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Gillian Anderson's Participation In The X-Files After Season 11

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Fox Mulder avatar
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By Fox Mulder on Monday October 16, 2017 04:52 pm

As many of you heard, Gillian Anderson has expressed recently that the eleventh season from The X-Files may be her last one as Dana Scully.
In a recent interview from ScreenRant, when asked if she would participate in a future season, she replied "No, no, I think this will be it for me."
Therefore, she was asked why participating in the eleventh season at all. "Because it felt like it wasn’t over. It didn’t feel like we necessarily deliver everything the fans were expecting of us last time."

The good news for her fans is that she clearly hasn't completely shut down the possibility of playing Dana Scully past season 11: "I don’t know. You may need to talk to me in a few years about that once I finally shut the door. You know, there’s always been this “maybe one more” thing hanging over, but when the door is finally shut, call me up and ask me that question again."

Finally, FOX has replied by saying that Gillian Anderson "has not commented on returning as it’s premature in that she is currently filming the new event series."

The summary of it all is that even though Gillian Anderson is saying that the eleven season may be her last, it is way too early to make this a definitive answer. This is definitely not new, as The X-Files went into the same questions pretty much from season 5 until today.

Stay tuned, as we will continue to share the latest information in our daily news. Finally, please join us on the Gillian Anderson forum in order to discuss further.

Pike avatar
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By Pike on Monday October 16, 2017 04:36 am

That's a great summary, thanks a lot for the news, because I thought that it was official that Gillian was leaving the show after this season.
It would feel very odd having a 12th season without Scully but with Mulder. It's funny, when we think back and that David Duchovny was the one who wanted to leave after season 7.
I'll first watch season 11 before I take a stand on this one. I agree with the article, it's too soon to make assumptions.

lilly avatar
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By lilly on Monday October 16, 2017 06:02 am

oh my god, i had no clue that FOX commented this!
thanks for sharing

i am dead sure that gillian will continue, whether it is in a season 12 or in a third movie.

would some of you watch txf without scully?

Agent_Spooky avatar
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By Agent_Spooky on Monday October 16, 2017 12:00 am

I've pretty much nearing the point where s11 will be it for me. Just mainly in part due to the game playing (in regards to the plot and characters and how fans are being treated in part). Regarding 1013, CC and Fox. Not anything relating to Gillian leaving or staying.

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By Pike on Tuesday October 17, 2017 03:46 pm

Agent_Spookywrote:I've pretty much nearing the point where s11 will be it for me. Just mainly in part due to the game playing (in regards to the plot and characters and how fans are being treated in part). Regarding 1013, CC and Fox. Not anything relating to Gillian leaving or staying.

Can you describe a bit more your feelings? Why do you feel that the fans are not treated well?
Just out of curiosity.

Agent_Spooky avatar
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By Agent_Spooky on Wednesday October 18, 2017 05:37 pm

Can you describe a bit more your feelings? Why do you feel that the fans are not treated well?
Just out of curiosity.

To make a long story short: Fox posted a crying gif right after we found out about the break up of M and S. Mocking shippers. Then we kept on getting interviews where they talked down to fans/shippers. And comments from those on staff (part of 1013/the cast) that judged fans (you don't know what you want, what you want isn't really what you want (just para-phrasing here but last I checked that's gaslighting)).

One example being some fans wondering if William was the one in the space ship... Chris said that they were crazy.

What kind of show runner does that?

It makes no real sense.

I'd link to an interview with Glen Morgan that's a good example, but the site is down... in a nutshell, he didn't mock the interviewer for thinking the same thing that the fans mentioned. He thought it was a good idea.

Woot found the article: http://www.shoesandstarships.com/2016/03/23/interview-x-files-executive-producer-glen-morgan/

The exact quote:

I think you’re up to the task, Glen, you could do it! And speaking of that scene, I wanted Skinner to come in instead of Miller and take Mulder back to Scully.

I’m not trying to start trouble, but I wanted it to be William!

To come in and save Mulder?


That would have been awesome! Well maybe he’s on the spaceship above the bridge. That’s my guess.

That’s a good idea!

Here's a good article that puts things out there better than I can.


Originally posted by easilyreferenced.

She links to some of the interviews and what not that put fans/shippers down along with explaining things more.

Agent_Spooky avatar
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By Agent_Spooky on Wednesday October 18, 2017 05:34 pm

Ok this isn't working right.

Got it fixed!

ScullyX avatar
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By ScullyX on Monday November 20, 2017 09:20 pm

Every time she says, or implies, that she's so over The X Files it breaks my heart a little. I know she doesn't care for Scully the same way us fans do, but, couldn't she just see how we feel about her?

Nikki Spender avatar
Nikki Spender
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By Nikki Spender on Tuesday November 28, 2017 09:48 am

This really bothers me, because I don't think that The X-Files could go on without Scully. But, as much as I love her, I do get the feeling sometimes that she feels her other work is more important. And maybe she does feel it's more rewarding. I think in the past she prefers Stella Gibson to Scully, because Scully was too naive or simple or something. I can't remember quite what she said. But what bothered me about the quote is that Scully's always had a wild side (like Stella and her sex life), she just keeps it hidden differently. If Scully's character was so unimaginative and straight-laced, she wouldn't have continued working with Mulder more than two cases - she would have demanded to do something else. I guess it just makes me sad that she doesn't see Scully the way I (we?) do, and it's sad that she may not think it's worth pursuing to see how things resolve themselves for Scully.

On the other hand, I can't imagine how I'd feel if I was on a huge, iconic show only to have my co-star kind of run out in the middle just for more money and a film career. And I get why David felt like that at the time, but Scully went down with the ship, so to speak. And now people are pressuring her to be a part of this again...I can see some reservations in walking that path again.

Whatever happens, I hope she knows that we all don't expect her to play Scully when she's 70 (unless she wants to), but we all would like to see something good for both the character she plays and for herself.

The good news for her fans is that she clearly hasn't completely shut down the possibility of playing Dana Scully past season 11: "I don’t know. You may need to talk to me in a few years about that once I finally shut the door. You know, there’s always been this “maybe one more” thing hanging over, but when the door is finally shut, call me up and ask me that question again."

^This part has never made sense to me. Talk to me a few years after the doors closed? What does that mean? Maybe she’ll do season 12 if there are 3 years between? I don’t get it. She sounds indecisive, so maybe maybe is better than no?

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