trying to find Mulder

Outside GIBSON PRAISE is walking quickly away from the building As he rounds a corner he stops and looks up in fear at a tall man in a gray Tshirt We cannot see them mans face

Under SCULLYs voiceover camera pans over the nighttime desert A bright light illuminates a spot on the ground A slowly rotating angular aircraft beaming the light from its belly hovers above the ground stops several yards from the sand then the light goes out and the craft shimmers into invisibility

SCULLY voiceover We live in a darkness of our own making blind to a habitant world all but unseen by us A world of beings traveling through time and space imaginable to us only as flights of fancy Who are these beings we dare to imagine but fear to accept What dark work goes on inside their impossible machines cloaked from us by invisible forces If they know our secrets why cant we know theirs


Camera pans across the desert At the edge of a cliff we hear and see GIBSON PRAISE being led by a tall man in a gray Tshirt

GIBSON PRAISE Stop it Please Let me go Stop it Let me go Let me go

DOGGETT catches up to them and holds his gun on the man

DOGGETT Let the boy go Let him go Mulder

The man is MULDER but his face is blank and expressionless

DOGGETT Let him go or I will be compelled to use my weapon Now I dont want to do that Agent Mulder I dont want to shoot

MULDER casually releases GIBSON PRAISEs arm GIBSON PRAISE runs away MULDER walks few steps toward the edge of the cliff DOGGETT follows

DOGGETT Now are you armed Come on damn it This is just stupid Agent Mulder Dont turn this into a movie Just tell me if youve got a gun Its too hot for this BS no response All right then lie down Lie down on the ground Keep your hands out Lay down on your belly there

MULDER looks at the ground then back at DOGGETT DOGGETT stares at MULDER who looks coldly back at him MULDER begins walking backward toward the cliff

DOGGETT For crying out loud what are you doing Agent Mulder stay there

DOGGETT lowers his gin and runs toward MULDER The man who appears to be MULDER deliberately and calmly falls off the side of the 100 foot cliff and plummets to the ground below Shocked DOGGETT runs to the edge and looks down MULDER is lying motionless on the desert floor DOGGETTs AGENTS including the irritating aide AGENT CRANE come running toward him

DOGGETT He went over Over the edge



They look down MULDER is lying far below unconscious his arm and who knows what else badly broken Closeup on him His eyes open and he draws in a sudden breath

Later on the desert floor at the base of the cliff DOGGETT and his agents are investigating the scene They look a little confused

FEMALE AGENT I have no explanation

DOGGETT Right Ill talk to Scully You guys head back to the school

An SUV pulls up beside the other trucks SKINNER is driving SCULLY gets out of the passenger side and walks up to DOGGETT

SCULLY Where is he Wheres Mulder

DOGGETT I dont know

SCULLY You dont know I heard an agent say over the radio that you saw him

DOGGETT Oh yeah I saw him I saw him back right off that cliff there and I saw him fall right over there

SKINNER Then where is he

DOGGETT Hes gone

SKINNER Come on he cant be gone

DOGGETT Yeah he cant be but he is

SCULLY goes over to where DOGGETT indicated SKINNER looks back up at the huge cliff behind them Then at DOGGETT

SKINNER That cliff there He fell from there Its impossible a fall like that

DOGGETT A cop sees things A man drops five stories dusts his head off and goes back to work An old lady gets shot pointblank in a Chinese restaurant plucks the slug out of her egg foo yung But even if Mulder survives this what he does then is too much You got your point of impact there where Agent Scully is standing clear and identifiable And a set of tracks here leading down to the wash Look at these tracks What do you see

SKINNER looks down at the tracks

DOGGETT Mulder was running

SCULLY walks over to them

SCULLY confidently It wasnt Mulder

DOGGETT Thats the one thing Im sure of

SCULLY It may have looked like Mulder but it wasnt Mulder

DOGGETT I told you I knew Mulder Okay maybe I didnt know him that well But I know who it was up there and it was Fox Mulder

