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My Struggle III
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So, Jackson/William is NOT Mulder's baby after all?!

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Pike avatar
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By Pike on Sunday March 25, 2018 07:14 am

We learn in this episode that Jackson/William is NOT Mulder's baby after all. My feeling is that it is a clear rewriting of the series' history and goes against a complete storyline that was clearly established during season 7 to 8.

From the book "Writing the X-Files" by Jason Davis.

Q: Did you decide - at the moment the writers impregnated Scully - that it was going to be Mulder's child, or was that decided later on?

Frank Spotnitz: No, we knew it was going to be Mulder's kid. We planted a moment - excuse the wording - in the episode that Gillian Anderson wrote and directed ["all things"], which people could look back on and realize that was the night that they conceived. We planned for it, we anticipated it.

We also intended to withhold telling the audience whether it was Mulder's baby for as long as possible. When we finally did tell the audience it was Mulder's baby, even that [was] worded so ambiguously that a lot of people weren't sure. I still get asked, "Is it Mulder's baby?" Yes, it is Mulder's baby.

What do you think of it?

Pike avatar
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By Pike on Saturday September 7, 2024 07:22 pm

All right, so the story seems to always change. Now, in the canonized The X-Files: Perihelion book, mysterious character Robin Vane tells Scully that William (aka Jackson) might actually be Mulder's son and not the Smoking Man's. He says that the Cigarette Smoking Man could be the "father" only in the sense that he gave Scully the ability to have kids. But not being the real father.

This totally contradicts what Chris Carter was saying in interviews at the time of the big reveal that Scully was impregnated by the Smoking Man.

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