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Interview of The X-Files Creator Chris Carter

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Pike avatar
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By Pike on Monday July 16, 2018 02:25 pm

In order to promote the release of the 11th season of The X-Files on Blu-ray, Den of Geek interviewed showrunner Chris Carter.

Asked about a hypothetical 12th season, Carter definitely left the door opened to the possibility. "Right now, of course, it’s up in the air, in terms of Gillian (Anderson)’s interest in doing the show. I think she’s stated that she’s finished her run. That certainly changes things, and also the sale of Fox to either Disney or Comcast – it looks like Disney now – I think that will change things, and certainly they’ll be looking at the show and wondering what its future would be. So right now we’re playing a wait-and-see with all those variables."

Later in the interview, he mentions how he would treat the pregnancy of character Dana Scully. "We always have the show in real time, so I would imagine that if we come back, there would be a passage of time, and Scully would have had that baby – or not. We might find out things about that child that are unexpected as well, so there are lots of unanswered questions and interesting things there."

Ironically, when asked about his favorite episodes of the last season, he mentions [url=https://www.tvore.com/?page=episode&id=397]Rm9sbg93zxjz, the episode from Darin Morgan [url=https://www.tvore.com/?page=episode&id=394]The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat, as well as his own episode [url=https://www.tvore.com/?page=episode&id=400]My Struggle IV.

Link: [url=http://www.denofgeek.com/uk/tv/the-x-files-season-11/58842/chris-carter-interview-the-x-files]Read the entire interview.

Brittany Allen avatar
Brittany Allen
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By Brittany Allen on Monday July 16, 2018 02:30 pm

How could My Struggle be his favorite? It was awful! And he will just kill his fan base, who has been loyal, by the 'or not' baby part. Another punch at poor Scully. Leave the MSR in a good place, and move on with some really good classic XF plots is my opinion!

Gruic avatar
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By Gruic on Tuesday July 17, 2018 04:54 am

CC has Alzheimer. We know it for sure now.

Pike avatar
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By Pike on Tuesday July 17, 2018 05:48 am

What I find really ironic is that he would mention his own episode as part of the best ones. He was asked a week or two ago what was his favorite moment from season 11 and he mentioned the moment when Mulder and Scully are on the pier, after Scully reveals to him (and to the audience) that she is pregnant.
Whatever the quality of that scene or that episode, as a team leader (a showrunner is definitely a team leader, managing a collective work), I would never pick my own work. I would always mention an episode from someone else.
And back to reality, this is quite clear that Ghouli and Familiar would have been easy picks. I wonder sometimes if this is the same Chris Carter from the 1990's.
And once again, mentioning that Scully's baby would be a mystery, this is a really, really, terrible idea. This was already done badly, so why even want to try again? He is the master of soft reboots instead of providing any sense of closure or continuity. I wouldn't be surprised if Mulder is again looking for his sister,if Skinner is again turning as a frienemy or - actually, I don't care anymore.

Gruic avatar
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By Gruic on Tuesday July 17, 2018 07:49 am

I wonder sometimes if this is the same Chris Carter from the 1990's.

You know he isn't. Of course that Carter is someone else. His Doppelganger. DoppelCarter. The true CC was sealed in the Black Lodge by Spotnitz during season 7.

That's the only explanation.

kimmy avatar
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By kimmy on Friday July 20, 2018 08:42 am

"I think she’s stated that she’s finished her run."

Does he mean that he just read about this online? Does he mean he remembers her mentioning it but he is not sure anymore because his memory is fuzzy on not important things? Does he mean that they discussed this between them and that his own interpretation and only his own interpretation is that she's finished? Does he mean that he keeps thinking about that statement? So many mysteries to explore!

Pike avatar
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By Pike on Friday July 20, 2018 09:42 am

kimmy wrote:"I think she’s stated that she’s finished her run."

Does he mean that he just read about this online? Does he mean he remembers her mentioning it but he is not sure anymore because his memory is fuzzy on not important things? Does he mean that they discussed this between them and that his own interpretation and only his own interpretation is that she's finished? Does he mean that he keeps thinking about that statement? So many mysteries to explore!

If Chris Carter was the captain of a ship, he would just randomly cross Oceans, while actually wanting to do only the same trip each and every time. "Next time, we'll do London to New York." And 10 years after, he would say "Next time, we'll do London to New York, I cannot wait to explore all the mysteries of that route! There are more routes to explore!" And he would each time end up sinking the ship in mid-route. And when asked about the trip, he would say "I am so proud of the trip. My favorite part of it is when the ship sank at the end. I did it beautifully. The last moment when all the passengers were screaming and running around was top notch!".
If there is one word that comes to mind - to mine at least - it is "denial".
The choice to refuse reality, then, is unconscious as well. Refusal to admit to or accept a truth or fact differs from denial in that the individual recognizes or is conscious of the existence of the truth or fact but consciously refuses to accept it as such.
For someone who wrote about looking for the truth for 25 years, it is so ironic that he actually does not see it. And the truth is simple. It lays down in front of him, naked, ultimate. And he smiles, thinking about looking for a truth that is already there.

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