SCULLY Im sure it did look like Mulder and you have every reason to believe that it was him but it was not Mulder she looks at SKINNER then back to DOGGETT I told you that Ive seen things things that I cant explain Well I have seen what looks like a man transform into another man

DOGGETT What looks like a man but whos not a man

SCULLY sighs and looks at SKINNER again

DOGGETT So what is he

SCULLY You dont want to know

SCULLY begins walking away

DOGGETT Hes not a man What the hell is he Hey dont turn your back on me

DOGGETTs voice stops SCULLY and she turns back to him

DOGGETT reasonably Im asking you a legitimate question


SCULLY Hes alien

DOGGETT looks to SKINNER then back to SCULLY

SCULLY Hes a bounty hunter

DOGGETT Looking to collect a bounty on

SCULLY On Gibson Praise because hes part alien Hes a human anomaly

DOGGETT So this alien bounty hunter he disguised himself as Mulder to come out here and grab the boy

SCULLY avoiding eye contact To take him back to his ship where we believe Mulder is

DOGGETT You know Agent Scully youre uh youre starting to remind me a lot of Agent Mulder yourself

DOGGETT goes to his truck

SCULLY Well then you explain it to me

DOGGETT ignores her and leaves SCULLY and SKINNER are left together

SKINNER If its true or possible what youre saying that theres someone like this out there this bounty hunter he could just become anyone You me any damn one of us

SCULLY I think that it is true And possible And wherever Mulder is right now he better damn well be smiling

She glances up at the sky then walks away from SKINNER

Back at the Flemingtown School All the teachers faculty and students are outside surrounded by the FBI agents

SECRETARY Is this authorized

The fleet of SUVs pulls up DOGGETT gets out of the passenger side of the lead vehicle

AGENT MOSLEY Right Theyre here

DOGGETT Any sign of him Mulder

AGENT CRANE Not according to these people We went through the school

Together they look at the faculty and students One of the students THEA looks back at them

DOGGETT Youre better than this


DOGGETT Hes got to be here somewhere Lets search the school again

Inside the school MULDER enters an empty lab He looks down at his broken arm With his other arm he sets the broken arm correctly then with a smile morphs into the ALIEN BOUNTY HUNTER Nice coldfaced work by Duchovny A moment later DOGGETT enters the lab and discovers


the PRINCIPAL of the school

DOGGETT Sorry I thought you were I thought they cleared you out of here

The PRINCIPAL nods silently AGENT CRANE enters

AGENT CRANE Find something

DOGGETT looking at the PRINCIPAL No Lets keep looking

DOGGETT and AGENT CRANE leave the room and join the team outside again AGENT CRANE exits the building on the radio

VOICE ON RADIO Administration building is clear

AGENT MOSLEY on radio Copy check it again

SKINNER and SCULLY are together near the cars

SKINNER What I want to know is how Doggett got out here How did he even know where we were going

SCULLY I dont know But hes going to turn this place upside down looking for the wrong person

SKINNER What happened to Gibson Praise

SCULLY Well whatever happened to him hes long gone Wherever he is hes three steps ahead of us

SKINNER nods to the girl THEA who is getting on a bicycle at the edge of the property As she rides off SKINNER looks at AGENT CRANE as he comes out of one of the doors of the building behind them

SKINNER Dont look now but weve got a pair of eyeballs on us Just start walking Ill be right behind you

SCULLY and SKINNER walk around the corner of the building beside them AGENT CRANE runs after them As he round the corner he finds only SKINNER SKINNER firmly commands the mans attention Scully is nowhere in sight

SKINNER Can I talk to you for a minute

CUT TO SCULLY is following THEA through the desert Not bad for a fair woman with no water in 3inch heels following a teenager on a bicycle SCULLY loses sight of the girl She stops shades her eyes and looks around She steps on something that makes her look down It is flexible and echoey She uncovers a sand covered wooden trapdoor with a rope Inside the area beneath the trapdoor SCULLY finds GIBSON PRAISE sitting and THEA

