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Syldana banner
Syldana avatar


0 Following    1 Followers    28 Posts    59 Reviews    0 Fanfics    280 Profile Views

 Joined March 11, 2018

 My fate is to stagnate immersed in the muddy waters of the Styx


No fanfics posted yet.


My Struggle III 11x01

My Struggle III

My Strugle III 11X01
★ (1/5)
Review 11X11: Well after watching FINALLY this da...
This 11x02


11X02 This
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (5/5)
Review 11X02 During this episode, Glen Morgan se...
Plus One 11x03

Plus One

11X03 Plus one
★ ★ ★ (3/5)
Review 11X03: The plot at the center of this ep...
The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat 11x04

The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat

11X04 The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (5/5)
Review 11X04 Difficult to develop an opinion on...
Ghouli 11x05


11X05 Ghouli
★ ★ ★ ★ (4/5)
Review 5X11 Before the start of season 11, ...
Kitten 11x06


11X06 Kitten
★ ★ ★ ★ (4/5)
Review 11X06 I was expecting this episode w...
Rm9sbg93zxjz 11x07


11X07 Rm9sbG93ZXJz
★ ★ (2/5)
Serious even the title is boring ... Review 1...
Familiar 11x08


Familiar 11X08
★ ★ ★ ★ (4/5)
Review 11X08 Familiar a title consciously or un...
My Struggle IV 11x10

My Struggle IV

11X10 My struggle IV
★ (1/5)
Review 11X10 Unlike many fans, I have lived the...

My Seasons Ranked

season 11 Rank: 1

Season 11

★ ★ ★ (3.22/5)


No followings. yet.


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Gruic avatar


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