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First William Appearance

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Fox Mulder avatar
Fox Mulder
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By Fox Mulder on Tuesday October 17, 2017 04:53 pm

The Website Hollywood North has recently published some pictures of the shooting of the new X-Files episodes. Apparently, the first meeting between Mulder, Scully and William could take place without them even knowing about him.

The character of William may be portrayed by Miles Robbins, the son of famous actress Susan Sarandon. Believe it or not, but the investigation involves a dog named Penny Lane - the dog from Susan Sarandon. When a fan of The X-Files asked the dog if Miles Robbins would portray William, the dog replied "Yep". And when asked again, he replied "The secret is out."
Please take the information with a grain of salt, as we cannot know for certain who is going to play William until the eleventh season of The X-Files is airing on FOX, sometime in 2018.

Here are the pictures:

Thank you to the lovely Elaine for sharing the article with tvore.com.

lilly avatar
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By lilly on Tuesday October 17, 2017 01:52 pm

THAT is what I call some news!!! well done, cannot wait for the new season

Pike avatar
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By Pike on Tuesday October 17, 2017 03:44 pm

Isn't he a bit old to be William? If William was born around 2001, he would be 18 today.
Maybe this isn't William after all! I want to believe.

Agent_Spooky avatar
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By Agent_Spooky on Wednesday October 18, 2017 05:58 pm

Jackwrote:Isn't he a bit old to be William? If William was born around 2001, he would be 18 today.
Maybe this isn't William after all! I want to believe.

That's what I was thinking too. He looks around 21 (the actor is 25 himself). Maybe he's a friend of William's?

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