GIBSON PRAISE accusing You shouldnt have come here

GIBSON PRAISE You shouldnt have come Youll lead them to me

SCULLY Im here to protect you Gibson

SCULLY sighs deeply as she comes closer to the children

SCULLY I know you know thats the truth I know you know my thoughts

GIBSON PRAISE I know they took the man you work with Mulder And now theyve come to take me

SCULLY coming closer gentle The only reason they want to take you Gibson is because youre a special boy They want to take you because of what you are

THEAs voice is intelligible but her pronunciation is that of someone who has been deaf all her life She signs along with her words as she speaks to GIBSON PRAISE There is an old Oklahoma license plate on the wall behind him 000000

THEA Im sorry I didnt know that someone was following me

GIBSON PRAISE My friend Thea knows Shes the only one at school Ive told She says the FBI is looking for me too Shes afraid for me

SCULLY She has a right to be afraid We dont know who to trust now

GIBSON PRAISE winces and looks down at his leg SCULLY lifts the cloth covering the nasty wound

GIBSON PRAISE I fell when I was running away

SCULLY I think you might have broken it Gibson

GIBSON PRAISE If they find me theyll take me I know it Ive always known it

SCULLY Im going to make you a splint Gibson okay I can set your leg but uh Im going to need a car to get you out of here SCULLY rises and breaks off a couple of pieces of wood from a crate Im going to come back for you I promise Im not going to let anything bad happen to you

GIBSON PRAISE You said that to me once before

Guilty SCULLY looks away from him and begins splinting his leg

Bright lights They are headlights At the school Night DOGGETT is still directing the agents around him Agents are getting into trucks and driving away continuing the search for GIBSON PRAISE and MULDER A cell phone rings AGENT MOSLEY a young efficient agent answers it

AGENT MOSLEY on phone Yeah

AGENT MOSLEY listens then hands the phone to DOGGETT

AGENT MOSLEY Deputy Director for you

DOGGETT on phone Yeah this is John Doggett

KERSH on phone Agent Doggett Im getting reports from Arizona

DOGGETT on phone Yes sir

KERSH on phone That you found Agent Mulder

DOGGETT on phone Im afraid somebody jumped the gun on that I saw him sir but I

KERSH on phone threatening What do you mean you saw him What the hell is going on out there

DOGGETT on phone Well were round the clock here Ive got local SAR a rolling ground cordon and an eye in the sky Were on top of the situation

KERSH on phone How does the FBI find a man and then lose him in the middle of the desert Cause Id like to know pause Agent Doggett are you there

DOGGETT on phone Yeah I heard the question

KERSH on phone I put you in charge out there Doggett Now do the damn job

DOGGETT clicks the phone off dejectedly He looks over at SKINNER still dressed casually SKINNER is well smirking DOGGETT is offended

DOGGETT This amuse you I amuse you

SKINNER No It just made sense to me How you found your way out here Who led you to Gibson Praise

DOGGETT You think I was spying on you

SKINNER No but I think our new Deputy Director was Youre being made a pawn in a rigged game

DOGGETT looks at him a moment then indicates for SKINNER to walk apart with him Two manlymen talking about manly things

DOGGETT All right youve painted me the picture now put it in a frame

SKINNER All right Youve got a good rep Agent Doggett You dont compromise you dont quit Youre a damned good FBI agent best of the best Lot of guys put you in the Directors chair one day Which is why youve been set up to fail Theres no amount of search and rescue or rolling cordons or eyes in the sky that are going to turn up Mulder Its just the wrong approach

DOGGETT Its not a question of approach Its the only approach I got

SKINNER The only way youre going to find Mulder is to give into the truth To listen to Scully But even then say you did find him even then you lose You put anything about aliens or UFOs or alien bounty hunters in your report Kersh will ruin you Im betting that was his plan

