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Favorite parts?

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Agent_Spooky avatar
Rank: FBI Janitor
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By Agent_Spooky on Saturday October 14, 2017 05:43 pm

I love the bed scene, conversation and all. The M & S interactions and the ending.

How about you guys?

lilly avatar
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By lilly on Saturday October 14, 2017 12:00 am

i loved this movie!!! for once, mulder and scully are as a couple and it works perfectly, imho.
they talk about their feelings (but not too much). this is exactly what we are missing in the new 10th season!
i miss frank spotnitz, i wish he was still there

as for my favorite parts... when the young girl crashes her car in the snow, that was really creepy and the locations are amazing!!! and the intense discussion between mulder and scully-put-it-in-a-book at the hospital, no wonder it was in the trailer

Agent_Spooky avatar
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By Agent_Spooky on Saturday October 14, 2017 06:15 pm

Word. And I remember reading that some fans thought that M and S's interaction was too realistic. I'd take that over some of what we got in season 10. Some of that made me go O_o.

Agent_Spooky avatar
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By Agent_Spooky on Monday October 16, 2017 03:01 pm

I thought that David did a good job in it as well. He brought good emotional acting to it. Heck both him and Gillian balanced one another out well.

Agent_Spooky avatar
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By Agent_Spooky on Monday October 16, 2017 12:00 am


You're right, he did. Just, for me, Anderson knock it out of the park.🙂

I thought she did ok too.

Gruic avatar
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By Gruic on Monday October 23, 2017 02:25 pm

Bill Roe is my favorite part in I Want to Believe.

His work on the photography is amazing. You can take any screenshot and the colours will work.

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