queequeg0925 on
Saturday October 14, 2017 12:00 am
Hm. I have a lot of episodes I don't really like, most are average at best but I'll give this a shot.
Season 1 is Jersey Devil, Space, Shapes, and Born Again
Season 2 is 3, Firewalker, Fearful Symmetry and The Calusari
Season 3 is 2Shy, Grotesque, Teso Dos Bichos
Season 4 is Teliko, The Field Where I Died, and El Mundo Gira
Season 5 isSchizogeny, Travelers and The Pine Bluff Variant
Season 6 is Terms of Endearment, Alpha and Trevor
Season 7 is Signs and Wonders, First Person Shooter and Theef
Season 8 is Invocation, Redrum, Surekill and Badlaa
Season 9 is Lord of the Flies, Hellbound and Underneath
Season 10 is Babylon and My Struggle II