Long pause DOGGETT stares at SKINNER then raises his voice to be heard by the five or so agents lounging around another truck

DOGGETT Is Agent Scully here Wheres Agent Scully

AGENT MOSLEY snaps into action and pulls out his radio

AGENT MOSLEY on radio I need someone whos with Agent Scully to put her on a radio Someone with Agent Scully

CUT TO In the dormitory building AGENT LANDAU looks around the agents around him He sees a man come out of the bathroom

AGENT MOSLEY voice on radio Anyone got a twenty on Agent Scully Is anyone out there with her

When AGNET LANDAU looks back toward the man walking toward him he now sees SCULLY

AGENT LANDAU on radio Im with Agent Scully

CUT TO Outside at the trucks

AGNET MOSLEY Then whos this

MOSLEY looks up at someone walking toward them from the desert It is SCULLY looking tired She did just spend a few hours in the desert

AGENT LANDAU voice on radio Go for Agent Scully

SCULLY reacting to the three men staring at her What

DOGGETT doesnt take his eyes off of SCULLY

DOGGETT Give me the radio

MOSELY hands DOGGETT the radio

DOGGETT on radio Youre with Scully


AGENT LANDAU on radio Right across the room from her

CUT TO Outside with the trucks SCULLY is suspicious

SCULLY From who From me Where

DOGGETT on radio What room Where are you

CUT TO Dormitory

AGENT LANDAU on radio Bunkhouse Were in the dorm

CUT TO Outside

SCULLY Tell him to hold her Tell them not to let her out of his sight

SCULLY begins running toward the building The others follow

DOGGETT on radio Hold Scully Were coming to you

CUT TO Inside the dormitory AGENT LANDAU approaches the WOMAN WHO LOOKS LIKE SCULLY as she walks away from him


The WOMAN WHO LOOKS LIKE SCULLY grabs AGENT LANDAU by the neck She only uses one hand It looks pretty painful He cant breathe and blood is drawn as he chokes Her face shows no emotion just like MULDER on the cliff earlier with GIBSON She lets go and runs through the crowd of agents as SCULLY DOGGETT and the others burst into the dorm


They all chase the WOMAN WHO LOOKS LIKE SCULLY catching only glimpses

SCULLY There she is Do you see her

SCULLY sees her go into the bathroom As SCULLY runs to the door she stops when she sees her reflection in the door mirror She stares at herself for a moment AGENT CRANE comes out of the room

SCULLY Where did she go Did you see her


SCULLY She ran right back here I saw her

SCULLY looks back at DOGGETT

SCULLY You saw her

DOGGETT doesnt answer SCULLY goes over to AGENT LANDAU who is wounded and gasping for breath on the floor SCULLY begins trying to treat him

SCULLY Agent Can you breathe

AGENT LANDAU looks up at her and begins heavy panicked breathing SCULLY backs away out of concern for the man

SCULLY He thinks it was me He thinks that I did this to him to DOGGETT How is that possible

SCULLY looks around at everyone in the room

SCULLY Its someone in this room

SCULLY walks away from them all Camera focuses on THEA staring at someone Cut to this persons hand covered in blood then pan up to reveal that it is AGENT CRANE DOGGETTs assistant THEA nervous backs away and leaves the room

Shot of invisible alien ship in the desert We see MULDER on the alien operating table through a blurred camera lens His face is still stretched by the clamps His eyes fly open

CUT TO GIBSON PRAISE waking up suddenly in the underground bunker

GIBSON PRAISE gasping Mulder

GIBSON PRAISE gasps for breath

Siren wails as an ambulance arrives and AGENT LANDAU is wheeled out into it DOGGETT watches SCULLY watches then head down heads toward one of the trucks SKINNER follows her

SKINNER Agent Scully Where are you going

SCULLY ignores him and gets into the truck and locks the door SKINNER comes to the window

