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The X-Files Game

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Pike avatar
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By Pike on Tuesday October 17, 2017 03:42 pm

Do you know if there is a way to play the original The X-Files Game? I had it on PC and it was much fun! It truly felt like doing a real investigation. Sure, it was cranky, especially when you look at it today, but I think it was still pretty good!

ScullyMills avatar
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By ScullyMills on Wednesday November 1, 2017 03:14 am

Ah the memories! It was fun playing for a bit but I have to admit I didn’t get far. With video games like those I tend to just try and piss characters off lol It was hilarious with how the game has these awkward pausing and dialogue with characters.

If anyone’s curious or hasn’t seen the full play by play, check this video out:


Pike avatar
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By Pike on Wednesday November 1, 2017 08:24 am

Oh my God! I really didn't remember how lame it was! Who had the stupid worthless idea to change the opening music? Or was it removed by the YouTube uploader for copyright purposes?!
When you compare it with the videogames from today, that is like from another century (actually, it was!).

ScullyMills avatar
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By ScullyMills on Wednesday November 1, 2017 07:38 pm

Haha it really is from a whole different era of technology that’s for sure! Pretty “mind blowing “ for the time period. I remember watching the trailer as a kid in awe. Now it’s one of those cheesy memories lol

Did anyone ever play any of the games from the dvd sets?

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