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Millennium After Millenium Trailer

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Pike avatar
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By Pike on Saturday January 12, 2019 03:18 pm

All the fans from Chris Carter 1990's series Millennium will be very happy to learn that the anticipated documentary titled "Millenium After Millenium" just got a new trailer.

Released this week by Factory Film Studio, the official trailer reveals a new side on what this documentary will be about. And instead of talking about it, we encourage you to watch it below:

kimmy avatar
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By kimmy on Tuesday January 15, 2019 04:37 am

Very much looking forward to this! The documentary seems very professional, a tribute to the show and bravo to the fans that made this two decades later.

However, they have run out of DVD/BR copies on their official site so there's no way to watch it right now. Unless you get to invite them for a showing at your local film festival!

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By Pike on Wednesday January 16, 2019 06:25 am

Thanks a lot for the link, kimmy.
I'm really looking forward to see this documentary. There's just one side that I really personally hate, it's when journalists or here producers are spending so much time talking about the current environment versus the one from the series. This is the same with The X-Files. I once participated in a town hall with Chris Carter and all the questions from the so-called journalist were about "What do you think about our society?", "Did you predict Donald Trump's election?", and so on. Most of the time, it's mostly about political questions and much less about very interesting behind the scenes anecdotes.
Personally, I want to learn how it was to write down scripts during the week-ends, who had the idea to do what, what should have been done differently, what do you regret, etc. And not "What would Frank Black think about the US shutdown?"
But again, I haven't watched this documentary so I do not know if this will be an important focus or not, I just saw part of it within the trailer.

kimmy avatar
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By kimmy on Wednesday January 16, 2019 10:17 am

Yes, I see what you mean. Looking at the trailer these shots of Trump (and H Clinton) do come out of nowhere. But I don't think much of the documentary is about that, this must have been the reaction to the inevitable question "where is Frank Black now?" or "if Millennium were remade today, what story would you tell?". For having followed quite a bit the making of the documentary over the years, I know there are some excellent interviews with cast and crew in there.

Incidentally, I found the 5-issue Millennium comics by Joe Harris quite good! Too bad it didn't sell enough to do more. But it offered an interesting continuation to Frank, the Group and Jordan's gift.

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By Pike on Wednesday January 16, 2019 04:37 pm

You keep coming with great links! :)
I never read any of those comics, maybe I should start. So many things to watch/read/listen, I need an additional lifetime or two.

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