Pike on
Monday June 4, 2018 04:54 am
Hello, I am of course ironic in my topic. But don't you think it deserves the award of one of the worst spin-offs? The only thing that was spinning during the rewatch of the series was my head. The series is so damn awful. I have yet to watch the second half of the series - I have only watched the first six episodes so far - but the quality is really, really bad. It is as if the producers took every great lessons from The X-Files and did the exact opposite:
- Bad acting (the atrocious Langley).
- Bad writing (the dialogue is usually painful and odd).
- The casting (the average trio and the models Eve and Jimmy...).
- The jokes are super, super bad (gas, poo, pee, falling on bananas and all the stupid clichés you would expect from a bad comedy).
- The music is horrible. I mean, really, really horrible. While I really enjoy and like the music of the opening credits and the usage of the electric guitar (making everything on the screen powerful), unfortunately Mark Snow over-utilizes his synthesizer to a point of making almost every single scene annoying.
- Sound effects. There are so-called funny sound clues every few minutes or so, as if we really needed those to understand where to laugh.
Before anyone tells me I'm wrong, here's a link from Time Magazine, who added the show in the worst 10 spin-offs:
Of course, this doesn't prove anything.
What's your view on this show?