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Hopes for season 11

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Agent_Spooky avatar
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By Agent_Spooky on Monday October 16, 2017 03:06 pm

I'm hoping for:

M & S to be more than friends (at least by the second or third episode -- bringing the time jump into play)

That they get to meet and get to know their son

That CSM finally get killed off for good

How about you guys?

Pike avatar
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By Pike on Monday October 16, 2017 03:45 pm

It's going to be fun to read this topic once the new season has aired.
My hopes:

- That Einstein and Miller both die a painful death.
- That John Doggett comes back as a major second character.
- That we get a sequel of one of our beloved loners from the first seven seasons.
- That Chris Carter doesn't write any funny sequence.
- That the scripts let Duchovny and Anderson take the time to play their characters the same way as in the first season (slowly and beautifully).
- That Mark Snow uses again his piano.
- That the writers take big risks and try to go above and beyond what's asked of them (monster of the week).
- That Skinner is in most episodes.

Pike avatar
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By Pike on Monday September 9, 2024 03:36 pm

I revisit this topic from the future, six years later.
- That Einstein and Miller both die a painful death.
-> Einstein and Miller are still there and they still suck big time. Awful awful characters. The actors had absolutely no chance with such awful scripts.
- That John Doggett comes back as a major second character.
-> And obviously he didn't. I still don't get why we didn't get the chance to meet Robert Patrick once again. It would have been absolutely great, I am 100% sure of it.
- That we get a sequel of one of our beloved loners from the first seven seasons.
-> Nope, that didn't happen. But the loners were mostly great, so no complaints there.
- That Chris Carter doesn't write any funny sequence.
-> He didn't, even if his scripts are laughable now, but that's another matter.
- That the scripts let Duchovny and Anderson take the time to play their characters the same way as in the first season (slowly and beautifully).
-> Well... they played fine.
- That Mark Snow uses again his piano.
-> I don't even remember the music from seasons 10 and 11. So probably he didn't, but I bought both scores and will spend more time listening to these.
- That the writers take big risks and try to go above and beyond what's asked of them (monster of the week).
-> I had a blast with some loners, such as The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat and Familiar.
- That Skinner is in most episodes.
-> I don't even remember.

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