SKINNER Agent Scully

SCULLY feels frantically under the floormat SKINNER holds up the car keys for her to see

SKINNER calmly Get out of the car

SCULLY looks at him then gets out the passenger side

SKINNER Agent Scully

SCULLY Who are you


SCULLY pulls her gun on SKINNER A second later he pulls his on her

SCULLY Drop your weapon and turn around

SKINNER I wont turn around

SCULLY Just do it I know how it works kill shot to the back of the neck

SKINNER Scully youre pointing your weapon at a friend

SCULLY Turn around or Im going to assume that youre not who you say you are

SKINNER Scully its me Skinner

Long pause SKINNER lowers his weapon and turns around

SKINNER I can prove it I know your secret who else knows it

SCULLY still pointing the gun Okay then tell me

SKINNER You tell me How do I know its you

SKINNER suddenly turns and takes SCULLYs weapon from her hands They both breathe heavily

SKINNER I dont like pointing guns at pregnant women any more than I like them pointing guns at me

Tense moment he hands her gun back to her

SKINNER This has gone too far Scully

SCULLY No Thats whats wrong here It hasnt gone far enough I need those car keys

SKINNER And what do you think youre going to do

SCULLY tearing up Look we are being hampered here by the FBI by John Doggett by doubt by our own mistrust Whatever it is it is working as long as we let it

SKINNER You told me Mulder wouldnt allow it Wouldnt let me ruin my career over this Over him But what about you Scully I mean my god youve got even more at stake

SCULLYs voice is cracking She is barely holding back tears

SCULLY II cant take the chance that Im never going to see him again

SKINNER Mulder could just come walking out of the dark we dont know

SCULLY Look weve got one last chance here waiting for us out there in the desert Gibson Praise It may just be who gets to him first

SKINNER Get in the car Ill drive

With SKINNER driving they leave in the SUV THEA watches them go

Later in the desert flashlights in hand SCULLY and SKINNER get out of the truck and go to the trapdoor


SKINNER Hes not down there

SCULLY I told him to stay here He was supposed to stay here yelling Gibson she sees something a few yards away I found him

They run toward GIBSON PRAISE sitting on the desert floor staring at a section of the desert

SCULLY Gibson What are you doing out here Why didnt you answer me huh

GIBSON PRAISE weakly Hes here I hear him

SCULLY glances up at SKINNER What are you talking about

GIBSON PRAISE Mulder Hes somewhere out there

SCULLY feels his forehead

SCULLY Hes got a really bad fever I think his leg might be infected

SKINNER All right we got to get you to the hospital okay buddy

GIBSON PRAISE to SCULLY Youre so close now

SKINNER has crossed over to GIBSON PRAISE and gently lifts the boy into his arms

SKINNER Ill carry you Put your arm around my neck Watch your legs

As SKINNER heads back to the truck he realizes SCULLY is not following She is looking off into the desert

SKINNER Agent Scully

SCULLY You take him to the hospital

SKINNER What about you

SCULLY doesnt answer or look back SKINNER takes GIBSON PRAISE onto the truck

1248 AM
SKINNER still carrying GIBSON PRAISE enters the emergency area of the hospital

SKINNER I got a boy here who needs emergency medical attention

Hospital personnel place GIBSON PRAISE on a gurney

Later GIBSON PRAISE is resting in a hospital gown in a room He is sleeping but then his eyes fly open in panic SKINNER approaches with concern

SKINNER What Are you okay Whats wrong

GIBSON PRAISEs focus is on the chairs outside the open door SKINNER looks No one is there

SKINNER Its okay Gibson lie down Lie down

GIBSON PRAISEs panic increases When Skinner looks back at the door THEA is there She enters Her face is cold and emotionless GIBSON PRAISE looks at her in terror as she closes the door

Nighttime desert SCULLY alone is walking across the sand flashlight in hand Mystical womans chanting voice music from Within is playing


