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A Message by Annabeth Gish

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Fox Mulder avatar
Fox Mulder
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By Fox Mulder on Wednesday October 18, 2017 04:54 pm

Annabeth Gish posted yesterday a message on Instagram, relating to her life as a female Hollywood actress in a moment when many women are opening up about harassment and sexism, following the news about the Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein.


My audition for Beautiful Girls was, in fact, in a suite at the Peninsula hotel. But it wasn’t with Harvey in a robe. It was with Ted Demme and Scott Rosenberg, who where both very cool, smart and respectful to me. But then again, I was auditioning for the supporting role of “Tracy”, the girlfriend of Timothy Hutton, who only rated a 7.5 on the rating scale of 1-10 for women. I wasn’t meant to be cast as “the hot one.” Maybe this saved me.

Four months ago Jodi Kantor of the NYTimes quietly reached out to many of us who were in Miramax movies in the heyday of all that is coming to light. I was shocked to learn of such depravity, but thank god I did not have any awful stories to tell… with Harvey.

I realize now that “awful” as an adjective is a normative one. I have plenty of stories, as do most women in Hollywood, or any field really, of awkward exchanges, inappropriate sexual comments, innuendos and invitations, all of them laced with a palpable (but unspoken) threat upon refusal or rebuttal of damage to the ingenue’s emerging career. On sets, in trailers, in casting rooms. It is important to say that there have also been many incredible, aware, respectful men with whom I have worked. They stand out as evolved and surprising exceptions!

It would seem that this current rising tsunami of women’s voices is a chorus that wants to roar. And roar it will. I am watching and listening and evaluating and remembering all of those awkward incidents where lines were absolutely crossed, lines that deeply affected how I felt about my body, my appearance, my relevance, my value, and then how I behaved in reacting to those feelings.

We all seem to be deep thinking about these disgusting reveals. And our place in allowing them to happen. And our culture that elects people to power who are not worthy human beings, let alone leaders. I am curious to see what happens. I hope we are on the precipice of real change. A lot of us can and will help to elevate, celebrate and heal.

Thank you once again to Elaine for sharing.

Click here to visit Annabeth Gish’s Instagram page. Meanwhile, join the discussion on the friendly forums.

Pike avatar
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By Pike on Wednesday October 18, 2017 08:52 am

A very eloquent message. Respect.

Agent_Spooky avatar
Rank: FBI Janitor
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By Agent_Spooky on Wednesday October 18, 2017 10:53 am

Definitely. Nothing but respect.

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