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Is The Lone Gunmen the worst spin-off of all time?

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Pike avatar
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By Pike on Monday June 4, 2018 04:54 am

Hello, I am of course ironic in my topic. But don't you think it deserves the award of one of the worst spin-offs? The only thing that was spinning during the rewatch of the series was my head. The series is so damn awful. I have yet to watch the second half of the series - I have only watched the first six episodes so far - but the quality is really, really bad. It is as if the producers took every great lessons from The X-Files and did the exact opposite:
- Bad acting (the atrocious Langley).
- Bad writing (the dialogue is usually painful and odd).
- The casting (the average trio and the models Eve and Jimmy...).
- The jokes are super, super bad (gas, poo, pee, falling on bananas and all the stupid clichés you would expect from a bad comedy).
- The music is horrible. I mean, really, really horrible. While I really enjoy and like the music of the opening credits and the usage of the electric guitar (making everything on the screen powerful), unfortunately Mark Snow over-utilizes his synthesizer to a point of making almost every single scene annoying.
- Sound effects. There are so-called funny sound clues every few minutes or so, as if we really needed those to understand where to laugh.

Before anyone tells me I'm wrong, here's a link from Time Magazine, who added the show in the worst 10 spin-offs:
Of course, this doesn't prove anything.

What's your view on this show?

Gruic avatar
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By Gruic on Monday June 4, 2018 05:17 am

I partially disagree. I wrote some reviews on this show, a very bad one for "Three Men and a Smoking Diaper", a terrible disaster.

But I also wrote 2 positive reviews about 2 very good episodes. The 'Cap'n Toby' Show is what the series should have been.

The rest is low-average but painless and harmless. I think the mythology of season 9 and My Struggle IV is way more damaging for the legacy of The X-Files than that spin off.

I prefer painless simpleton loners with room for improvement than bad mythology treason. Sometimes, lightweight is the key.

Pike avatar
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By Pike on Monday June 4, 2018 05:48 am

Gruic wrote:
But I also wrote 2 positive reviews about 2 very good episodes. The 'Cap'n Toby' Show is what the series should have been.

I have yet to see that episode. Looking forward to it.


The rest is low-average but painless and harmless. I think the mythology of season 9 and My Struggle IV is way more damaging for the legacy of The X-Files than that spin off.

I can only agree on this one. And that's the beauty of actually creating a spin-off. I remember back in the days, when our common friend Guigui was hoping that seasons 8 and more would have been a new X-Files series and not the same show. Even if it's only the name and the opening title, it means a lot to the viewers. Chris Carter is continually damaging the legacy from The X-Files, decade after decade.

DuaneB avatar
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By DuaneB on Wednesday June 6, 2018 11:09 am

What a disaster this series! Beyond the fact that doing a series based just characters whose thickness had not been worked enough at all, this spin off offers a festival of bad play. The two secondary heroes Eve and Jimmy are heartbreaking. Both the bells and the actors, which is the worst ... I do not even speak of stories just as improbable as each other.
As for the humor, it so easily falls into the anal register, kid, falsely second degree and so rude, that it is difficult to understand where was born this delirium. In the end, there is only the episode in which Duchovny appears, a little reminiscent of the mysterious xixes. The fact that I have watched this series only once without ever having wanted to see it again speaks volumes. Because I'm more like giving second chances ...

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