Her call is one of desperation She wants an answer but deep within she knows one is not forthcoming She walks several more fruitless paces


No answer She looks around Nothing She is alone Despondent Then far above she sees a bright light getting closer She looks up it in hope and awe

SCULLY Oh my god

More mystical chanting music

SCULLY still looking up at the light More mystical chanting music then it blends into the sound of helicopter blades as we see that the light from the craft is not the flickering circular form we saw in the teaser but the image of a police search light The police helicopter lands and DOGGETT gets out and crosses to SCULLY She is bummed to say the least but still defiant

SCULLY For someone who claims hes not following me you sure have a knack

DOGGETT Hey youre where the action is

SCULLY What does that tell you That Im crazy or that Im right

DOGGETT Wandering around in the desert in the dead of night you call it

SCULLY You say you want to find Mulder but you wont do what it takes Youre afraid that Im right

DOGGETT Im not afraid of anything Except that maybe Mulders got even you believing in this crap now

SCULLY Youve seen this crap for yourself now How do you explain what took place today

DOGGETT Let me ask you something hypothetically Now if you were to find him out here or this ship or this alien bounty hunter what would you do then

SCULLY I know what Agent Mulder would do Hed do whatever it took

DOGGETT You mean lie Like youve been lying to me And flout orders like youve done every step of the way on this thing Is that what it takes Agent Scully

SCULLY Give a little get a little Agent Doggett

DOGGETT You knew where the kid was you knew where the kid was and you wouldnt tell me why

SCULLY What kid I dont see any kid

DOGGETT Youre lying to me again Assistant Director Skinner took him from here to the hospital

Pause She steps closer to him

SCULLY How do you know that

DOGGETT Theres one thing I know for sure in this case and thats that Mulder is after this boy Gibson Praise Why It beats the hell out of me But when he goes after that kid my men are going to be waiting for him

SCULLY Your men followed Assistant Director Skinner

She sighs and begins walking back toward the helicopter DOGGETT runs after her

DOGGETT Hey where you going Agent Scully where you going

SCULLY Your men are at the hospital

DOGGETT They got it controlled Nobody goes in or out of that building without them knowing about it

SCULLY How do you know that theyre your men

DOGGETT follows SCULLY They get into the helicopter and it lifts off As it does we see the shimmering of the invisible UFO only a few feet away Inside MULDER is still on the evil table fully conscious Something is definitely over his crotch He is apparently aware that SCULLY is nearby

MULDER yelling Scully Scully

Inside the hospital SCULLY and DOGGETT enter Other agents are in the waiting area

SCULLY Wheres the boy

AGENT CRANE Door at the end of the hall with AD Skinner

SCULLY Are you certain about that

AGENT MOSLEY Why dont you get yourself a visual in the exterior window The night nurse has been checking the boy every 20 minutes hes fine

AGENT CRANE We have hospital personnel going about their business Were just laying back waiting for Mulder

SCULLY Yeah every minute that you wait that boys in danger Hes exposed

AGENT MOSLEY No ones getting past us Agent Scully No ones gotten past us

SCULLY You believe that Agent Doggett

Long moment as DOGGETT looks at SCULLY Then decisively he crosses down the hall to GIBSON PRAISEs room SCULLY follows taking out her gun DOGGETT looks at her questioningly

SCULLY sarcastically yet serious Hey if something tries to rip your throat out I got you covered

DOGGETT knocking loudly at the door AD Skinner this is John Doggett

He opens the door The room is empty

DOGGETT What the hell is this What the hell is going on

SCULLY runs back out of the room toward the agents

SCULLY Theres no one in that room

SCULLY begins looking in other rooms and stairwells

SCULLY Im looking for a patient a boy 12 years old He may still be in this building

In GIBSON PRAISEs room DOGGETTs agents have joined him DOGGETT looks at the window He is clearly frustrated

DOGGETT The window doesnt even open Hows a grown man and a boy get out of the room except by that door

DOGGETT looks up at the dropped ceiling

SCULLY enters another room The bathroom door opens It is SKINNER

SKINNER Agent Scully

SCULLY pulls her gun on him They speak in hushed tones

SKINNER Its okay Ive got him Gibson

SCULLY How did you get here How did you get him out of that room

SKINNER We went up through the ceiling I dont know who to trust

SCULLY Where is he

SKINNER Hes right here Theyre going to find him

CUT TO DOGGETT looking up under the dropped ceiling in GIBSON PRAISEs room His flashlight finds an unconscious SKINNER his eyes badly wounded

CUT TO SCULLY slowly crossing to where SKINNER has indicated She sees GIBSON PRAISE through a window He sees her and violently shakes his head As she is about to react SKINNER grabs her around the throat and flings her across the room where she crashes into a glass wall GIBSON PRAISE runs into the room to help He distracts SKINNER long enough for SCULLY to grab her gun and shoot him through the throat

Out in the hall DOGGETT and his agents guns drawn are approaching her location

DOGGETT Agent Scully

In the other room SKINNER has fallen to the ground and glasses and all morphed into the ALIEN BOUNTY HUNTER as green fluid bubbles through the bullet wound Then as SCULLY and GIBSON PRAISE watch he dissolves into toxic green fluid DOGGETT and the other agents enter He first looks at SCULLY then at the nasty green fluid at his feet Does he lose his first pair of shoes to green slime

DOGGETT An agent needs help

He crosses to SCULLY and lifts her into his arms resting her against his leg She begins to cry and embarrassed covers her eyes

DOGGETT yelling out the door I said an agent needs help

SCULLY continues to cry hand over her face DOGGETT holds her as best he can GIBSON PRAISE stand nearby Only DOGGETT and GIBSON PRAISE stay with her as she cries

DOGGETT is in KERSHs office KERSH is looking at hospital images from the case

KERSH The best I can say is its lucky it all happened at a hospital

DOGGETT Very lucky yes Sir

KERSH I assume the hazardous materials or chemicals which caused this must have been medical

DOGGETT That has not yet been determined sir

KERSH So much here is undetermined as remain the whereabouts of Mulder But some of your facts like a man falls from the cliff and disappears An agent has his throat crushed by an assailant who vanishes into thin air This reads like a piece of potboiled science fiction

DOGGETT You mean it reads like an XFile But thats what you intended wasnt it Sir When you assigned me to the case

KERSH Ill ask the questions John You just give me some damn answers hands him the file Dont come back until you do

SCULLYs hospital room SCULLY badly bruised is asleep She wakes up as a get well card with rainbows and butterflies is placed in her hand She looks at the card then at DOGGETT sitting next to her

DOGGETT My dad always said its not who wins or loses its who takes the worst beating that counts

SCULLY That supposed to cheer me up

DOGGETT I thought so But then I never did get to see your opponent

SCULLY And you never will You still dont believe me

DOGGETT What I dont believe is how long theyre keeping you here

SCULLY Oh its just some things they have to check out make sure of

DOGGETT Well Ive got some things I thought youd want checked out AD Skinner is in stable condition resting comfortably and awaiting diagnosis and further study Ditto Agent Landau his throat Gibson Praise is right now a ward of the state but I asked for special protections as I assumed you would yourself

SCULLY What are you doing here Agent Doggett

DOGGETT Keeping you apprised of the case

SCULLY Thats not your job

DOGGETT It is actually And officially Im assigned now to the XFiles

SCULLY does not take this well DOGGETT looks down and begins to leave the room

DOGGETT Whatever you and I may differ on Ill find him Agent Scully

With SCULLY staring after him DOGGETT exits

CUT TO MULDER lying on the very uncomfortable table As the camera pans around him we see six ALIEN BOUNTY HUNTERs with stoic expressions step up to surround him



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